Thursday, March 25, 2010

Peepers in the Springtime

One of my readers from Upstate NY wrote to me about one of her favorite first signs of spring:

"Just got back from walking the dogs (no poopy equipment required) through the wet and muddy (but finally snow free) fields to the pond in the woods and I heard the peepers!"

What is a peeper, you may ask? Well, check out the link and you will find them more correctly called Spring Peepers and they are little frogs which become a deafening chorus during the springtime.

And I too, listen for the peepers. We were out walking Makayla the other evening and stopped to listen to the chorus coming form the wetlands near our house. And after a long, cold, silent winter their joyous springtime chorus is a thrill to hear.

We here in Maryland have been blessed with their chorus now for almost two weeks.

As we were walking, we noticed how the houses in some places muffled their song--but you could still hear it coming from the wetland, if only you took the time to pause, and listen for it under the noise of the traffic on I-95.

It is so much fun to watch and hear the earth coming to life again after winter. To see the signs of rebirth everywhere--even in places one might not expect.

It just takes a bit of time--stop and look for the signs and listen for the sounds and then, allow yourself to be amazed.

It will make you smile, I'm sure of it!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Signs of Springtime in the Neighborhood

While walking Makayla last evening, after an exhausting racquetball match, I noticed a redbud tree in a neighbor's yard in full, magnificent bloom.

Sitting on a small hill, the redbud tree was the centerpiece of the front yard. It sat alone--in full bloom well ahead of its brethren in other yards, drawing attention to itself as if to say, "it is springtime, why aren't you in bloom?"

I wish I had me camera with me, but I do not routinely take it along while walking Makayla--having another thing in my hands just makes the clean-up process too difficult. But, it was a beauty and it underscored to me that spring is here.

And as the walk continued I began to notice the other, more subtle signs of spring. The crocus blooms the daffodil buds, and the occasional tulip leaves peaking up over the gardens. There were even hyacinths struggling up through the mulch in my garden.

It is amazing how in the span of two weeks we have gone from winter to spring. It is up to us to see the signs in order to appreciate and not overlook them in the hectic pace of life. They are there, if only we would "stop to smell the roses" so to speak.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Health Care for Whom? A Rant so Look Out!

Well they have done it--and many of them are happy. Our elected representatives.

The United States has continued down the slippery slope to becoming a state where individual initiative is discouraged and people are encouraged to depend upon the state for their well being and sustinence.

It is really demoralizing.

Here is what one of my readers wrote yesterday after my Monday Musing:

"I agree with your view on the health care bill. How come those of us who have worked hard and are some what successful are now asking ourselves why? Furthermore what do I say to my children and grandchildren? We have inspired our children to become the best they can and want to succeed. However, when I see what is happening should I be doing this? And why, does our administration continue to put other items in their bills to be passed? For instance in this health care bill, there was a measure involving student aid programs! Why? This should be a totally different bill! Correct? How can you vote for one and dismiss the other? Why is it that again, by passing this bill we who are somewhat successful, again, will be losing money! Government control of student aid. Sure it helps the Pell Grant system, but what about those people who have to turn to private loans (government back) like the Parent Plus Loan, to pay for our children to get an education, because we do not qualify for anything else!!!! Guess I need to save more - So what I am hearing is that the government wants total control, and you are not allow to make more then average, because if you do you will be punished!
I will still inspired my children and grandchildren to be the best they can be - maybe there is more to it then just making a successful living? "

Our society is rewarding those who do not desire to achieve. It is failing to recognize that it takes hard work to be successful and that the reward for hard work and risk taking is becoming more taxes and more burden--a disproportionately more burden.

I admit that I hate it every tax season when I discover that I am unable to deduct student loan interest and tuition.

Why are deductions based upon income. Taxes already increase for higher incomes--and removing deductions is an insidious way to further increase the overall tax bite when compared to other Americans. While hiding it.

And now--much like the centrist movement in the schools which seeks to cause kids not to want to achieve because they are different, the incentives to take risk and to succeed are being removed by a government, that while it is supposed to be "We the people," is rapidly becoming "We the disadvantaged."

and so that is my rant for today!

My health care is not going to improve, but my tax burden for paying for everyone else will definitely increase.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday Musings - March 22, 2010

1. It is finally officially Spring and the weather has been cooperating with temperatures above normal calling us outdoors to work and play. What a change from just a couple of months ago. The outlook for the week is rainy and cool--but only one day with low temperatures below 40.

2. As I write this morning. I realize that I now live in a country with universal health care due to the Congress ramming it through last night. Why don't I feel any better about it and worry that the quality of the care I receive will only decline?

3. Yesterday was a celebration for and dedication of Lucas. We all met a church for the dedication and then back to the house for an incredibly good pasta meal.

4. "One more ride on the tractor!" Spoken in unison by two grandsons yesterday--at least 10 times. How soon the speed of the tractor will seem too slow for them both.

5. In reviewing some of the provisions of the new health care bill, I see again that our society is perpetuating something that I have seen in our schools--a negative view of those who are successful. Every time there is new legislation that needs funding there seems to be an increased tax burden for the wealthy--which is loosely defined as families making more than $250,000 per year. Where is the incentive to do your best and succeed? Where did the idea of getting something for nothing come from? The desire to obtain votes? Who is voting for this?

6. The grass in the yard is green and growing. I am on schedule to mow for the first time before the end of the month!

7. Another week is upon me--with its challenges and excitement.

8. Syracuse and Cornell both in the NCAA Men's Basketball Sweet Sixteen. Now there is a truly great accomplishment for Central New York. What color do you get when the orange mix it up with the big red? Could happen!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Springtime Celebration

So there we were last evening.

Enjoying the first evening of Spring by having dinner on the pool deck under the darkening evening sky. Steaks that were a bit over cooked and a nice bottle of wine were on the table as we reflected on the day.

We had the propane heated going to help us to enjoy the evening and not be too cold. Watching the dog and the cat wander around the pool area. We also had music blaring on the radio kind of as a foretaste of the celebrations to come this summer.

Talking about the day and the hard work we did to get the house ready for the coming season. And to make everything look good. Removing the dead branches and plants and replacing them with new life. Pruning our lives too of the dead pieces left over from the winter.

The grass is already green and our lawn service has put down the first treatment of the year to make it green so I have to mow it more.

It was nice to look into the darkening sky and to see the stars through the trees which soon will be clothed in green leaves. And to imagine forward into the summer and splashing on the pool.

What a great ending to the first day of a new season!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

How Can You Tell it is Spring?

We had a growing pile of limbs and tree related refuse sitting off the yard in the woods. We were going to rent a chipper last year to get rid of it. But with the rain and the summer we never quite got to it.

Well in penance for that travesty I have been sitting in a huge line of vehicles for the last 30 minutes waiting to access the landfill to drop the stuff off. The first of probably two runs that will be required. My truck is full to overloaded.

My trusty dog is at my side and she keeps looking at me wondering why we are not going anywhere.

It appears everyone in Howard County has the same idea. And so we are all idling here and getting frustrated about not getting anything done.

