Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hydrangea Morning

Another hot, summer day is starting.

The hydrangea are in full bloom in front of the house--standing tall against the summer sun and heat.

Filling our vision with a multitude of blooms.

The grass has slowed its growth as the heat and dryness of the summer have set in. I didn't need to even mow this past week.

Last evening, as night fell, the lightening bugs provided a spectacle of lights high in the canopy of trees that surround the back yard and pool.

Their lights rivaled that of the stars--but of course--their lights were only transient compared to the steady lights of those suns so far away.

Days like this are what I wait for during those long, cold, bleak days of winter--which will all too soon return. So I will enjoy these days--riding in the convertible with the top down and my hair blowing in the wind.

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