Father in Heaven
Hope was born a long time ago, too long sometimes it seems
and we have forgotten the promise was made to us.
We are challenged by the darkness and chaos that confronts us on a daily basis and sometimes we forget that all we see is not all that that there is.
We have a promise and hope.
The promise and the hope that you sent to us on that first Christmas.
We have never needed hope more than right now. We are living in a world reeling from pandemic, fraught with discord, suspicion and hatred. Our world has become much like what your Son found at his birth in the lowly stable so long ago.
Yet, we have hope. We believe your promises. We sing Joy to the World and know that despite what we see, there is a joy that we can believe.
Protect and guard our military men and women on station around the world and all those who stand watch to protect us from the forces of darkness.
Be with and inspire the first responders and the medical professionals who are on the front lines waging war against the ravages of the pandemic.
On this Christmas Day 2020, thank you for our many blessings and for the peace and hope you have given to us in the middle of a chaotic world.