Father in Heaven, thank you for the year almost completed. You have blessed me in ways that I cannot comprehend.
My family has prospered and I see your hand in everything that has happened in my life and with my family. Thank you for the things you have provided to me.
I come before you this Christmas to celebrate again the gift of your Son which provides the path to eternal life. I know the world is an evil and dangerous place; but I also know that I too am hard and unforgiving. I fail to show your love to those around me so that they can see your reflection in my life. Forgive me.
Father, as the celebration begins I realize that there is much work to do in my heart, my town, my county, this state and country, and throughout the world.
I ask that the eyes of those who do not understand the reason that I celebrate the birth of the Savior of the World be opened.
Remind me daily of Your love--which I may see reflected in the lives of those around me.
Help me to be an instrument to show someone in need that love is not just words or feelings, but that Your love is action.
I have learned about sickness and disease this year in my own life and in the lives of others. Comfort those who are afflicted. Give them hope in the middle of the night when all seems dark and and they feel alone. Provide them the assurance of your love. Heal us, Lord.
For the heroes who are returning from war, help them to find peace and healing.
For those still overseas in harm's way, protect them from the forces of chaos and evil.
For the families of those who have fallen in service to this country, give them comfort.
For our nation, restore our government and make us, as a people, an instrument that you use in the world for good and peace.
For our leaders, protect them and give them wisdom to govern this nation according to your will.
As I am here in Your presence, Lord, I see in my mind parents praising, angels singing, shepherds coming, magi arriving, and the baby upon whose shoulders the hope of the world was laid laying there to repair the relationship between mankind and You. Make me part of the story and not just an observer.
Your story of love is active, not passive. I want to be an active part of Your plan and to carry the joy of this season into my life all the year long.
I ask this all in the name of Your Son, Jesus, whose birth I celebrate.