Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snowpocalypse 2010 Update from the Front

It is still snowing.

After three hours of shoveling--we are getting more snow. And believe it or not, due to the Thunder Snow last night, Elkridge is leading the region in snow fall totals.

We are over 30 inches now--and there are six more on the way on Tuesday and Wednesday.

We have some cool pictures--that I will be sharing.

Makayla is having a blast in the snow--although she was a little freaked out by the depth of the snow. She loves to follow me in snow trails that I make.

But the driveway is shoveled--we expect the street to be plowed Monday morning. Yup--that's correct--Monday morning and today is Saturday. They are having enough of a problem keeping I-95 open they have not even begun to worry about the side and residential streets.

Note in the picture of the house a miraculous thing. My truck is covered with snow, but Chris' Lexus is not in the picture--for the first time ever--since we have lived here in Elkridge, there is a vehicle in the garage. And we've lived here over 9 years!

Yay us!!!!

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