Showing posts with label Drone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drone. Show all posts

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Quick Flight on an Autumn Day


Guiding Radio Flyer in the Yard
Elkridge, MD
November 20, 2021

The Pool and Pool House
Elkridge, MD
November 20, 2021
I realized that I hadn't flown Radio Flyer, my drone, in quite a while. I took it outside yesterday, before I cleared the pool deck and the yard of the leaves, to record some of the images of the Autumn. It was fun flying Radio Flyer for 9 minutes around the property. I got some good images to record the way things are and I was at the controls of my drone again. It is amazing how long it takes to feel comfortable flying the drone after a long layoff.

The last flight was on April 4th and it also lasted for about 9 minutes and achieved the same stunning maximum altitude of a whopping 66 feet. 

I guess I have not been anywhere where the drone would be very useful in recording. 

One thing I noticed was the arrangement of the lawn chairs behind the pool house. They were in an interesting pattern as a result of having the propane tanks removed. The propane company no longer could reach them with their new equipment--the hose was not long enough and the pool heater was beyond end of life, so we had the tanks removed. We had salvaged the pool heater a couple weeks ago. Frankly, we had not used the pool heater in over two years. With the towering ash trees gone, the pool not gets plenty of direct sunlight to be enjoyable all season long. 

I can see the leaves in the pool deck and also in the yard. They aren ow all gone. I spent the rest of the day moving the leaves back into the wooded area from where they came.

The new pool cover looks really as it protects the pool. Hopefully opening will be really easy next year. 

The yards, the pool, and the the pool house are ready for the worst that winter can throw at them. The next time I expect to see the grass this green is in March--when the first cutting will need to be made. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Easter Egg Hunt 2021

 After a year hiatus for the COVID-19 pandemic, the annual family Easter Egg Hunt resumed this year on a sunny and bright Easter afternoon. Most of the adults in the family are fully vaccinated and so we took advantage of the opportunity to get together and celebrate. And celebrate we did as there were 10 people, 7 dogs, and 2 cats involved in the holiday. Amazingly, no one and no animals were lost during the day's festivities.

The Easter Egg Hunt is a big event in our family--everyone participates. To prepare for this year's edition, Chris and I hid 125 Easter eggs around the house. I am happy to report that 124 were discovered. We still do not know where the one remaining egg is hiding.

I was able to fly Radio Flyer, my DJI Spark drone, to document the event. For the first time this year we began the festivities on the pool deck rather than in the front yard. That made it even more interesting as everyone streamed through the starting gate and out into the field of play. 

It was great fun and I have already forgotten which team actually found the most eggs, but everyone was a winner. And the best part was that dinner followed the hunt!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Filling another Coronavirus Stay-at-Home Day

Firepit from Above
Elkridge, MD
April 19, 2020
On Sunday, while I had Radio Flyer flying, I took a couple images just for fun. I gave me something to do on a coronavirus Sunday. I have been fascinated with what is called the "Birdseye" view of things on the ground. It is amazing how different something looks from the air rather than from our normal perspective. I thought this was a very interesting view from about only 35 feel AGL. Radio Flyer was below the trees, yet imaged this unique view of the fire pit. Interestingly, the chairs that usually are around the pit are missing, because it had been rainy and cold since I mowed the week before. 

The Pool
Elkridge, MD
April 19, 2020
The other image that I took was of the pool. The recently replastered pool which is now full of water and fully swimmable, although it is too cold to even consider getting into the water at this point. This image was taken from about 50 feet AGL to get the whole pool in the frame. As an aside, I received an interesting notice from my electric supplier the other day advising me that we were using more electricity during April than is normal and to expect a high bill than in previous years. I quickly determined that the increase is because we have been running the 1 1/2 horsepower pump daily since the end of March when the pool was filled with water. But, the pool, as you can see, is looking great!! I cannot wait for warmer temperatures and summertime parties!

Every day, it seems, I must find new a way to enjoy the day while protecting myself from coronavirus exposure. I know that this is not a dress rehearsal for retirement because I cannot go to the beach! And when I am retired there will be a daily obligatory walk on the beach.