The vehicles are all loaded full with broken trees and limbs which will be recycled into mulch.

But right now we are trapped in a line more suited for leaving a parking lot after a sporting event.

Without the thrill of victory. Just the waiting for my turn.

Bob Doan
Elkridge, MD
Sent from My Blackberry

Cars and Relationships

You don't really think about them--cars, that is, until they break.

For instance, we just go out, get in, turn the key and expect them to start and take us safely where we want to go.

But what happens when the second most expensive purchase we make decides not to work?


We went through the accident/broken car situation with Patrick and Tina a few months back and now it is our turn--the Lexus navigation system decided to break. And the Lexus dealer had it for three days. Lexus is great in that we get a loaner. But still--waiting to spend large sums of money at the car dealer! How much fun is that!

But is really makes you appreciate when vehicles work and redouble efforts to do preventive maintenance.

Kinda like relationships. Sometimes you don't really think about them until they get broken and need repair.

It would be a lot better if we took time to care for and do preventive maintenance on our relationships--just like we do for our cars.

Hmm. An interesting thought. Maybe go out to dinner or a show or a ballgame, just because! Reconnect, much like an oil change for relationships.

I'll have to give it a try.

Friday, March 19, 2010

He Got It Right!

This week I heard something in church that one doesn't often hear being uttered from the minister's mouth.

"He got it right!" And I was in shock. Really. Because we, humans, never get it right. It is just the way we are.

Of course, the one who got it right was Job--my old friend and it was no one other than God who made the statement that Job got it right! Wow--

Check this out:

After the Lord had spoken these things to Job, he said to Eliphaz the Temanite, “My anger is stirred up against you and your two friends, because you have not spoken about me what is right, as my servant Job has. (Job 42:7 - NET Bible)

Job's friends, who were trying to give him advice had it all wrong--and God told them so in no uncertain terms.

The lesson here?

When your friends start preaching to you about what they think God would want you to do/believe. Don't listen. Be true and honest with yourself and God. That's what he wants. It is OK to be bewildered, frustrated, mad, grief striken--just be honest in your heart!

Sometimes bad things happen for no reason at all!

It is how we respond that is important to our relationship with God.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

For the Love of My Dog--Keeping Life in Perspective

I had a really humorous thought this morning as I was walking Makayla in the darkness which is now upon me as a result of Daylight Savings Time.

There I was--as my beloved keeshond Makayla was happily running up the drive to my neighbors yard to do her morning bowel movement (a/k/a poop).

I just know she waits all morning for this moment--as I eat and get ready for work. She knows that the last thing I do is take her out for this quick walk--and she is always quick. I usually pick-up my newspaper at the same time--but the paper person has been very unreliable lately--so no paper at the end of the drive.

Makalya runs into the neighbors lawn and squats--as she does every morning--only it was really dark. I was looking intently at the spot on the ground as I opened the doggie poop bag in preparation to clean the spot. As she moved away I realized that the only way I was going to be able to find the poop was by its warmth. Yuck!

And so I did--my hand went down pretty close to the spot, but nonetheless, I was reduced to finding and removing her poop not by sight or smell--but by the feel of the warmth.

We used to have a small flashlight on the end of the leash--but it broke some time ago. And with all of the snow--it was relatively easy to find the dark poop on the white snow--so the flashlight wasn't replaced. And even after the snow melted, the dawn was close enough at 6:15am that the light in the sky was enough to identify the spot of the foul.

But not now! And especially when she goes in a location where the spotlight on the neighbor's house does not reach.

I am reduced to finding and retrieving my dog's poop by feel.

And I laughed at the humor of it all. Here I am humbled by cleaning up Makayla's poop just before climbing into my car and motoring away, dressed in my sport coat and power tie ready to for work.

Just keeping it all in perspective!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Government Adrift

I hate to do it--but I have an axe to grind this morning. With our elected representatives.

And the first is with Congress---yes our U.S. Congress which is so embattled with trying to salvage an ill-advised health care situation that the business of running the country is failing.

The second is with the Maryland legislature which has been bought off by the liquor lobby and is poised not to act on wine shipping bills which are supported by the people of the State of Maryland and over half the delegates and senators in the state.

Bottom line: Our governments are out of touch with the electorate.

Most of the the people I know do not want "big" government health care and frankly are scared by it. What program has the government ever run well?

And most of the people in Maryland want to be able to ship wine to their houses off the Internet and to become members of wine clubs. We can ship guns, but we can't ship wine? Go figure. And it is the liquor lobby that is standing in the way promoting Abolitionist Era laws that are out of touch with reality.

For Congress--the representatives and senators are walking a very fine line of legality as compared with the Constitution of the United States. A bill may actually be enacted which has not been ratified by both houses of Congress. All through slight of hand! The Director of the Stanford Law School's Constitutional Law Center quoted in this morning's Washington post said "I feel pretty confident it is unconstitutional. What a court would do about it is a murkier problem."

These are exciting times. And frustrating times. At one level of government, they are not acting on legislation that the people want and at the other, they are enacting legislation that few people want!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

March Madness

Yes--it is that time of year.

Fill out the brackets and take on the challenge of calling as many of the 63 (64 if you count the play-in) games in the NCAA tournament as possible and of course--select the next NCAA Men's Basketball National Champion!

Go Cornell! Well I do have them losing in the second round, but I believe they will pull off the magical 5-12 first round upset over Temple.

Even more importantly are Syracuse and Maryland--both back in good form for the tournament with Syracuse as a number 1 seed and Maryland a number 4. Sadly, I have Maryland losing to Kansas in the Sweet Sixteen--but hey, Kansas is a number 1 seed (although I almost picked Maryland in an upset).

March is such a great month for sports. The madness, the NHL is winding down and getting ready for the playoffs, and spring baseball training just oozes springtime and a fresh start for the Orioles.

So who are my final four? Georgetown, West Virginia, Syracuse and Duke. And I have Syracuse defeating Duke 89-86 to win the national championship! Yeah--I know, I'm dreaming. The professional bracket analyzer says that I have a 10.7 percent chance of being correct in predicting that Syracuse will be the next national champion--but hey, so what. It is all in good fun.

And that, of course, is why they call it March Madness!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday Musings - March 15, 2010

1. It is the Ides of March--Et tu, Brute?

2. The tax man cometh--a mere 31 days from today. It is our annual time to pay for our government. Some people look forward to getting a refund--what an interesting way to make people believe that taxes are painless, withhold too much from their pay and then give it back (without interest) to make them believe they are getting something for nothing!

3. We have fallen back into the days of darkness--thank you DST! No wonder I feel terrible and sleep deprived this morning.

4. I did it last week--I had a small respite from bad weather and was able to project forward into the summertime fun. It is amazing how flexible we are with our minds to be able to project into the future and see it as we want to see it--the hard part is then to make the future a reality. That is the part most people miss.

5. Yesterday I had the pleasure of following a two-year old through the Jump Zone in Columbia at a birthday party. Wow--did he have fun. He had so much fun I was exhausted when he was done! All-in-all it was a great way to spend the afternoon and have some great grandpa time with two of my grandsons.

