Friday, February 24, 2023

Ending the Day

Very Low Tide Atlantic Ocean
Jupiter island, FL
February 23, 2023

 Was it Thursday? Friday-eve?

I suppose that it was. 

Friends arrived from the frozen northlands, which are actually experiencing an early Spring, it seems. Chris and I are excited to have them and it seems we will be enjoying idyllic weather for the duration of their visit. 

Seagull Posing for the Camera
Jupiter Island, FL
February 23, 2023

We went to the beach for Happy Hour and were greeted by one of the lowest low tides that I have seen. On the Intracoastal side of the island, the tide was so low that the mud flats were exposed and children were running along rescuing starfish that were exposed as the water receded so rapidly. On the ocean side of the island, where we were enjoying Happy hour, the rocks were exposed which are normally covered with water.

February is coming to a rapid close and the weather is forecast to be fantastic. We have a lot planned as the month closes out and are already looking forward to activities in March.

For now, we are enjoying the great weather we are experiencing.

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

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