 Important Update from Yesterday: Working during the Coronavirus

No limbs or digits were lost during the making of the video showing Chris splitting wood. For that matter, no limbs or digits were lost by either of us during the entire time we rented the log splitter.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Fox in the Yard

The House as Winter Arrives from Radio Flyer
Elkridge, MD
December 15, 2019
I finally got Radio Flyer up into the skies yesterday. I had not flown my trusty drone since recording the aftermath of the August storms.  But yesterday seemed to be a nice day for a few quick flights and I was able, after troubleshooting some software issues, to get airborne--although I kept the altitude below the tree tops. The image of the house is from my first flight.

Fox in the Yard
Elkridge, MD
December 14, 2019
On my second flight, I decided to check out the yard, my highest altitude for that flight was 10 feet and I zipped Radio Flyer around the yard. I was surprised when I scared a fox that was lurking in the grasses around the pool. It was a big fox with a beautiful coat. It stopped and watched the drone hover while I took pictures. 

I had noticed fewer rabbits in the area lately--the fox is the likely reason. Chris and I are going to be more careful about letting Finnegan outside. We will have to clear the area before allowing him to run free. With the arrival of the fox, the yard is getting a bit dangerous. We have a big hawk and now a fox. All we need now to really increase the danger level is a bear or cougar!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Storm Damage

Tree Limb on Pool House
Elkridge, MD
August 18, 2019
I wrote briefly about Sunday's storm with the microburst right over the house in Monday Musings. I wanted to do a follow-up. 

The storm was brutal in the neighborhood. A large tree went down crashing through a neighbor's fence on Duckett's Lane. That was the biggest damage, but we are still evaluating the mess associated with our pool house roof and trying to decide how to get rid of the huge limb caught in the trees. 

After the Storm in the Pool
August 18, 2019
The storm gave me the opportunity to get Radio Flyer up in the air to survey the damage. The mess really looked different form the air, but the limb in the trees with branches extending onto the pool house was definitely visible. The mess that the storm left in the pool was likewise obvious. 

Chris and I are still collecting branches and sticks from the yard. They are hard to see in the picture of the limb on the pool house--but they are everywhere. The dead ash trees were dropping limbs everywhere. Jeremy and Lucas were here during the storm and they were a great help restoring the pool to swimmable condition and doing some of the work collecting sticks and broken branches from everywhere. 

The storm was one of the worst that has blown through here. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Saturday at Home

Chris, Me, and Finnegan in Front of our Florida Home
Tequesta, Florida
June 4, 2019
I was going to start by writing that I am at home for the first weekend in a while, but then I realized that last Saturday I traveled from one home to the other. It is still weird to try and wrap my mind around that seeming contradiction of traveling away from home to come home. 

I am already looking forward to my return trip to Florida during July to enjoy additional time at our southern residence. 

Chris and Finn Chatting with Neighbors in the Pool
Tequesta, Florida
June 4, 2019
I was able to get Radio Flyer airborne on one occasion during our most recent trip south. It was our last day after all of the work had been done around the house before we decided to pack for our return trip north. The first image from Radio Flyer is of the entrance to our Florida home. The blue car is in the driveway in front of our garage and we are on the walkway to our front door. Did you notice the palm tree in the front of there condo? Yup, I have a palm tree of my own!

Looking to the Atlantic
Tequesta, Florida
June 4, 2019
The neighborhood is a very nice place to relax and everyone seems very nice and friendly. We have met many of the neighbors in our community, especially those with whom we share the building. The pool is across the street, but the entrance is around to the other side from where we live. 

I flew Radio Flyer up to about 200 feet and aimed the camera towards the east to show how close we are to the ocean. The water in the middle of the image is the Intracoastal Waterway and Indian River, the tall buildings are on Jupiter Island and beyond is the mighty Atlantic Ocean. The road in the foreground is US 1. It seems that I enjoy living near US 1 as it drive on it every day in Maryland and now also in Florida. 

The location is perfect and we are able to get to the beach in less than five minutes. We actually clocked it at four minutes one day, of course when the drawbridge is up it takes a few minutes longer.

Dreaming of being home! Wait, I am!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, March 3, 2019

The Color of Winter

South of Williamsport, PA
Headed North on Route 15
March 1, 2019
Chris and I celebrated the arrival of the month of March by making a quick trip to Central New York to return Mom and Dad. It was quick because we found a break in the oppressive weekend storms and were able to make a dash north on Friday returning yesterday afternoon.