6. Bad gloomy weather really gets me down. Sunshine, on the other hand, lifts my spirits.

7. Friday night, we went to see Tom Rush a folk singer who was playing in Annapolis. It was a great evening with friends and good music and reminded me that I enjoy getting out every so often to enjoy the arts and especially some good music.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Saturday Downpour Drowns Outdoors Initiative

What does one do on another too wet Saturday?

It seems there is more than enough to keep busy with and much of it involves being places outside the home even though at times the rain was falling so hard that driving was a bit dicey.

Let's begin with the second most exciting part of the day--I saw my first earthworm of the season. Now I know many people look for the robins, but we have been besieged with a whole flock of robins all winter--so seeing an earthworm making its way across the driveway yesterday was truly an event to note.

OK, so I'm a bit boring because I get excited about earthworms.

Of course with the rain, there was no way to continue the winter yard clean up and I tried not to even think about it by staying away from The Hope Depot and Lowe's.

But there was a trip to the mall--to exchange some clothes and wander around. I soothed my need to buy something by buying a new pen. Since it was early, not too many people had decided to venture out--so the mall was relatively pleasant. The mistake though was going from the mall to Costgo at about noon. It should have been declared a federal disaster area. I'm amazed how poorly people drive in the rain--drive first and worry about getting wet second! Seems they forget that they are dry in the car. And loading groceries in the rain should be a new Olympic sport.

And then it happened! The climate control system in the Lexus ceased functioning! In the rain and in the parking lot. Ugh! Fortunately the vehicle was and is driveable.

I spent much of the rest of the afternoon in the rain and then in the garage looking for a blown fuse or something I could repair to avoid a trip to the Lexus dealer--to no avail. It's going to have to go. And since Lexus is just a glorified Toyota--who knows what the damage is ultimately going to be. $$$

And as the rain continued to make me more depressed--I decided to work on the taxes and get them closer to being ready for submission.

Thankfully we were going to some friends house for wine and food to overcome the depression that the taxes started to send me into! Ugh. I don't look at the refund/pay line--but rather the overall tax bite. Ouch! I'd rather be swimming with sharks. I'd have a better chance to come out alive.

But the evening with friends, good food and wine was the best part of the day and successfully erased the memories of the rain and gloom. I enjoy talking sports--especially Orioles baseball with my friends and trying to determine if we agree with Baseball America's assessment that the O's will win 79 games this year. I'm still believing for 82!

So this morning the rain has stopped--and we are beginning the process of drying out. Now we can do it all over again.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Call it a Heatwave

Since Monday--(or early Tuesday morning) the temperatures here in Maryland near the Chesapeake Bay have been moderate and believe it or not--above freezing!!!

Most of the snow is gone--although some huge piles remain if you know where to look.

It is clear that Springtime had descended upon us and that although we expect at least one more big wintery assault, the time for this to actually occur is reduced day by day.

We have seen temperatures in the 60's which have us rejoicing and longing for 70's. I even cooked out on the grill the other evening--without a coat on. I actually cook out all winter, but it was nice to sip my one allotted evening glass of wine and look into the trees and deepening night sky without feeling like I was going to develop hypothermia.

And I can smile--because I apparently have survived another cycle.

Today though--rain and gloom. But good weather is out there, somewhere.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Things People Say That Make You Wonder

Every so often a phrase comes out wrong but is so true.

For instance consider this:

"I have created a problem where there was none. My job is done here." Now consider if this was a news report about another session in Congress regarding health care, or the Maryland legislature about anything. How true it would be.

I have heard other such phrases over time, but cannot remember them. But they usually rank up there with those timeless ones like:

Creating a mountain out of a molehill --one of my personal favorites and it seems to happen more and more.

Or when I was on a traveling inspection and compliance team while I was in the Air Force--the two great phrases:

We would say: We're here to help and they would respond: We're happy to see you!

Or back in the days of corporal punishment when a father would say to his disobedient son just before the belt or cat-o-nine tails hit his bottom: This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you! Really? Then what's the use, I always wondered. Oh, maybe I wasn't supposed to admit being THAT son!

Oh well, I know there are a lot more of these kind of phrases, but----

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Top Down and Hair not-so on Fire

Tuesday was an awesome afternoon here. Everyone was talking at work about how great the weather was--outside.

Me--I had a late meeting that didn't end until about 4:30, so I couldn't even give into my developing case of Spring Fever and blow the popcorn stand to go outside and enjoy the weather.

But--as I hit the parking lot and noticed the great weather I did something that I have wished that I could do for years but never had the capability to do--I put the top down on Cat and decided to drive home and enjoy the sunshine and the pre-Spring day. Yes, the picture is from when I brought the car home and all of the snow is gone now--but you get the idea.

Wow--all of the snow--except for one pile along the fence is gone--we are making progress.

It was awesome. I turned the heat up to high, and left the windows up to keep the wind off me and enjoyed a great ride home in the afternoon 62 degree or so sunlight.

So how badly do I want it to be warmer? Pretty badly! It was a pretty sedate ride home--but I was already thinking of July and driving to Florida and stopping alongside I-95 to put the top up for the oncoming rainstorm in the sultry 95 degree heat and 95 percent humidity of the Dog Days of summer. I can smell it even as I write it--bring it on!!!!

Hey--the snow is gone, mostly and that is a start.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Sunlight in my Eyes

I had to put my sun glasses on for the ride into work yesterday.

It was awesome. Forty-some degrees, clear blue sky and sun! Yeah. It is rare when I get to drive to work in daylight and enjoy seeing the world as it comes to life.

I have always enjoyed the dawn--and watching the world shake off the slumber from the night and come to life in the light of the sun.

We have had a lot of dark and rainy/snowy days lately and according to the weather forecasters there are more on the way. So I really appreciate the opportunity to drive to work with the sun in my eyes and a blue sky above me.

It is too bad that it all goes away next week as we shift into daylight savings time. I will return to driving to work in the dark. I'm not sure having more daylight in the evening is a good trade off. I can enjoy the added sunlight in the morning just as much as in the evening.

Perhaps we should encourage people to get up earlier rather than to stay up later! The amount of usable sunlight will be the same per day regardless of DST--of course the actual amount of sunlight varies from day-to-day anyway and actually peaks in late June at the summer solstice.

Oh well--the government knows best, right?

Walk outside and turn your face to the sun and feel the warm rays on your face. It will make you feel better all over.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

As the Weeks Roll By

The pace of life seemingly has quickened. Both at work and at home. It seems that the days already are growing too short to accommodate all of the actions and tasks that need to be done. And summer isn't even here yet.


When last we left the bright sunny day--the grasses had been cut in anticipation of the new growth of springtime and the yard was not yet green to its full up color after having been in slumber under the snow for the past two months.

But it is there--I am sure of it. And when it comes along--we will be ready. I usually do my first lawn mowing during March and I am sure that this month will be no different from those past--just the cutting may be a bit delayed.

I smile a bit when I look at the outdoor propane heater (in the picture). Its top is tilted as a result of the weight of the snow. More repair work.

