Friday, July 26, 2024

Baseball and History

LoanDepot Park
Miami, FL
July 25, 2024

 Chris and I along with friends made the journey to LoanDepot Park in Miami yesterday to see the Orioles defeat the Marlins, which they did in the 10th inning, 7-6, after blowing a 6-run lead. 

Memorial to the Orange Bowl
LoanDepot Park
July 25, 2024

It was not until Chris and I walked around LoanDepot Park that we realized the park was built upon the site of another stadium in which we attended pro and college football games in during the mid-70s. Yes, the park is built on the site of the Orange Bowl. While I attended the University of Miami, both the Miami Dolphins and the U of M Hurricanes called the Orange Bowl home. I remember attending two NFL games: Dolphins vs Jets and Dolphins vs Chiefs.  We saw Joe Namath, Len Dawson, Bob Griese, Larry Csonka, and many other great players. We also attended Hurricanes football games there, although I do not remember any of the great players we saw. I remember, however, my first game in the Orange Bowl in September 1973. I saw the Hurricanes defeat then number 6 ranked Texas! The school went crazy because that was one of the biggest wins for Miami in years.

Loans Depot Park
Miami, FL
July 25, 2024

But back to LoanDepot and baseball. The park is beautiful and it is enclosed. The stadium has a moveable roof, which was closed, and we enjoyed a very cool 72 degree atmosphere for the game. That made it very pleasant because the outside temperature was 90 with a bright and hot sun. Parking was great and easy. There are parking garages which is nice because the car was not hot when we left the game. The stadium is among the smallest in MLB, but being enclosed amplifies the noise. There were just shy of 18,000 in attendance yesterday, but I took this image to show that Orioles fans represented the team very well--there was plenty of Orange and I almost believe that a good 40 percent of the attendees were wearing Orioles colors.

Traffic on a Hot Day
Miami, FL
July 25, 2024

The Orioles at made the day interesting. After jumping to a 6-0 lead, a few bad breaks allowed the home team to claw back into the game and saw them tie the score with 3 runs in the bottom of the 9th, fortunately stranding the winning run at 3rd base. The Orioles managed to get runners at 2nd and 3rd before scoring the eventual winning run in the top of the 10th--the Marlins executed a difficult double play throwing out a runner at the plate and then the batter who tried for 2nd to end the top half of the inning. Fortunately, the Marlins had no viable pinch hitters remaining on their bench and the Orioles sent a lefty, Perez, in to pitch and he set the Marlins down in order to secure the victory.

The Orioles faithful breathed a huge sigh of relief as the game ended with win.

It was a long day. First pitch was at 12:10 PM and we departed the house at 9:30 AM to arrive at the stadium at about 11:20 AM. The game lasted until about 3:00 PM and because of traffic we did not get back home until 5:40 PM. That made for a long, but fun, day of baseball. 

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

#orioles #loandepotpark 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Hot Beach Day

From Under the Umbrella
Carlin Park, Jupiter, FL
July 24, 2025

 The sand burned our feet, thankfully we wore sandals or flip-flops to protect us. The sun shone brightly and the Saharan dust seemed to have dissipated as the sky returned to a bright blue. We trudged through the sand with our chairs and umbrellas to find a nice spot from which to enjoy the late-morning and early-afternoon. 

Boys in the Water
Carlin Park, Jupiter, FL
July 24, 2025

The gray sand of our Florida beaches seems to soak in the Sun's rays. But, we were headed for an enjoyable day on the beach. To top it off, we had entertainment. A summer camp of kids was just down the beach and their antics kept us amused for most of our time under the umbrellas. I ventured into the water, but the waves were rough and standing waist deep was the deepest I decided to venture, not wanting to become fully immersed.

Even though the temperature soared into the low 90s, the ocean breeze kept us relatively cool and made the entire experience enjoyable. Well, except for the much too hot sand. 

A great beach day with friends!

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Rainbow to the Moon

 I walked out the door this morning, headed to the store for breakfast supplies with my head spinning from the wild news of the past week.

