Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday Musings - May 3, 2010

1. Summer tugged at my heart this weekend with temperatures near 90 and
bright sun on Saturday.

2. The pool is open. It's green, but open. Not swimable just yet though.

3. I just want to make a note that the Orioles swept the Red Sox this
weekend and that with the four wins against the Sox already this
season they have doubled their win total against them from all of last

4. Today has dawned rainy and warm. We need the rain to continue the
strong start of the season and keep the green coming.

5. I'm off to Tampa for the week. I've never been to Tampa before.
Hopefully I will ejnoy the place and the conference will not be too

6. Makayla had a overnight with Ben the other night. That is pretty
funny if you think about it. Dogs having overnights.

7. I realized that one of my favorite country song titles is "Tequila
makes her clothes fall off" although I have never seen it happen.

8. Why do they still explain how to use seat belt on airplanes?

Sent from my iPhone

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