Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Flowers and Birds

Flamingo Gardens, Davie, FL
February 27, 2023

 Yesterday we made another trip to Flamingo Gardens

It was just as much fun as our first trip. There is something exciting every time we visit. I just enjoy the combination of birds, animals, and botanic gardens. 

The orchids are coming into bloom around the gardens and they add a touch of color to the developing springtime. Photographing the orchids allows me to play with the settings on my iPhone camera to add a touch of artistry to the images. Orchids are good for that because unlike animals, they do not move. 

Flamingo Gardens, Davie, FL
February 27, 2023
Of course, walking through the aviary the are many birds that do not move a lot. For instance, this anhinga provided me with a show yesterday as it was spreading its wings and collecting sunlight and warmth. What was exciting, for me, was that the anhinga was within 3 feet of me and seemingly unconcerned about my presence. Some of the other birds, especially pelicans, are not so comfortable or rather they have a larger interpersonal zone.

Even though it the drive to the Gardens is a bit over an hour, I find the trip more than worth the investment. Getting out with the animals and the plants is exciting and there is still so much of the botanical gardens that we need to explore.

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

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