As I walked out my door I looked up to the sky and I was greeted by this bright and exciting sight. There, in front of me, was a rainbow to the moon!

What a sight. The rainbow was rising out of the cloud and striving to reach the moon. For a moment it took me on a magical flight of possibilities.

I stood and admired this unusual sight. I pointed out the rainbow to a neighbor walking by who had not looked up to see the rainbow. 


I guess I am ready for the day now.

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Along the Path

Royal Poinicana
Tequesta, FL
July 21, 2024
Be it a bike path or along the beach, there always seems to be something interesting to enjoy.

The other morning, Chris and I biked through Tequesta and I spied this tree in full mid-summer bloom. Wow, was it impressive! I was biking but able to snap a quick image of the tree. There are many of these trees in the area, but this one has the nicest shape was in the most full bloom.

Juvenile Gray Heron
Stuart, FL
July 17, 2024

On Wednesday last week, as Chris and I were walking along the shore in Stuart, FL, we saw this water bird hunting in the shallows. It was low tide and the bird seemed to be having some success. 

The bird did not mind our presence and I was able to get a great image of it.

We keep our eyes open and our cameras ready for what may come our way in terms of interesting things to image. 

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Monday Musings - July 22, 2024


1. Welcome to the 4th Monday of July 2024. I am pretty sure the week past will be one of the most talked about in the history of the U.S. There are 23 Mondays remaining in the year. 

Wildcats Junior Legion Team Gambrills
Hanover, MD
July 21, 2024
2. In a follow-up to yesterday's post, my grandson's baseball team did face the team from Boonsboro that defeated them in the opening round of the tournament. It was a double elimination situation and so they had to beat the team twice twice to win the championship. The did just that coming from behind in both games to win 13-12 and 11-10. It was a thrilling evening of baseball.

3. As President Biden stepped off the reelection stage, I was filled with many emotions and concerns. As Chris will attest, I felt that it might happen this weekend. I respect his decision although in my heart I do not agree with it. I still believe that he has the best vision for America and its place in the world of any leader. I listened to his press conference after the NATO conference and his detailed, cogent answers to complicated questions were spectacular. No, at times he does not come off well and he pauses and stumbles, but do we want a smooth talking "snake-oil" salesperson as president or one who understands the issues facing the country and has already demonstrated that the ability to put together and effective team to deal with them? 

4. A couple more things about the our president. I keep hearing the republicans complain about immigration, energy, and runaway inflation. They are disingenuous on all three points. 

a. Trump had four years as president to solve the border problem. He didn't! The Obama and Biden administrations each deported more illegals than Trump did. Look it up. And the connection to crime they continue to spout? Immigrants commit crime at a much lower rate than citizens.  

b. In terms of energy production, the U.S. is second only to China AND is the world leader in oil production. I don't understand how the republicans can strive to "make America the dominant energy producer in the world" (Republican Party Platform) when we already are. America throws away energy, China doesn't have enough.

c. And then there is inflation. Biden ascended to the presidency in the middle of a complete disaster that his predecessor left to him and has forged the strongest economy in the world. There is no runaway inflation--it is about 3 percent and has been stable for over a year. Oh wait, and the consumer price index went down 0.1% during June. I do not know what runaway train the Republicans are on.

5. Today in HistoryOn July 22, 2003, U.S. Army Private Jessica Lynch, a prisoner-of-war who was rescued from an Iraqi hospital, receives a hero’s welcome when she returns to her hometown of Palestine, West Virginia. The story of the 19-year-old supply clerk, who was captured by Iraqi forces in March 2003, gripped America; however, it was later revealed that some details of Lynch’s dramatic capture and rescue might have been exaggerated.

Lynch, who was born April 26, 1983, was part of the 507th Ordnance Maintenance Company from Fort Bliss, Texas. On March 23, 2003, just days after the U.S. invaded Iraq, Lynch was riding in a supply convoy when her unit took a wrong turn and was ambushed by Iraqi forces near Nasiriya. Eleven American soldiers died and four others besides Lynch were captured.

