Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday Musings - January 11, 2010

1. I wonder if I'm the only person still having trouble writing 2010 instead of 2009.

2. With most all of the Christmas decorations returned to storage for another year (except for the outside lights because it has been too cold to deal with them) the house looks empty and bland. It is amazing how seasonal decorations really spruce up a place.

3. Take two active boys under the age of five, add toys, DVDs, sugar and food and the result is total chaos.

4. We are on baby watch--who knew that unborn babies needed to be watched so closely and by so many people!

5. Football success inspires people to excel. I wonder how many people in the larger Baltimore region are feeling great this morning after their teams won during the playoffs yesterday and Saturday?

6. Below the Fold: "NBC Cancels Leno Show in Primetime" (Washington Post). If I got canceled and removed as many times as Leno has and still had a job, I'd consider it a miracle. I guess the old saying of "mess up and move up" really applies?

7. Did you ever take a picture, really work hard to get it all set up only to wonder later whatever possessed you to take the picture? In that vein, I present an image I have titled--Tulip Poplar Stump at Monticello. What was I thinking?

8. I wonder why it is that we cannot seem to buy a new rim and get the wheel on the Lexus fixed. I guess because it is on the "todo" list.

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