But yesterday, I almost put to top down on Cat for the drive home from work. The temperature was showing 61 degrees on the thermometer, what was I waiting for? 70?

Springtime is a celebration--of life and of rebirth. It is also the time we clean up the mess left behind by the winter and correspondingly the messes in our lives that we made during the dark season. We can be reborn with the new season and revitalize our activity. I'm all for that.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday Musings - March 8, 2010

1. Springtime was in the air this weekend and we began the long process of recovering the yards and gardens from the storms--it was very satisfying.

2. Jax the miracle baby turned 2 this weekend! And a huge party yesterday was thrown in his honor. I guess we have all become advocates for testing for TAPVR in the hospitals.

3. On the way to the party yesterday, we stopped at the local pet store to buy a party dress for Nicole's now dog, Florence. How funny was that. Sopping wet she may weigh three pounds. But, she is cute.

4. Makayla got her first ride in the new Cat. She did pretty good in the back seat. Makayla likes to ride in front on top of the driver--so that was a bit if an adjustment for her.

5. It really amazes me how the weather can go from really cold to nice in a short time.

6. There is still snow on the ground--but the size of the piles is decreasing with increasing rapidity.

7. I am still amazed that the tulips and daffodils are pushing up under the snow. I wonder how they know spring is coming?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

First Signs of Spring

Well--Saturday was one of those days we wait all winter for--we saw that Springtime is coming. We saw the first signs of Springtime flowers in the yard right next to the piles of snow.

We made three trips to the dump to get rid of trees that were damaged by the storms. Then we got the grasses around the pool cut back for springtime as well.

Actual yard work--even though there is still snow on the ground.

It was awesome even though a bit cold.

We lost three trees as a result of the heavy snow and high winds--so starting up the chain saw was exciting. It worked--but I had a real problem getting the chain tension right probably because of the cold. The saw made quick work of the trees and it took three trips to take them to the dump--actually the recycling part of the dump to rid ourselves of them.

But the highlight of the day was finding that underneath the mounds of snow--Springtime was alive and well.

We did spread some of the snow around to help it melt faster--but there is still a six foot high pile near the middle of the driveway.

All in all--we'll call this the first day of Spring! Just because we can.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Spring, Baseball, and Warmer Temperatures

I have already watched two Spring Training baseball games and listened to a third on the radio. Hard to believe--and only one of them was an Orioles game. I'm hopeless. I'm just happy that baseball is back.

And this weekend--we are going to see some actual Spring-like temperatures. It is so hard to believe but we are rapidly leaving winter behind.

Daylight Savings Time even begins in a week--can you believe it? Yes at 2AM on March 14th! Bet it's creeping up on you and you didn't even realize it.

There is still snow in my yard.

But I did get my new hedge trimmer? So I'm ready for Spring yard work!

And day 2 with Lucas went fine--he is the cutest kid out there.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Grandfather - Other Duties as Assigned

I took yesterday off from work to spend the day with Lucas. Yes, I was the babysitter.

It was a very different day from most that I enjoy. It started off as a normal Thursday on the racquetball court at 0530 playing three very uninspiring games and being totally dominated by the guy I was playing.

Then a quick stop at home for breakfast and off to spend the day with the youngest grandson.

I have to admit--I have not spent much alone time with Lucas as he is usually surrounded by a myriad of doting people. I had held him a couple of times--but surrendered him up when others around me had that "I need to hold the baby" look in their eyes. So I was looking forward to some one-on-one time with Lucas.

He did not disappoint. He is a real snuggle down and sleep kind of guy--which I like. The day revolved around a cycle consisting of diaper change, feed, burp, check out the world for a bit and then sleep; which we repeated three times.

I admit, I do enjoy napping with a baby cradled in my arm or on my chest on the sofa. I think that's why as we get older we like lap dogs--to try to recreate the warmth and memory of holding a peacefully sleeping child. So for me it was a pretty quiet restful day.

I did discover something important though--there is nothing of value on daytime TV. I would up watching old news on the NHL channel and ESPN Sportscenter most of the day until the baseball Spring training games began at 1PM. But the only game on was the Mets and Cardinals. But--it was baseball and the game ended with a football score of 17-11 Mets. I did get to see some plays happen that I remember coaching my Little League teams how to avoid many years ago. I especialyl liked the two-out pop-up that fell between the first baseman and catcher that wound up as a two-run single instead of an inning ending out.

I'm going back later today for day two on the Lucas front and I have to say I'm looking forward to it. Especially since I know more about what I'm going to be facing. And of course--the afternoon nap with Lucas will be the highlight!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Change of Pace--Think SPRING!

So I've been so totally preoccupied with the incredibly long and severe winter we have been having this year, that I have been forgetting to project forward to happier and sunnier times.

Like this weekend.

Amazingly, the weather for Saturday is projected to be in the 50's and sunny and clear! I may even take 'Cat" out for a spin. I think I've decided to name the new car, "Cat" and that way I have a Kitty and a Cat.

But as for the weekend--and the present. We are not far away from actually beginning the Springtime chores. I think this weekend we are going to try to clean up some of the winter storm debris--including downed trees and branches. I mean, 50 degrees is a veritable heat wave considering where we've been hovering in terms of temperatures.

I can almost smell the flowers blooming in my mind. And then it's back onto the antihistamines to keep breathing!

But the promise of a nice weekend is just so encouraging. I am actually looking forward to, rather than resigning myself to, the weekend. It is too bad the yard will still be so wet from the snow melt. But--we'll make a little mud and still get stuff done. I think I need a new tool--like a cordless hedge trimmer! And I need cordless because last year Chris tried to electrocute me as she tried to cut the electric cord with the trimmer and I was holding the electric cord--it was pretty scary!

Yeah--I'll buy a new tool--that always makes me happy! And an outdoor tool at that!

By the way--Spring Training games began yesterday for the O's.

AND--51 days from today is the tentatively scheduled annual pool opening weekend event!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My Dog is an Awesome Dog

What a greeting.

As Chris and I stumbled through the door about 1AM Monday morning after being gone all weekend, our dog, Makayla, provided us with a greeting that was as enthusiastic as any I have ever had.

It was clear that she was happy that we had returned. And it warmed my heart that she was so expressive.

I always feel bad when we are away for an extended time and cannot take her with us. She likes to be with us and to travel with us. As I put my coat on to go out the door on any given day, she is there waiting for me to say the magical word: "roadtrip" which she knows means she is going with us.

I would love to take her with us everywhere--but that is not practical, unfortunately.

She is definitely my best buddy--especially when Chris is out and I am alone at home.
And her greeting reinforced to me that she sees me as her best buddy, too.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

People on the Plane You Meet

Having the opportunity to fly to and from Houston this past weekend reminded me of the joys (I am being facetious here) of flying.

Of course we all know that it isn't any fun to fly anymore--between the preflight screening, the undressing in public to get through security, and then being crammed into a long cylindrical airframe like so many sardines in a can--it just is not something I look forward to anymore.