Analysis If Biden’s gamble pays off, he may be one of the most successful one-term presidents - CNN

Navy aviator scores first air-to-air victory by a US female fighter pilot - CNN

Israel strikes Yemen for the first time following deadly Houthi drone attack. Here’s what we know - CNN

Netanyahu heads to Washington, says Israel will remain key US ally whoever replaces Biden - Reuters

China cuts several major interest rates to support fragile economy - Reuters

Nuclear wildcard reignites Australia's climate wars - Reuters

Ukraine's debt woes during wartime - Reuters

72-year-old fends off grizzly bear with handgun while picking huckleberries - The Washington Post 

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Long-distance Baseball

Watching GameChanger
Tequesta, FL
July 19, 2024

 Our grandson Jackson is playing in a Maryland state-wide American Legion baseball tournament this weekend. Chris and I looked hard at flying to Maryland to be there in person, but the crazy pricing for last-minute airline seats made that financially irresponsible and it was too far to just drive up for the weekend.

The miracle of modern technology almost makes it as though we are there at the game, however, using an app called GameChanger. We can access the realtime video of the game on my laptop, or phone, and project it onto a larger TV. It is not the same as a big league game but we can follow the action in realtime almost like we are there. Of course Nicole, our daughter and mother of Jackson, gets peppered with questions about things happening that are not clear. She seems to take it all in stride, however, and I appreciate her timely responses. 

The team seems to be doing well. They are playing again today after two games on Friday and one game yesterday. I think that means they are likely in the semifinals, which is really cool. I hope they get to play the team from Boonsboro again who gave them their only loss so far. 

I wish we were there in person, but watching the game live is a close second.

Gotta love baseball!

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Walking to the End of the Jetty


Jupiter Inlet Jetty
Jupiter, FL
July 16, 2024

A couple evenings ago Chris and I, accompanied by friends, did something we had not done before. We walked out to the end of the Jupiter Inlet Jetty located in DuBois Park. 

Although we have been coming to the Jupiter area for over 20 years and have lived here full time since 2022, this very close and convenient spot was one that we had not visited. Admittedly, we had walked to the jetty on beach walks from Carlin Park; even taking images of birds hunting along the rocky base of the jetty--but, we had never actually visited DuBois Park; got out and walked the jetty. I have boated out of the inlet more than a few times, however. 

It was a beautiful evening with the clouds in the sky and a unique dive support vessel anchored just off the jetty. We enjoyed great conversation while also appreciating the natural beauty of the scene. 

I thought the image represented the scene very well, even the trash can so conspicuously placed in the foreground. I need to do better with stuff like that. 

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Friday, July 19, 2024

It is Way Too Early

Home Goods
Stuart, FL
July 11, 2024

 Over the course of the past week, Chris and I have visited two stores that have already begun to display their Halloween offerings!

Sad, but true. 

It is still the middle of summer and retailers are beginning to push the next big retailer's dream holiday. 

Last week were in the Home Goods store in Stuart, where one wall was already adorned with Halloween items. Yesterday we were in Costco, North Palm Beach, where the Halloween decorations were on display. 

In my mind it is just too soon! We still need to see beachwear, shorts, and summertime shirt displays. Halloween will be here soon enough. 

I suppose Christmas decorations will be on the shelves in a couple weeks as well. 

Hold onto your wallets--someone is trying to get their hand in your pocket. 

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Boating the St Lucie River


Railroad Bridge Raising
St Lucie River near Stuart, FL
July 17, 2024

Heading out from Manatee Pocket in Port Salerno yesterday provided another fantastic day on the boat. While the weather continued to be almost uninhabitable, our high temperature go 90 degrees was well below that of places in Maryland which saw 98 degrees.

