Friday, February 3, 2023

Welcome Friday--Enjoy the Ride

Yes, it is Friday again. Another week is slipping into history.

Egret on the Beach
Carlin Park, Jupiter, FL
February 2, 2023
For those of you who live in the frozen northern region of the country, Nicole sent the graphic yesterday. It is only funny if you realize the Punxsutawney Phil made the prediction for six more weeks of winter yesterday. So maybe there is hope after all!

For our part here in South Florida we walked the beach in the morning, it was another idyllic beginning to the day. That was followed with a 15 mile bike ride and a busy afternoon around the house. I guess I needed the recuperation after Wednesday's construction project. Fortunately, the bike ride was uneventful, but enjoyable.

I am in awe of the stunning colors of the morning as we walk the beach. The blue skies of the past few days have been very enjoyable, made more so by the cloudy overcast days of last week. 

Looking North at 9 AM
Carlin Park Beach, Jupiter, FL
February 2, 2023

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

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