Thursday, January 28, 2010

Morning Light

As I walked across the parking lot into work yesterday, I noticed the brightening dawn on the horizon--although the sun was still a long way below the horizon, it was beginning to illuminate the morning sky and drive the darkness away.

I could still see the stars, and yes it was a clear sky. But on the horizon--the light of the coming day was beginning to silhouette the trees and houses. I detected faint orange-tan colors in the sky which were preceding the coming dawn.

Another preview of the coming Spring when it will again be daylight when I arrive at work!

It made me smile--despite the gloomy weather forecast of snow for the weekend.

Ah--but as the weeks continue I will look forward to seeing more and more daylight as I arrive at work. Maybe even soon--I won't have to turn my headlights on to drive in and it will really be Springtime--that is, until Daylight Savings Time kicks in--and it is dark again!

But then--it will be March and Spring will truly be here!

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