We had a nice breeze and of course we generated our own breeze as we pushed the speed up towards 30 mph once we were on the St Lucie River and out of Manatee Pocket where the marina is situated.  The plan was to explore the North Fork of the St Lucie River and then head to Stuart for lunch and some light shopping, but the railroad bridge across the river was down for an extended period when we arrived and so we backtracked to Stuart for shopping and lunch. 

Manatee Pocket, Port Salerno, FL
July 17, 2024
After lunch we headed up the river, passing under a couple of highway bridges and the raising railroad bridge. We enjoyed time on the river and headed north to look for manatees, but sadly saw none.

Returning down the river and heading for the marina, once we reentered Manatee Pocket we spied some dolphins working the area. As the marina was busy when we called in and were advised to take it slow to give them time to clear out a few boats, we stopped for a while and watched the dolphins. We were not the only boat which was enjoying watching the dolphins work the waters. 

It was an enjoyable day on the water and I am happy to report that our first attempt at mooring with just Chris and I aboard the boat was a success! Previously we had either others onboard to help or someone on the dock to manage the lines while I remained at the helm for the entire process, but yesterday we managed the mooring process and it went very well as we tied-up in Stuart. There is something cool about arriving at a place, be it a restaurant or a city, in a boat.

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL   

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Smarter not Better

Chris on the 11th Green
Jupiter Dunes, Jupiter, FL
July 16, 2024
Chris and I headed out onto the golf course yesterday for our Tuesday round. Given the oppressive heat, we decided to ride rather than walk the course. That was a really good idea as we enjoyed the round much more and I was still fresh enough to par the 18th hole. 

It was amazing how much better we felt as we completed the round having ridden in a cart. I much prefer walking, but we have to account for the conditions. We need to be smarter, even though we are not getting any better.

Playing a round also got us outside to confront the weather. We have felt trapped in our house by the oppressive heat, but then, when I compare our high of 89 degrees yesterday with that of Elkridge with its 101 degrees, I am reminded that often it is cooler in Florida during the summer than in Maryland. 

It is the Dog Days!

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, Fl

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Welcome to the Dog Days

 The Dog Days are upon our and the crazy, almost unbelievable happenings of the past four days attest to the fact that we are in the midst of the toughest days of the calendar. 

Saturday there was an assignation attempt on a former president. No matter our politics, that is unacceptable. As I wrote yesterday, elections should be resolved not by a bullet, but through the ballot box. 

Yesterday the Republican candidate for president, who survived the assignation attempt on Saturday,  announced his running mate: J.D. Vance from Ohio. Wow, talk about picking someone with no experience and who is full of repressive ideas. He was a Marine, yes, but a very junior enlisted Marine meaning he has little experience leading and a lot of experience being told what to do. 

And now, the sideshow called the Republican National Convention has started. 

Can you believe that the theme of the convention is "Make America Wealthy Again?" Really? That is what they want? Not world peace, security for Americans and all people, contain despotism, or even something as basic as confirming the basic rights of people everywhere? No, they want total and wanton greed. Funny thing is, like so many twisted concepts coming from the Republicans, most Americans are doing better today than they were four years ago when their candidate was President! Problem is that the top 1 percent may not be gouging the middle class enough to satisfy themselves. 

And then there is Project 2025--not yet the official platform of the Republicans, but surely being touted as the roadmap for the next conservative president. I am wading my way through the document trying to confirm whether what I am hearing about the plan are true. I have stumbled on the first big truth in that while touting freedom for Americans, the plan clearly wants to limit freedoms and access for many by eliminating Executive Order 14020 which provides for the establishment of the White House Gender Policy Council (GPC). While Project 2025 purports to support family values, the GPC is charged for ensuring the family is supported, among many other important social issues. 

Everyone should read, or try to read Project 2025 to see what are the true intentions of the Republicans. 

Yes, it is the Dog Days--and it is going to be a long hot summer.

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Monday, July 15, 2024

Monday Musings - July 15, 2024


1. Already, the third Monday of July has arrived. It is going to be a hot and wild summer it seems. There are 24 Mondays remaining in the year. 

