Saturday, February 5, 2022

Birds of the Beach

Carlin Park, Jupiter, FL
February 3, 2022
Chris and I enjoyed another great Happy Hour on the beach the other night. The waves were crashing on the beach, the ocean has been very rough this week.

The warm sun and temperatures have made enjoying the beach a great February pastime. Chris and I are attempting to get there everyday and especially when the temperatures are in the high 70s and low 80s as they have been most of this week. 

The birds have been very active as well. I managed this image of a seagull which was hoping for hand-outs from our evening Happy Hour munchies. Frankly, I don't know how I managed this shot as the seagull was moving so quickly and he was so close. 

Osprey with Catch
Carlin Park, Jupiter, FL
February 3, 2022
We have also enjoyed watching the osprey hunt. We also saw this osprey after having made a successful catch. I missed seeing the actual catch, but this bird was headed for its nest with dinner. 

Along with being mesmerized by the waves and enjoying the breeze the birds provide something to watch, enjoy, and marvel about. Not to be outdone, the fish sometimes take center stage by jumping from the water. I saw a huge splash which was reportedly a spinner shark, but I did not see the shark in the air as my eyes were focused elsewhere. 

I am beginning to settle into retirement. Walking the dog and biking in the morning. Taking care of projects and business during the mid-part of the day. And then to the beach during the mid- to late-afternoon. 

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

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