I like being there--I just don't appreciate getting there.

But--on our return flight from Houston, actually it was the leg from Chicago to Washington, DC, I was confronted with an really interesting individual seated across the aisle from me. After I had slept for about an hour as it was late at night, this person decided the entire aircraft needed to start shouting U-S-A, U-S-A at the top of their lungs.

She was loud. And she just couldn't understand why, at 11PM after a long day, people wanted to sleep more than cheer about a losing hockey effort. For some reason she felt that I needed to help her in the cheer and she even hit my arm trying to enlist my aid. OK--I was appalled that she crossed over into my interpersonal zone.

I did an interesting thing--I decided to ignore her. Which was hard. But I was tired and just waking up after a not-so-restful snooze.

I couldn't tell if she had too much to drink or had some other problem, but after the entire plane ignored her cheer--and she tried about six times; she began sobbing. Loudly. She was distressed that she had been dissed in her socially unacceptable behavior. The cabin crew offered her some aid to dry her tears as the plane was beginning the process of landing and she could not go to the lavatory to self-correct.

I heard her subsequently talking under her breath but loudly enough for me to hear that she had never been treated so poorly on a flight in her life.

I felt bad for her--and I still couldn't tell whether this was an alcohol induced situation or a mental situation.

The problem was ultimately solved by landing and deplaning. But I wonder--had the flight been one of those long 14 hour flights I've been on in the past, what would have happened.

It is always amazing the people you meet or interact with on the airplane. I wonder if she even remembered what happened the next morning.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Monday Musings - March 1, 2010

1. Yesterday, I was in Fulshear, Texas at my sister's enjoying lunch outside on the patio in my shirt sleeves. Today, I'm back in the cold looking at snow and the forecast of snow and wondering--why do I live so far north?

2. Air travel gets more and more complicated and difficult. Getting through the pre-flight screening is an art form. And sometimes I feel as if I have to completely redress after I've taken off anything contain metal to go through the scanners. This trip, I found out that my watch now sets the scanners off. Ugh!

3. Sitting outside looking as the clear, blue sky feeling the warm sun on my face was fantastic. Looking out at the trees beginning to clothe themselves in green was nice too. Realizing that it is coming to a place where I live? Priceless!

4. Canada--US hockey. We lost. But then again we won. And I am glad the Olympics are over. It was pretty scary when I got excited about women's curling between Sweden and Canada.

5. I received a greeting from my dog, Makayla, this morning that made me feel real good. She was ecstatic about our return.

6. Traffic around the Washington, DC metro area is not too bad at midnight on a Sunday night. We made it home from Dulles International Airport in 45 minutes. During the day the drive averages an hour and fifteen minutes. At rush hour--it can take three-hours.

7. Spring is coming. Really!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunshine and Warmth

I've been sitting on the patio deck in the sun all morning at my sister's house trying to convince myself that returning to the frozen wastelands of the north is something I have to do despite not wanting to do it at all.

It is 41 degrees in Elkridge and 63 degrees here in Fulshear, Texas. And in the sun it is a lot warmer.

It is so nice not to have to bundle up excessively just to go outside.

The sky is blue and clear--the sun is warm.

I was looking out across the yard into the greening trees which are budding in response to the warm weather wondering how many more weeks of winter that woodlands weather forecaster from PA forecast for us.

It sure can't be too many more though.

We need to enjoy where we are and prepare for where we are going warmed by the taste of the warming trends which will soon be upon us.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sunny and Warm

A weekend away from the snow and cold is awesome.

Yes it is. So the travel complications of yesterday were definitely worthwhile. I am sitting outside in the sun in a shirt not encumbered by layers of heavy coats and clothing.

I am looking into the future as springtime is beginning to arrive all around me and it is not a dream. It is real.

The sun is warm. The breeze is cool and I am thoroughly enjoying the respite from Maryland.

Can tell its early springtime because the trees are still without leaves, but I can see the light green hue of new leaf growth on some of them.

Despite the snow I left behind in Maryland, I know we are only a few short weeks behind what I am enjoying here in Texas. I have seen the robins already at home, although it seems as if they never left.

The warmth of the sun is intoxicating. I wish I could get a tan, but I will settle for the warmth on my face.

Bob Doan
Elkridge, MD
Sent from My Blackberry

Friday, February 26, 2010

Flexibility: The Joy of Flying

The phone rang last evening about 9pm as we were watching a movie during the final stages of packing in preparation for heading off to Houston. Our flight was canceled.

And so it began. What to do? Bag the trip? But we really wanted to go.

So I called Southwest since the online website was of no help. I heard the recording that there was between a one and one-and-a-half hour wait to speak to a representative. In for a penny, in for a pound I thought as I put the phone on speaker and settled down for the long haul.

Surprisingly, after about 10 minutes I was able to talk to someone who was most helpful in rebooking us. Except that we would have to fly out of Dulles--an hour drive away and a 0725am flight all meaning about a 0415am departure. You do the math. Ugh.

But here I am sitting on my flight to Chicago to connect to a flight for Houston. All by 0800am.

The sun is shining up here at 35000 feet and the ride is smooth. And we are on our way.

Flexibility. The ability to overcome, change plans, and turn lemons into lemonade. That never say die attitude has worked for me a lot. Even when I play racquetball and am losing 14-1 I never quit. I only need one point at a time. Today we only need one flight at a time.

So despite my initial thought of just canceling, we are on our way. Whether all of the crazy connections we try to pull off will work still remains to be seen. But at least we are still in the game and not sulking on the sidelines.

It's 4th down and 99 yards to go for the win with only seconds left on the clock. Put me in coach-we can do it!

See you in Houston for wine this afternoon!

Bob Doan
Elkridge, MD
Sent from My Blackberry

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Snow fizzler and Olympic Hockey

I woke up this morning anticipating the worst weather possible--and at a minimum having to shovel the driveway.

But it seems that Maryland was spared, so far, and places like Upstate NY are going to get hammered as a result.

Frankly--we deserved the break. I think we have enough snow, although much of it is about gone.

On to other stuff though---

Being the huge hockey fan that I am, I just have to make a comment about last nights Canadian blow out of the Russian hockey team. Wow! Did someone forget to tell the Russians what time the game started?

I'm really hoping that the gold medal game is US vs Canada in a rematch! Although the US team did not look all that good against Switzerland, remember that the Swiss team took the Canadians to a shoot out when they played. And the US had to play the Swiss team twice.

But I'm beginning to look ahead a bit I guess. First up for the US team to get to the gold medal round is going to be the Fins who I think were the number three seed entering the tournament after Russia and Canada.

What are we all going to do after the Olympics?

Oh yeah--it's baseball season and the Spring Training games will be getting into full swing. AND there are six more weeks to the regular hockey season followed by three months of playoffs before the Penguins are crowned back-to-back Stanley Cup Champions!

And flowers and blossoms and grass to mow and pools to open. Soon!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Snow and Panic

And so the regional panic of the record setting snowfall continues today.

It is expected to snow later this evening and there is panic in the streets as people rush to the stores to obtain supplies in case the storm changes and smashes us with feet instead of inches of snow.