2. It was a very sobering weekend, given what happened in Butler, PA with the attempted assignation. I was distressed at the misinformation and fake news that followed the attempt. Why must people continue to twist events for their own benefit and intentionally mislead others. It is a dangerous world in so many ways. Elections should be resolved at the voting box and not by an assassin's bullet.

Monkeys at the Zoo
Palm Beach Zoo, West Palm Beach, FL
July 13, 2024

3. The monkeys at the zoo the other day seemed to have the right idea. Just go out and play! They were having a great time hanging around and swinging. 

4. Project 2025 has been the topic of much discussion. I have been attempting to read it to better understand the position of the conservative movement and to have some ground truth (if there is such a thing anymore) when I read assessments of the plan. I have posted a link for everyone to access the massive document and see for themselves. My initial assessment is that if you are a white, evangelical Christian with no disabilities and who believes that everyone must be like you--this is the plan for you. 

5. With the start of the Republican National Convention today, we need to listed closely to what is being advocated and not just what is being said. I am seeing phrases like protecting freedom being coupled with plans that actually take freedoms away from groups people. 

6. Today in HistoryOn July 15, 2006, the San Francisco-based podcasting company Odeo officially releases Twttr—later changed to Twitter—its short messaging service (SMS) for groups, to the public. 

Born as a side project apart from Odeo’s main podcasting platform, the free application allowed users to share short status updates with groups of friends by sending one text message to a single number (“40404”). Over the next few years, as Twttr became Twitter, the simple “microblogging” service would explode in popularity, becoming one of the world’s leading social networking platforms.

RNC to kick off just days after Trump assassination attempt - CNN

After assassination attempt on Trump, Biden’s political challenge changes in an instant - CNN

We built our world for a climate that no longer exists - CNN

China's economy falters, raises pressure for more stimulus - Reuters

China new home prices fall at fastest pace in 9 years, more support needed - Reuters

Israel launches new Gaza strikes after weekend attack kills scores in safe zone - Reuters

Ukraine's mobilisation campaign picks up despite faltering enthusiasm - Reuters

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Sunday, July 14, 2024

It's Happening at the Zoo


Sloth and Baby
Palm Beach Zoo, West Palm Beach, FL
July 13, 2024

Zoo Day!

Yup, Chris and I went to the Palm Beach Zoo yesterday, just because.

I felt a bit funny as we entered as we were the only ones without kids in tow. It almost made me feel conspicuous, but in some ways that was a good thing because we engaged in conversations with the zoo staff and did not have kids trying to get on to see the animals. 

Flamboyance of Flamingos
Palm Beach Zoo, West Palm Beach, FL
July 13, 2024

This zoo is very different from most. It has a lot of shade which is nice for the animals. It also has a lot of screens to protect the animals, but which makes taking images tough. The shade made the visit pleasant as we were out of the sun. 

There is a wide variety of animals to enjoy and there are also a number of interactive programs, which are best reserved in advance. We know that now. 

The zoo is not huge, but that made it a pleasant day looking at the animals because as we all know--it's all happening at the zoo!

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Happy Hour on the ICW

TIKI 52 Looking to the ICW
Tequesta, FL
July 12, 2024

 The weather was actually pleasant and Chris and I headed off to our newest favorite watering hole to enjoy the evening and Happy Hour. Tiki 52 was just beginning to get busy as we arrived to enjoy a few apps and adult beverages. 

The sky actually had some blue patches, which was a change since we have had a lot of Saharan dust during the past few days. I do not know which is worse, the Saharan dust we are experiencing here or the smoke from the Canadian wildfires that the Northeast experienced last year. At least the Saharan dust does not have a noticeable smell. It does, however, cause similar respiratory distress for some people.

We had such a great time with Happy Hour that we ordered dinner and continued to enjoy the evening. 

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Friday, July 12, 2024

Frustrating Repair

Yeedi Uncovered
Tequesta, FL
July 11, 2024

 I had a frustrating repair experience yesterday. 

