Summer Green Odenton, MD August 30, 2024 |
Despite the lack of rain in the region, the green of summer seems more vibrant this year than in years past. I haven't noticed many tent worms and while some trees are showing signs of heat stress, most are a vibrant green that almost blends into the background.
Yesterday was a gray and rainy day--which was needed for the area although I am sure the wineries were not too happy since it is the middle of the harvest. Even so, the green remained vibrant. I took this image of the tree in my daughter's yard and it demonstrates how the green envelops everything. The tree is hard to distinguish against the green of the forest behind.
This is the kind of summer that I remember as a kid growing up in Upstate New York. The heat, the humidity, and the green forest that surrounded our home. Everything during the summer seemed green, until those last days of August when color began to creep into the backdrop signaling the end of the season and the beginning of autumn.
Color is beginning to arrive in the leaves. It is very limited at this point, but as the nights begin to cool off the color will eventually spread until only the coniferous trees remain to remind me of the summer green and excitement that the springtime brings as the green returns to fill the landscape.
-- Bob Doan, Odenton, MD