No, It's Not a Black and White Image
The Doan Homestead
Image from Radio Flyer
March 1, 2019
Fortunately, the roads were dry and we only experienced some light snow in the Pennsylvania mountains that created nothing more than a bit of an annoyance.

I flew Radio Flyer, my drone, and obtained some images of my parent's house surrounded by snow. It was fun to fly above the snow, but it was cold so the flight was a short 5 minutes achieving a maximum altitude of 200 feet--to get well above the trees and electric wires.

Birdseye View from Above the Back Yard
The Doan Homestead
Image from Radio Flyer
March 1, 2019
The thing that struck me about the images was the lack of color in the scenes. If you look closely at the image on the left, you will find me in an orange shirt near the lower left part of the image and there is also a black Highlander in the drive with the rear hatch up. Yet the scene seems to be overwhelmed by the contrast of black on white. 

The the lack of color defines the color of the winter, as this scene confirms. I wish there was green or blue in the scene, but winter drains the color from the world. 

Springtime is only 17 days away. I am looking forward to the explosion of color and life that accompanies its arrival.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD 

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Thinking of Florida

Jupiter Island, Florida
 Intercostal Side
From Radio Flyer
January 25, 2019
Suffering through the cold of the past couple days, I have been thinking of being in a warmer place--Florida.

The Shops of Jupiter,
Jupiter, Florida
January 20, 2019
I was just there during late January and even though I complained that it was too cool, I dearly would love to have awakened there this morning with the temperature outside my door touching on 16 degrees!

Despite the bright sky, it is too cold. Much too cold. Yes, I know that it is February, but still, I enjoyed the taste of Spring last week and fervently wish that it would return. I know that Spring is officially 38 days away, but I have grown weary of winter: the cold, the rain, and the "wintery mix."

While I was in Florida a few weeks ago I was able to play three rounds of golf despite not being able to spend much time on the beach. I would not even think of touching my clubs right now here in Maryland. Well, I did consider it on Friday, but I was too busy at work.

Look at it this way--a cold day in Florida is a lot warmer than a cold day in Maryland. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

And it is Over

I crawled onto a Southwest flight in West Palm Beach yesterday afternoon with Chris and Finnegan and returned to Maryland.

Blue Skies Over the Condo in Tequesta
January 29, 2019

We boarded the jet under crystal blue skies with temperatures near the 70's and a warm sun invigorating the world and my mood. It was the best weather day of the entire vacation--truly. We are missing really good weather by one week it seems. The rain and cold of the past week is transforming into 70's and 80's and sun for the week ahead in the Palm Beach area or, as it is called by the locals, the Treasure Coast.

I was greeted by snow, ice, and cold upon arrival in Baltimore. Ugh. It is 15 degrees this morning. Back to the cold, hard reality of life.

A View from Tequesta, Florida
Radio Flyer
January 29, 2019
The time away was awesome and Fran and Mary were great hosts. Chris and I played three rounds of golf! That was fantastic. Even though the weather was not beach-worthy, it was golf-worthy. Sadly, my short game still sucks. So does my putting and my driving, lol. I am glad that golf clubs fly free on Southwest.

It was a great trip, all in all, it is always good to get away and now that Chris is retired, we are free to move about the country when school is in session. On the down side, it is only January and I have already consumed six of my precious leave days for the year! Hmmmm. The image I took from above the place where we were staying in Tequesta of Jupiter Island in the distance with the ocean on the horizon  will remind me of the beautiful weather until Chris and I return. Sooner than later, I hope.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, January 26, 2019

What do you do on a Friday Evening in Florida?

Friends on the Intercostal Waterway Beach
Jupiter Island, Florida
January 25, 2019
Palm Trees at the Beach
January 25, 2019
What do you do on a Friday evening in Florida when it has been cool all day?

Go the the beach for Happy Hour, of course!