Our robot vacuum, a Yeedi, needs a new battery. I, thinking I could find one online, ordered a battery which was advertised to fit all Yeedi models. Guess what? It didn't fit mine!


Well, I got the vacuum apart and took out the battery figuring I could easily order the correct one. 

Not so fast!

It is not easy. This battery is very specific and confusing. It is a three-wire model and most of the batteries with this model number are five wire variants. I did find the correct one, but it needs to be shipped from China. So I contacted Yeedi USA. 

Pelicans on a Channel Marker
Manatee Pocket, FL
July 10, 2024
That was a disaster. They informed me they do not carry internal repair parts for the vacuums. Their answer was for my to buy a refurbished machine or a new one and they gave me a couple for 15 percent off a new $500 machine.


It only needs a $40 battery. 

Fortunately the vacuum still works with reduced capacity. Last night the battery ran out of power after 40 minutes, the machine got lost and failed to return to the docking station for a recharge to complete the cleaning process. And so I have time to order the battery from China and receive it in late-August or September.

Sometimes I feel like a couple of pelicans on a channel marker hoping good things come my way. 

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, Fl

Thursday, July 11, 2024

A Cloudy Day can be a Great Beach Day

Chris at the Helm
July 10, 2024

The skies were gray yesterday, both from clouds and the Saharan dust. Normally, a day like that would not be a good day for boating or beach activity. But yesterday, the clouds and sand kept the sun from baking the beach and those of us outside. It was nice, almost cool.

I noted that the water temperature in the ICW was over 89 degrees. The ocean felt cooler, maybe 85 degrees. All still too warm. 

From the Beach
Jupiter Island, Stuart, FL
July 10, 2024

We went to my favorite Jupiter Island Beach, which is best accessed by boat from Peck Lake in the ICW. The beach had only a few other people on it, all arriving by boat. It is possible to walk along the ocean from other parts of Jupiter Island, but it is a long walk and then one had to walk back. 

The gray skies helped to moderate the incredible heat and stress temperatures of over 105 degrees that had been the norm for the past few days. The day was comfortable until early afternoon when the sun finally broke through to bake the earth. By then, we were already back at the marina and headed home to our air conditioned condo. 

A cloudy day can be a great beach day!

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

On the Course

Chris Finish the 11th Green
Jupiter Dunes, Jupiter, FL
July 9, 2024

 Chris and I headed off to the golf course yesterday. It was hot! The stress index was over 100 degrees by the time we finished our round--and we walked. Chris remarked that next time we are going to rent a golf cart because of the heat. I like having my clubs with me when I make a shot, so we will see how it goes. 

It was good to be on the course as we prepare for the upcoming August tournament. I have a lot of work to do between now and tournament time to recover some of my usually pathetic game. 

Black Snake
Jupiter Dunes, Jupiter, FL
July 10, 2024

Although the sky looks pretty gray in the image, there are actually clear patches. The sky is not blue because of dust from the Sahara. It is filtering the sun somewhat, but making the usually vibrant blue sky more gray. And it is holding the heat in. 

In the heat of the day, and we were arriving at the 11th Tee, we spied a small black snake. It was on alert, it seemed, holdings head up in the air as it hunted. It seemed unconcerned about our arrival and slithered off a short while later.

We went on our way and teed off. 

I guess we had a close encounter. 

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The Buzzing Sound You Hear

Bees in the Box
Tequesta, FL
July 8, 2024

 Sometimes the buzzing sound that we hear is not all I our heads. 

During our walk yesterday, Chris and I discovered a bee hive discreetly hidden in an in ground junction box. There were a lot of bees and apparently this has become a large hive. 

Bees are becoming an important commodity and we both wondered what would happen when, at some future point, someone decided they needed to get into that junction box. Hopefully, they will call for a bee keeper to remove the bees rather than just killing them. 