I have to admit--my new cat is safely in the garage isolated form this terrible forecast.

In jeopardy--my weekend trip to warmer climates: Houston for the biggest birthday bash ever thrown in the family!!

Will Southwest cancel my flight on Friday?

Will I get a refund if they do, or just a credit?

Why is this so hard?

And yet the snow (from inches to feet) is still coming and the frustrating thing is that we hope for the best, but must plan for the worst!

My question--will this winter ever end and let us get on with the rest of our lives? I want to go out and dig in my gardens and see the crocus and daffodils get us on the path of springtime.

Around the Sunday Dinner Table

Of all of the really cool things that we do as a family, one of the coolest is having Sunday dinner together. It seems that we all get together many Sunday's to celebrate family and life.

Last Sunday, we gathered around the dinner table and it was really special because Mom and Dad were there and all of the family was there--all of the sons, and daughters and grandsons (we haven't any grand daughters, yet). It is rare that "everyone" is there and I wondered about how we all happened to be in that place at the same time.

But as I looked around the table and listened to the myriad of conversations, I realized that I was blessed. And that we all were blessed.

Four generations sat around that table--and were together for an all too short afternoon.

Yes--it was loud and sometimes frustrating. But the memory of it is good.

It was truly special.

So was the pasta that Chris made--it was all gone by the end of dinner and we usually have leftovers for lunch!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Azul 17 - Restaurant Review

Saturday night we wanted to go out to dinner to some place different. So we spun up the I-pod application for places to eat and decided on Mexican and then came upon Azul 17. A place in Columbia that we had never heard of, much less visited.

This place is not to be missed. It bills itself as a Mexican cuisine and tequila lounge---and it truly is.

The food was upscale and well prepared. The service was fantastic and the atmosphere was not your classic Mexican taco-bar dive. Azul-17 truly is a nice place to take friends and visitors for a true dining experience. The atmosphere is very professional and elegant and the service was outstanding.

The restaurant is located off Snowden river Parkway in Columbia is a small plaza with somewhat limited parking. But it is well worth the effort to go there.

Before dinner, we had the guacamole made at the table. It was very tasty and spiced exactly the way we desired it to be. For dinner I enjoyed the Carnitas Patria which is listed as consisting of roasted pork sautéed until crispy with a trio of bell peppers & onions served with boniato mash over a black bean chorizo broth. It was fabulous and served in a most attractive manner.

The margarita that Chris has with her dinner was equally fabulous and one of the smoothest margaritas that I have tasted.

RECOMMENDATION: This is a place to experience and enjoy on multiple occasions. I will be going back for more, soon!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday Musings - February 22, 2010

1. The snow on the ground remains and it is really keeping us all inside. Look out springtime when the snow begins to melt. How can it still be hanging around?

2. The family wanted a ride in my car today--so we did a lot of riding around. The funniest was when the boys wanted to ride with the top down in the 48 degree weather. We got some pretty funny looks.

3. Makayla loves it when Ben comes over. She sleeps really well after playing hard.

4. Two small boys can really turn a lot of buttons in a car when left unattended.

5. As we sat at the table Sunday, it was really cool that we had four generations in attendance. That does not happen very often. And it was really cool to have everyone around the table.

6. The Olympics are a lot of fun to watch--so many people showcasing their years of dedication and training. And the US team is doing very well, too.

7. Hockey has become such an international sport I don't know whether to root for the U.S. team, the Canadian team, or the Russian team--there are Penguins on all of them! Alright, I'm not going to root for the Russians--no way, no how! And as it turns out--no matter who is on the ice when Team USA is out there--I'm rooting for team USA--U-S-A, U-S-A. BTW, it must have worked because the Team USA upset Team Canada 5-3!

8. The entire region is rejoicing that the expected storm on Monday is going to be rain and not snow! Just say no, to snow!

9. I am still amazed by the thought that in about 60 days or so, I will be opening the pool for the season! Mmmmm--the thought of lounging on a floatie with a beer in my hand just warms me all the way to my toes.

10. BTW--Baseball Spring training is underway. They are not bothered by the snow.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Just say no to snow

I called for Aloha Friday at work on Friday. Turns out I was pretty much alone in wearing an aloha shirt.

Oh well it made me a bit warmer.

I did hear a humorous story about another guy who wore a very bright aloha shirt . He was asked about it, and responded: "Just say no, to snow!"

It is all about the state of mind.

Even with the threat of more snow on the way--we need to remember that how we respond to what is going on around us is something that we can control.

So despite the snow--we can choose not to get in that snowbound state of mind.

So from a practical standpoint--even though the snow may be falling from the sky faster that we can even imagine, we can choose not to let it drive us crazy.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Before Cell Phones--How Did We Ever Do It?

A not so amusing return to life before cell phones (B.C.?) occurred in our family the other evening.

It reminded me how dependent we are on these little boxes that I could only dream of having when I was reading Dick Tracy comics as a kid. My how science fiction has become reality. And are we ever hooked!

I was at home, beginning work on the taxes (yes, it is tax season) when the home phone rings--it is Chris with an immediate invite to dinner at a restaurant in the mall with her, Nicole and the boys. So I quickly clean up the tax mess and charge out the door--forgetting the cell phone. Without knowing it, I hd traveled through a time warp into the days B.C.

And boy, did I pay for that.

I got stuck in rush hour traffic and wanted to call Chris to tell her--that is when I realized I was without the critical piece of technology which keeps us all in touch. I worried, but continued on my journey. After all--how difficult could this be--we were meeting at a known place.


I arrived at the mall and jockeyed for a parking place. Speeding into the the restaurant, I told the greeters that I was meeting someone and sped past--knowing that I was late.

Guess what I found upon searching the whole place? Chris, Nicole and the boys were NOT there! What happened I wondered. If only I had my cell to call them. But no, I was stuck in time B.C.

I waited a bit and wandered to the last known location where they had been--when Chris had called. Not there!

I wandered around a bit looking for them and began wondering if something had happened and plans had changed or if the boys were too tired to go out or something. All good questions--but with no way to obtain an answer.

Ugh! So I got a bit upset--at myself, at Chris, at the situation, at life, at traffic, at mall parking, at my truck (because I still can't drive my new cat because of the weather).

I decided the only good play was to return home to find the answers. In this case--home is about a 10 minute drive. In traffic--15 minutes.

So off I sped.

My blood pressure was rising to stroke levels because of the situation. I was B.C. in a big way.

As I returned home and walked through the door--the phone was ringing. It was Chris--she said--"where are you? We are at the restaurant." I know I unleashed a string of fairly vile words at that point because the phone went silent--I think I was burning out a transistor or a capacitor or something.

Because we've been married almost 35 years--Chris waited for the fire storm of emotion and frustration to subside a bit and calmly reinvited me to dinner with the words--"so what do you want to do?"

I was hungry by now. I decided to return to the mall for dinner--with my cell. I didn't want to be in the time of B.C. anymore.