Yes, we had to wear jackets because the temperature was in the low 60s. And there was no thought of going in the water because the water was about 10 degrees warmer than the air and we would have developed hypothermia. But, sitting in the beach with friends enjoying the sun and waning rays of the afternoon sun is the perfect exclamation point to a great day. The beach was definitely not crowded as we were about the only crazies who ventured out--but it was worth the trip. 

Tequesta Trace from Above
Radio Flyer
January 25, 2019
The images were taken with my drone, Radio Flyer. It has become the ultimate selfie machine. 

Earlier in the day, as I was flying around the neighborhood where we are staying, I managed to get a really interesting Birdseye view image of the street. I am barely visible in the image, but I thought the patterns of the homes and the palms made an interesting visual.

I made a movie of the morning flight coming into the neighborhood. 

Friday was a great day and we started the evening with Happy Hour on the beach.

-- Bob Doan, writing from Tequesta, Florida

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Viewing the Snow from Above

Looking Up the Driveway
January 14, 2019
Radio Flyer made its first flight of 2019 on Monday afternoon. It was a short 4 minute flight with a maximum altitude of 79 feet. 
Looking at the House Covered by Snow
January 14, 2019

The purpose of the flight was to document the snow fall around the house and to get my drone out for its first flight of the year.

While the flight was a short flight, I chose to fly near sunset so that I could get some nice images of the area. 

I liked the way that the relatively light snow was hanging on the juniper trees. They had that wintery, fluffy, snow-covered look like so many of the trees in my Snow Village scene. It was nice that the wind had not blown the snow off the branches yet and that the snow was not so heavy that the branches broke under the weight.
Above the Neighborhood
January 14, 2019

Sunset in January
January 14, 2019
I did get one really nice image of the sunset with an airplane in the distance. I happened to be looking in the right direction as the aircraft was climbing out of Baltimore-Washington International (BWI). We were pretty lucky during the storm in that since the worst of it occurred during the night, not too may flights were canceled. That is always good for the air travelers. 

I need to get Radio Flyer off the ground a bit more, I miss flying.

The images captured are a good reminder of the day and the storm.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Remembering Other Times

Torrey, NY on Senaca Lake
October 4, 2018
December is passing day-by-day and as we are now past mid-month, the end of both the month and the year are in sight.

Bully Hill Winery
October 3, 20218
On top of the December darkness, it has rained non-stop for the past 36 hours. The forecast is for continued rain well into the afternoon today.

To escape the gloom of the sunless dawn, I downloaded some of the images from our early October wine tasting trip to Upstate New York.

The images reminded me of warmer times, although not necessarily dryer times. It rained during that trip. 

Senaca Lake near Torrey, NY
October 3, 2018
Despite the occasional rain, I was able to get Radio Flyer airborne for some nice images. Flying over Senaca Lake was a new experience. It was fun, but I was also nervous because I knew that if there was an emergency and I couldn't get Radio Flyer back to short, it would be lost. 

Fortunately, there was no emergency, although the winds aloft did cause me to shorten my flight a bit and recover the drone. 

Remembering past trips helps me to escape the dreary days. December will be over soon and the new year will be full of warmer and drier days to enjoy.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Friday, December 14, 2018

Taking to the Sky

Sunset Over the Neighborhood
December 13, 2018
For many reasons Radio Flyer, my DJI Spark UAS, has not been airborne since our get-away trip to New York during early October. 

Some of the reasons include the almost constant rain, the basement remodel project, the early onset of darkness since the time change, and the pace of life which has been incredibly busy with the arrival of the holiday season. 

Christmas Decorations on the House
December 13, 2018
Last evening around sunset, I made a point of getting Radio Flyer airborne, even if only for a short nine minute flight. It was good to get the controls back into my hands and my drone into the air. 
Wreath at the Peak

I was amazed at how many small things I had forgotten about flying the drone--mostly getting everything ready on the ground. But, they all came together and I had a successful flight checking out the Christmas lights on the house. I was able to do a close-up inspection of the wreath at the peak and determine that I will likely need to change the batteries for its lights during the next nice day, whenever that happens. 

As an added benefit of the flight, I also downloaded some videos and stills from the October trip to the Finger Lakes from the memory card onboard the drone.  

