Saturday, October 1, 2022

September is gone?

 October arrived overnight. Somehow September slipped through our fingers and we are in the final quarter of the year. 

Carton Containing Coffee Table
Tequesta, FL
September 30, 2022

Happy New Year to all of the federal workers out there. Congress once again failed to do their jobs and had to supply a continuing resolution to keep the government funded, but at least they did that and kicked the budget battle down the road until December 16th. 

Coffee Table in Living Room
Tequesta, FL
September, 30, 2022

Yesterday was busy. The dogs took a lot of time, but I did get a few projects completed. The biggest project was in front of my door when Finnegan and I returned home from our morning walk. The new coffee table arrived. All 130 lbs of it! There it was, big as can be, blocking the door. Thank-you Fedex!

I was concerned because upon inspecting the carton I noticed some damage, but once I wrestled the box inside, opened it, and freed the table from the excessive packing I determined that there was no damage. The packing protected the table and the area of the damaged carton was dead space. 

Does anyone else thing we use way too much styrofoam in packing? And the cheap styrofoam crumbles and gets everywhere. 

The new table, however, looks great and there are end tables somewhere in the process of being shipped which will complete the look. 

Today I will be tackling hanging a TV using the new mount which arrived yesterday. The mount for the TV being replaced was not sufficient for the TV I am hanging and so I must remove and replace TV mounts! Ugh! 

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

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