I hopped back into my truck and realized that since they were at the restaurant, they would be waiting to order--and with two smallish children--that was problematic. So I grabbed my cell and called my order in to Chris. My beer was waiting for me when I got there and dinner was served with everyone else's.

I had a great dinner sitting next to my best bud-Jax. Much more relaxed now that I was back in the present day with my cell in my pocket--and fully connected to the world and my life.

I never want to be in the time B.C. again! I don't know how we ever did it.

And back then we only had one car, too! But that is a story for a different day.

Friday, February 19, 2010

On the Sofa

It happens nearly every evening about 9:15 pm.

As we begin the process of winding down from the activities of the day we move to the sofa and a chair next to the sofa to read, talk, catch up on Facebook, maybe drink some wine and otherwise relax.

Well--it seems we have begun to do this a lot, because Chris and I are not the only ones who take the cue to wind down from the sofa time. The other night, in addition to Chris on the sofa, there also was Louis the cat, Zachery the yorkie, and Makayla the keeshond joining her.

It was pretty funny to see them all spread out in their spaces filling up the sofa as we began the process of preparing for bed.

I could say the whole family was together and at peace.

And I guess we were. We just noticed it for what it was the other night. Our multi-species family all gathered together to enjoy each other and relax before going to bed.

I could almost hear the ending for the Waltons in the background.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The New Cat in the House

So my mid-life crisis finally got the better of me and I decided to get a new pet. I kind of let the "cat" out of the bag in yesterday's blog; so I figured I should probably let everyone in on the secret.

This cat can be very mean--and is very fast. It is sleek and black for navigating the night. And it has a deep roar.

Right now--I have to keep it in the garage until I get it trained and house broken.

I guess I do crazy things when I get snowbound.

But I have been seriously looking for a car like this for months (bordering on years) now--and I finally found one that met all of my specifications and was a good deal too.

Chris and I are excited about driving it to Florida this summer! I'm just excited about driving it--once the snow melts and the temperature gets about 60 degrees. Is that ever going to happen?

Every time I drove it through a puddle while we were bringing it home the other night--I cringed! I drove it to church on Sunday just to get it out on I-95 and it got stuck in the parking lot leaving the church,. Not real good on snow and ice on a hill. But I knew that.

Ethan really enjoyed it when I put the top down on Sunday. He was a bit worried that it was going to hit him on the head though when I put it back in place. Everyone in the family wants to go for a drive--but they are going to have to wait until the weather gets a bit better.

So here is the problem--I don't know what to call it. I already have a Kitty--so that is out. And I could tell that Kitty was jealous sitting under the pile of snow she is currently stuck in. Cleopatra has been proposed--and it a good name, but, not too sure that I want to call my car that. Any ideas would be appreciated.

We will have to see what happens to Kitty--I'm not sure I have enough time (or money) to feed and maintain two big cats!

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Valentine's Day movie review

On the day after Valentine's Day, Chris persuaded, cajoled, and even asked me to see the movie Valentine's Day with her.

This movie is a must miss! If you are a guy and cannot get out of going to this movie with the one you love, at least extract something significant in exchange--like a new car or a trip around the world. (OK--so I got a new car)

There are lots of stars in this movie and you might be drawn into it because of them--but beware, most of them are short appearances in an uninspiring, predictable, and often boring script.

If you saw the trailer--you saw every highlight from the movie. The best performance was from Bryce Robinson--who plays Edison. And he plays a fifth grader. Everyone else is going through the paces to get a paycheck to cover their mortgages this month.

I really couldn't tell if the movie was a comedy or a tragedy. The true tragedy was that I spent money to see it.

RECOMMENDATION: Avoid this movie. It is not even worth a rental.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Out of the Winter

We sang a great praise song in church on Sunday which was really appropriate for the disaster that we are still recovering from. The song was "Blessed Be Your Name" written by Matt Redman and interestingly, it is the only praise song that I know from the book of Job in the bible.

I have always really enjoyed this song and when I was a praise leader for my old church--we had a drummer who also really liked this song and I would schedule this song sometimes just to brighten his week. So I have a bit of history with this song.

But as I was singing on Sunday and reflecting upon the snow storms of the past weeks, the hurt and mess they have caused this region came to mind and I was really struck by these words from the song:

Blessed be Your name
When the sun's shining down on me
When the world's 'all as it should be'
Blessed be Your name

Blessed be Your name
On the road marked with suffering
Though there's pain in the offering
Blessed be Your name

It is easy to praise God when everything is going well--but in the midst of crisis and disaster, when we are asking the question--"Why Me?" it is not so easy to praise--yet in the song we are encouraged to praise God in while we are traveling the road marked with suffering.

Out of the suffering that we were all experiencing during the past weeks, there have been many blessings--as families got closer and communities pulled together to clear snow from each others houses. And we became more concerned about our neighbors.

We hosted the best Super Bowl Party ever in the midst of the snow--with just our neighbors who were also snow bound. And we got to know them better and appreciate them.

Redman exhorts us to do the following in the song:

Every blessing You pour out
I'll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say

Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious name

And I rediscovered during the past weeks--that no matter where I am or no matter what I am experiencing I need to Bless the Name of the Lord--because I am in His hands. And He has richly blessed me in more ways than I can comprehend.

BTW--that doesn't mean I have to like snow!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Monday Musings - February 15, 2010

1. The post-Valentines Day haze when combined with President's Day has finally hit me. It's Monday somewhere right?

2. I looked out the window and there was still a lot of snow out there. I don't understand why it takes longer for it to go away than it did for it to arrive.

3. The roads still are dangerous--they change from two to one lane without warning.

4. I have learned that Makayla is very creative about doing her business in the snow. She can urinate while standing up against a snowbank. She looks like a guy doing it in a bad place when he's had too much to drink.

5. The driveway is clear of snow and much of our street is clear now too. It must be time for more snow to fall--like the 1-3 inches expected tonight.

6. The Olympics is providing a great diversion for everyone. Go USA.

7. What is being missed by many as they watch the news and the Olympics is the major offensive underway in Afghanistan. I wish they would cover it a bit more.

8. Pitchers and catchers report Wednesday! Come on springtime, baseball is almost back.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine Happiness and Ramblings

It is Valentine's Day--hopefully you didn't forget.

Even with all of the snow and yuk here, we remembered to celebrate this mid-winter celebration.

AND--the weather forecasters are giving us a break--the Monday evening storm is expected to mostly miss us. YAY!!!!

So, Happy Presidents Day to all of us.

The return to normalcy continues as the region continues to dig out. We spent the afternoon at a local wine store doing tastings of some Spanish and French wines--they were good and we bought a few. I really enjoy tasting the wines before we buy them.

All to enjoy with the Valentine in my life.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The In Between Time

The panic has started already, even though the weather forecasters are playing it down. Another storm is on the map with its sights set on Maryland.


Does it really matter if we get 10 or 20 or even 30 inches more of snow?

I need to wade out to the diving board to get a good masurement of how much of the white stuff is on the ground.

But Monday night they are talking about snowfall of about 8 inches.