I spent some time trying to determine that these are honeybees and not Yellowjackets. Although they are nesting in a ground location, based on their wing structure and coloring, I believe they are honeybees. But, I am no expert. I did note that I was not attacked while taking the image. Important note--Yellowjackets are not bees!

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Monday, July 8, 2024

Monday Musings - July 8, 2024


1. It is the 2nd Monday of July. Wow, time flies! There are three Mondays remaining in the month and only 25 Mondays remaining in the year. 

Les Deux Raies
Henri Matisse
Norton Museum of Art
West Palm Beach, FL

2. One piece of art which intrigued me at the Norton this week was Matisse's Les Deux Races (The Two Rays). I had not been exposed to the work before and found it to be very much to my liking. There are a couple other works that I will be sharing in the coming days. There was one somewhat controversial work, Huck and Jim by Charles Ray, that I found intriguing, but will not share my image. 

3. The show, Expedition Unknown has an episode titled Traitor's Treasure about the infamous Doan Gang of Bucks County, PA. The Doan Gang were some of the worst outlaws of the Revolutionary War period. They were Loyalists who supported the Monarchy. I am not proud of that. I am related to, but not directly through the Doan Gang. 

4. Russia is continuing to violate the Laws of Armed Conflict most recently by attaching a children's hospital. These violations must not be allowed to continue and the U.S. and the West must provide better and more capable conflict changing weapons to defeat Putin and is aggression once and for all. 

5. Immigration conundrum. During Trump’s term in office from January 2017 to January 2021, deportations by U.S. immigration and border authorities fell lower than most years of his Democratic predecessor Barack Obama, who some advocates for immigrants dubbed the “deporter-in-chief.”

Biden had even fewer deportations than Trump during his first two years in office. But, faced with much higher numbers of migrants arriving at the border, he greatly increased deportations – including those of families – in federal fiscal year 2023 and the first five months of the 2024 fiscal year, outpacing Trump.

6. Today in HistoryOn July 8, 1951, Paris, the capital city of France, celebrates turning 2,000 years old. In fact, a few more candles would’ve technically been required on the birthday cake, as the City of Lights was most likely founded around 250 B.C.

The history of Paris can be traced back to a Gallic tribe known as the Parisii, who sometime around 250 B.C. settled an island (known today as Ile de la Cite) in the Seine River, which runs through present-day Paris. By 52 B.C., Julius Caesar and the Romans had taken over the area, which eventually became Christianized and known as Lutetia, Latin for “midwater dwelling.” The settlement later spread to both the left and right banks of the Seine and the name Lutetia was replaced with “Paris.” In 987 A.D., Paris became the capital of France. As the city grew, the Left Bank earned a reputation as the intellectual district while the Right Bank became known for business.

Beryl slams Texas with extreme rainfall, life-threatening storm surge - CNN

France rejects far right, plunges into uncertainty after stunning election result - CNN

Russia attacks Ukraine's largest children's medical center - CNN

Boeing to plead guilty to fraud in US probe of fatal 737 MAX crashes - Reuters

Biden is now deporting more people than Trump - Reuters

Samsung Electronics workers strike as union voice grows in South Korea - Reuters

Insurers Pocketed $50 Billion From Medicare for Diseases No Doctor Treated - The Wall Street Journal

‘We’re Not Dead Yet.’ Baby Boomers’ Good Times Drive the Economy. - The Wall Street Journal

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Saturday Morning Ride

Crossing the Bridge
Loxahatchee River Bridge, Tequesta, FL
July 6, 2024

 The oppressive heat broke for a short while yesterday morning. I managed to enjoy a nice 17-mile ride around my usual haunts. 

I loved the sun and the scenes. The colors seemed so vibrant since the Sahara dust has stopped coloring the sky. The winds were calm and I enjoyed stopping for a minute to consider the wake from a passing boat that left ripples in the river. Except for the trees, the sky and river were the same color.  

Palm and Flag
Tequesta, FL
July 6, 2024

The ride went smoothly. There was less traffic than usual which made the ride nice.