It was a short flight, but I was happy to slip the surly bonds of Earth, even if only for a few minutes and through the lens of Radio Flyer. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Autumn Arrives

Pool Closing from Radio Flyer
September 22, 2018
Autumn, heralding the arrival of the dark season, arrived last evening and with it the weather has already changed. The cooler air blew in while Chris and I were enjoying dinner with the temperature dropping to 64 degrees as we headed home. This morning the temperature has fallen to 59 degrees. A confirmation of Autumn's arrival.
The Water Level is Lowered
September 22, 2018

With the cooler weather, the rains have returned. We are facing a week of rainy weather.

The big project for the yesterday was closing the pool in advance of the cooler weather, falling leaves, and rains. Frankly, I was tired of hauling leaves out of the pool everyday and I had not swum in the pool during the past few weeks since returning from the cruise. Of course, I would have been swimming on Labor Day, but the pool was green and I was killing the algae bloom that had developed while we were away.

Chris and Finnegan Helping to Close the Pool
September 22, 2018
I flew Radio Flyer to get an image of the pool closing. By about 7:15 AM, I already had the back-up pump running to draw the water down in the pool. I had to use the back-up pump because the primary pump had burned out a few days ago. I also had the pool cleaner, known as the Dolphin, running one last time to rid the pool of leaves and debris. 

Once the water was lowered to the winter season level, I added the chemicals, my witch's brew as I call it, to help the pool make it through the next almost eight months. I used the pump and outlet hose to mix the water and chemicals to be ready for the final act--installing the cover. 

Cover Installed Ready for the Dark Season
September 22, 2018
Finnegan turned out to be very interested in the entire process of closing the pool and was by our sides the entire time. He did give us a scare as he started to run across the not yet fully installed pool cover and Chris was concerned that he would fall into the water and that I would then have to rescue him. You read that correctly, she wouldn't rescue him, I would be responsible for that act of courage and bravery. 

Sunrise, the Last Day of Summer Dawns
September 22, 2018
Radio Flyer
By 11:17 AM, when I took the image of the fully installed cover, the process was nearly complete. All that remained was to fill the lines with anti-freeze and close them off. Then it was clean up time! We were done well before noon. Another successful pool closing.

I still have to get the newly arrived pump motor set-up, but that will not take too much time. I won't actually install it into the pump until Springtime. Pool opening day is about 223 days away, tentatively scheduled for May 4th of 2019!  Of course if the weather seems nice in April, I may open it earlier. 

We may resurface the pool at some point during the off season which will also cause us to take the cover off and effectively open it. Hopefully after the leaves are all off the trees. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Consider the Moon

Moon over the Neighborhood
From Radio Flyer
August 24, 2018
The moon made an impressive appearance last evening.

The moon was evident during our late evening dog walk and then later rising over the trees around the house.

The sight was more impressive because the sky was clear and the temperatures cool, almost autumnal.
Moon Over Elkridge
Duckett's Lane
August 24, 2018

Too autumnal!

August is rapidly giving way to September and with it, the arrival of Autumn. Even though the next season is still almost a month away, the shortening of the days and the cooler temperatures are already heralding the its arrival. 

Moon Over Duckett's Lane Elementary School
August 24, 2018
But last evening it was the moon that was on display. 

I was able to get Radio Flyer up for a quick flight to capture the fading colors of the sunset after we walked the dogs. 

It was a beautiful evening for flying and capturing the scene developing above us. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Weather, News, Plans, and Sunsets

The rains returned with a vengeance last evening. The lightening show associated with the rains was somewhat muted, but the sound of the rain hitting the house was noticeable over the television at mored than one point during the movie Chris and I elected to watch. We were lucky to complete our evening dog-walk as the rain began falling.

I guess the rain was good because some of our plants were getting a bit dry from successive days without rain. 

The blue skies are expected to return today, the gray overcast of the past days was draining and made me want to head off on a Caribbean vacation even sooner. Tonight, however, is a special event as we attend the Kenny Chesney concert at Merriweather Pavilion. Here's hoping that expected good weather holds for the outdoor concert.

The news was no help in distracting attention from last evening's storms, either. What a terrible news night. The President was implicated in a felony, there were the usual murders in Baltimore, the story of the murdered family in Colorado took a sick twist, and a missing girl was found dead in Iowa.

We definitely need a change in the news media. I need to find a good news station!