Today, however, is Saturday and the entire region will be out. Including us. There is pent up energy and the malls should look like Christmas shopping season. Of course Valentines Day is tomorrow! And guess what most of us haven't done?

Last evening--the condition of the roads contributed so some of the worst gridlock I have ever witnessed. I-95 was not moving in both directions which backed up MD100 which affected the Parkway and US1. We went to a friends house and a normal 10 minute drive took 30 minutes.

And it is because the roads randomly go from two to one lanes in really bad places.

Monday is a holiday--maybe the roads will be ready for the morning rush on Tuesday, unless everything is paralyzed once again by snow!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Snowpocalypse 2010 - A Return to Normalcy

Well the snow has stopped for over 24 hours now.

The roads are pretty clear outside of the neighborhoods--in the neighborhood, I'll still not sure that my truck is going to be able to climb the hill in front of the house due to the snow and ice--but we're going to give it a shot in a couple of minutes.

I have already been told, officially, that parking at work today will be a free-for-all and on a first-come-first-served basis! Should be fun.

The snow began melting yesterday--which is good; but it started lots of pools of standing water which became ice overnight--and that is bad.

I had a very good day yesterday and was busy all day working on a project with Chris which I will write about when I can get some pictures together. Suffice it to say, I put a real dent in my mid-life crisis and have some new wheels to drive to Florida this summer!

It is funny to be going to work today knowing that I will be leaving on a three-day weekend at the end of the day. Like we can go anywhere while hoping that the snow storm hitting the south does not decide to drop by for a visit with us.

There is going to be a lot of clean-up work once the snow melts--downed trees and limbs.

I wonder if the snow will ever melt! Maybe instead of Global Warming we are entering another Ice Age? Although I was thinking it would be cool to have a snowmobile. With all of the snow we have not seen even one of those awesome northern machines!

Well, in our return to more normal endeavors, we are planning to go with friends to Annapolis to do some wine shopping tomorrow! That will get us off on the right foot of trying to get back to doing normal stuff.

Snowpocalypse 2010. Although the snowing has stopped the snow remains and the memory will last for a very long time here in Maryland.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snowpocalypse 2010 Round 2 - The Clean-up after the Storms

Well, round 2 was certainly interesting with the blowing snow. It was reminiscent of blizzards I remember when I was a kid.

The whiteout conditions that existed looking towards the end of the driveway. I took this about 4 PM yesterday (10 Feb) as I was talking myself out of shoveling the driveway.

And in the aftermath of the storm, we find blue skies. And snow. It almost seems pretty. Pretty cold!

The two blobs are the Patrick's broken Honda on the left and my beloved Kitty on the right. We may not find them again until summer at this rate.

We did lose a tree--one of the Junipers couldn't take the weight of the snow and wind and gave it up. Funny thing is, the top of this tree was broken a few years ago and I successfully put it back on--but now, the tree is a total loss.

But life goes on and we'll plant something there to replace it. And, I get to use my chainsaw!

New Olympic Sports from Snowpocalypse 2010

Well, it has come to this.

As we all sit around watching the nothingness which is television, our minds begin to wander to sports and the Winter Olympics which start in two days.

Here are some new sports which are being talked about on Facebook:

Poo patrol...This is where you have to get your dog to poo in a blizzard in the quickest amount of time. It involves shoveling out a large area and path and then having to rescue your dog when he deviates from the path and gets stuck in 4' of snow.

The 300' X 30' driveway shovel should be kick ass...

The 5' (snowplow just went by) mailbox dig... great stuff....

I'm darn sure we have a better luge on my street than they do in Vancouver!

"Find the Fire Hydrant" event

and don't forget the ever popular

Dig the car out of the ice mound without getting killed by on-coming traffic event (I mean it has to be better than curling)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snowpocaplyse 2010 Round 2 - Makayla

At least one member of the family enjoys being outside in the snow. And I love taking pictures of her in the snow.

Maybe it is her silver and black coloring against the snow. Who knows.

But she is so cute.

At least I can smile about something from the snow.

Snowpocalypse 2010 Round 2 Starting Point

As the second round of the storm begins--this is the condition of one of the main roads we must traverse to get out to US 1.


Makayla enjoyed the walk though and Chris snapped the picture.

And there are two streets in worse condition between us and this one. More fun as we hunker down waiting for the no kidding blizzard conditions to come upon us.

And after the walk?

What happens to Makayla as she dries off and the snow melts off her. Well it is into the basement to dry off for a while. Of course she keeps a close eye in the action.
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Snowpocalypse 2010 Round 2 - It Begins

Snow is falling--we got about 4 inches overnight with about 10 inches more expected during the day in what is being called Blizzard conditions.

We did get out to visit with the family yesterday. We did some sledding down a hill with Ethan and Jax and then looked at a house that Nicole and Jeremy are considering buying and subsequently went to dinner with them and of course the newest grandson--Lucas.

So as I looked off the porch this morning as Round 2 begins, I was confronted by more of the same: snow falling from the sky. Although I do like the reflection of the flash off the falling snow flakes. It is important to note that the truck was free of snow yesterday--and so it provides a record of the snow which has fallen overnight.

Oh--that blob behind the truck is my Jaguar. And the one behind that is Patrick's disabled Honda waiting for better weather for us to get it ready to sell.

I'm not sure we'll see either of them again until May--at the rate snow is falling. At least Kitty, the Jaguar, has a car cover over top of her.

As we drove around yesterday we were shocked by the number of trees which the round 1 of the storm brought down.

On the other hand--we have been really pleased to see our whole community pull together to help each other dig out.

Everyone knows--this is the fault of that woodlands weather forecaster--right? We need to put a contract out on Punxsutawney Phil.

Now here is the serious part:
- Gas stations are running out of gas (we had to go to two stations last night to fill the car)
- Grocery store shelves are beginning to get bare (Safeway was out of eggs and orange juice and was nearly out of milk yesterday.
- The isn't a snow shovel to be had in the region (both of mine need to be replaced--but I've repaired them for the next round)
- The roads in some places are a mess--even the main roads change from two to one open lane without warning and many secondary roads are snow packed and barely wide enough for two vehicles to pass.
- Many cars and streets still waiting to be freed from the previous snowfall
- Snow removal equipment trying to find creative places to put the snow
- Drivers who have not changed their technique to accommodate the reduced visibility at corners and lack of on ramps on the highways.

But we are OK and expect to persevere.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snowpocalypse 2010 - The Next Assault is in Sight

Just in case any one wondered--there is another major winter storm coming to visit us. I'm calling this Snowpocalypse Round 2.

Yes--later today, another 10-18 inches are waiting to increase misery in the region.

If I really wanted this much snow, I would have decided to live somewhere north, like Montana.

Ugh--I'd rather be on a beach. Like this one--Blowing Rocks Park on Jupiter Island, Florida. By the way--the forecast high for today there is 79 degrees compared to our 35 degrees. Maybe this will warm me up a bit.

And I heard on the Today Show this morning that they are still trucking snow into Vancouver for the Olympics. Amazing how they haven't contacted me yet--I have extra--lots of it.
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