I have noticed many flags are flying for the Independence Day weekend. That warms my heart. It is good to see people expressing their patriotism without connecting it to a particular party or candidate. All too often I see our flag being flown along with the banner of a particular candidate and that bothers me because I infer that the person is implying that all other candidates are un-American--which is not true. 

Here's hoping you had a great Independence Day weekend. 

America is never wholly herself unless she is engaged in high moral principle. We as a people have such a purpose. It is to make kinder the face of the nation and gentler the face of the world.
—President George H. W. Bush

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Museum Day - Norton Museum of Art

Typewriter Eraser
Claes Oldenburg
Norton Museum of Art
West Palm Beach, FL

 Yesterday was museum day. Chris and I visited a first class art museum in West Palm Beach. We were looking for something different to experience and it had been a while since we visited an art museum. We headed off to the Norton Museum of Art where we enjoyed some fabulous art and a very nice lunch.  

The museum is an exciting place to visit. The art is displayed creatively and that makes it easy to view and appreciate. 

We were greeted by Clear Oldenburg's, Typewriter Eraser, at the entrance. It is larger than life standing at least 10 feet tall. The funny thing is that this once ubiquitous office tool is almost extinct with the advent of computers. There is no need to erase mistyped letters anymore, just correct the document before printing. 

As we walked through the collections, we were challenged to expand our horizon to accommodate the subjects that the artists were confronting us with. Sometimes it was easy and fun, but with others the subjects were hard and gritty. 

I enjoyed the museum and will likely return in the near future. 

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Friday, July 5, 2024

After the Sounds of the Cannons

Tequesta, FL
July 4, 2024
Tequesta, FL
July 4, 2024

 It was a rousing 4th. 

Chris, Finn, and I walked to Village Blvd and watched the fireworks from a community situated on the ICW. They were inspiring. Finn handled the noise well as long as I was holding him. We took Finn so that he would not be alone listening to the sound of the fireworks exploding around us. 

It was a much more enjoyable fireworks than heading out to a major display in the heat, crowds, and traffic. Other members of our community did the same. We enjoyed the fireworks and then walked back to our homes to finish-off the evening. 

Chris and I managed to watch both of the Independence Day movies over the course of the past two days. They are must viewing for the 4th of July!

I hope many people are enjoying the long weekend. Many made it into a five-day weekend. Wow, that seems almost like a week!

Leave the matter of religion to the family altar, the church, and the private school. Keep the church and state forever separate.
—President Ulysses S. Grant

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy 4th

 Happy Independence Day 2024

"I am well aware of the toil and blood and treasure that it will cost us to maintain this Declaration."

- John Adams, July 3, 1776

Last Fireworks over Elkridge Home
Elkridge, MD
July 4, 2022
I hope that this Independence Day is a grand celebration for you and your family. 

I remember that Chris and I used to host a grand celebration on Independence Day at our house in Elkridge. It was a fun day with the kids, dogs, and family around the pool listening to patriotic music and we ended the day with a fireworks display. There is something about being so close to the "rocket's red glare" and the bone jarring retort that adds a sense of excitement to the Independence Day celebration. It was also a way to continue the celebrations even during the COVID years.

Elkridge, MD
July 4, 2022

Last year it was very different. We celebrated here in Florida, away from family and joined a throng of people at the local baseball stadium to enjoy fireworks and music. I am not sure what form our celebration will take today, but I know it will not have the same family orientation that we enjoyed in years past.

I enjoyed going to the fireworks store, usually a warehouse, to select the pyrotechnics for our celebration. Most years I failed to buy the fireworks during the slow time and wound up with throngs of others buying the implements for our celebration just before the holiday. 

Living in a condo community, there is no space to safely host a fireworks display to celebrate the 4th. I miss planning and enjoying the family celebration. 

Enjoy the day and may your celebration be a reminder of just how precious is our Republic and our freedoms.

Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters. 
—Albert Einstein

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

My Zimbio
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