Chris is at the doorstep of retirement becoming a reality. Howard County teachers return to the classroom in force today as the pre-schoolyear activities and training ramp up. It is hard to believe that the summer has already begun to wind down.

Because of the gloom last evening, I went through some of Radio Flyer's recent video and found one of a beautiful evening with a spectacular sunset to remind myself how a day is supposed to end. I love sunsets almost as much as sunrises. 

Making the video made me feel better and look forward to today's improved weather outlook.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Monday, August 20, 2018

Monday Musings - August 20, 2018

Finn in his Football Jersey
Ready for the Season
1. August is slipping by gain. The days are already shortening perceptibly.

2. Why is going to the ice cream store for a hot fudge sundae after dinner such a treat? It almost seems sinful.

3. Chris and I were sitting around last evening and the subject of our old animal friends came up. I teared up thinking about our old companions: Hans, Meghan, and Zach.

Crepe Myrtle on a Summer Day
August 19, 2018
4. Summer is ending. The teachers are heading back to school. Chris is happily retired and is not suffering from the end-of-the-summer stress.

5. Finn tried on his football jersey the other day, just to be ready for the NFL season kickoff. 

6. House project abound. Yesterday's project: stain the ceiling of the porch!

7. I finally and successfully acquired the correct blade for my chainsaw. That was a lot harder than it had to be.

8. The crepe myrtles are in bloom. Radio Flyer was up yesterday getting a different view of the magnificent crepe myrtle next to my pool.

9. Radio Flyer was busy during its flights yesterday finding things around the neighborhood. 

10. The Orioles had a particularly bad week. They are 2-8 for their last 10 game posting a 37-87, .298 record 50.5 games out of first place and looking at losing 114 games this season. The highlight was a complete game, 100 pitch win by Alex Cobb on Saturday. 

11. Today in History. On this day in 1911, a dispatcher in the New York Times office sends the first telegram around the world via commercial service. Exactly 66 years later, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) sends a different kind of message–a phonograph record containing information about Earth for extraterrestrial beings–shooting into space aboard the unmanned spacecraft Voyager II.


Greece’s Bailout Is Ending. The Pain Is Far From Over. - The New York Times

Trump rewrites history as Russia probe pressure mounts - CNN

Ronald Reagan Quote for the Week

To sit back hoping that someday, some way, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last - but eat you he will.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Twilight Flight

Looking up the Street at Sunset
July 27, 2018
Looking to the Sunset
July 2Nd 7, 2018
The weather cleared enough last evening for a quick Radio Flyer flight as the sun was setting.

I enjoyed the colors of the sunset and was anxious to get my drone airborne before they faded away.

I intended to fly to the end of the street and take a few shots looking over I-95, but due to the rain, the trees were impeding the quality of the signal between Radio Flyer and my controller. I kept losing contact at the target location and so I brought it back where I had full control and took some evening images.

I especially like the one where the golden colors of the sun are reflecting off the houses along my street.

It was a relatively short flight all-in-all, but I enjoyed the final results. It was a nice way to watch the end of the week fade over the horizon.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Flying and Family

The Cul de Sac at the End of Rainbow
July 10, 2018
I took Radio Flyer out for a quick afternoon flight yesterday. It was nothing special, but I am continuing to work on my map navigation skills. I flew my drone away from me over the trees and up the street and brought it back using the map for navigation and also putting it into the sport mode where it flies very fast. 

Chris and Finnegan on the Driveway
As I was ending my flight, I spied Chris and Finnegan returning from a walk. My battery was getting too low to actually fly close to them, but I did snap a quick image for posterity as I was landing. 

It is not a spectacular image. I had actually flown along the street earlier in an attempt to find them on the walk, but apparently the trees obscured them.

Later that same evening, Chris and I joined with Jeremy, Julie, Patrick, and Tina at Jeremy's house for an impromptu gathering. There were also some dogs involved as well. It was fun to meet together on a Tuesday evening and share the news of the day. What else are we going to do on a beautiful summer evening? 

I was honored by the love shown by my entire family, even those who were not available for the impromptu gathering. 

And now it is Wednesday. Another day full of challenges and opportunities!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

My Zimbio
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