Thursday, February 3, 2022

As the Week Wears On

 Temperatures are returning to more normal in South Florida--the reason that I am wintering here. The average high temperature is around 76 degrees. Yesterday it reached, officially, 72 but it was a bit warmer in reality. 

Jupiter Island Beach
Jupiter, FL
February 2, 2022
Chris and I went to the beach during the afternoon when it was warmer. This was after walking and then biking. We enjoyed having there entire beach to ourselves. I took a panorama to document our "alone-ness" on the stretch of beach. And remember er, it is high season here--all of the other "snow birds" are in town. Sadly, the wind coming off the ocean was a bit cool and so we departed after about an hour; retreating to the intracoastal side of Jupiter Island to enjoy the warm afternoon sun and water.

Today the temperature is expected to reach 76 degrees, or higher. I am watching the ice and snow storm sweeping through the country which is reaffirming my decision to winter in South Florida. 

And to think, it is Friday-eve! An absolute bonus. 

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

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