Friday, March 12, 2010

Things People Say That Make You Wonder

Every so often a phrase comes out wrong but is so true.

For instance consider this:

"I have created a problem where there was none. My job is done here." Now consider if this was a news report about another session in Congress regarding health care, or the Maryland legislature about anything. How true it would be.

I have heard other such phrases over time, but cannot remember them. But they usually rank up there with those timeless ones like:

Creating a mountain out of a molehill --one of my personal favorites and it seems to happen more and more.

Or when I was on a traveling inspection and compliance team while I was in the Air Force--the two great phrases:

We would say: We're here to help and they would respond: We're happy to see you!

Or back in the days of corporal punishment when a father would say to his disobedient son just before the belt or cat-o-nine tails hit his bottom: This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you! Really? Then what's the use, I always wondered. Oh, maybe I wasn't supposed to admit being THAT son!

Oh well, I know there are a lot more of these kind of phrases, but----

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Top Down and Hair not-so on Fire

Tuesday was an awesome afternoon here. Everyone was talking at work about how great the weather was--outside.

Me--I had a late meeting that didn't end until about 4:30, so I couldn't even give into my developing case of Spring Fever and blow the popcorn stand to go outside and enjoy the weather.

But--as I hit the parking lot and noticed the great weather I did something that I have wished that I could do for years but never had the capability to do--I put the top down on Cat and decided to drive home and enjoy the sunshine and the pre-Spring day. Yes, the picture is from when I brought the car home and all of the snow is gone now--but you get the idea.

Wow--all of the snow--except for one pile along the fence is gone--we are making progress.

It was awesome. I turned the heat up to high, and left the windows up to keep the wind off me and enjoyed a great ride home in the afternoon 62 degree or so sunlight.

So how badly do I want it to be warmer? Pretty badly! It was a pretty sedate ride home--but I was already thinking of July and driving to Florida and stopping alongside I-95 to put the top up for the oncoming rainstorm in the sultry 95 degree heat and 95 percent humidity of the Dog Days of summer. I can smell it even as I write it--bring it on!!!!

Hey--the snow is gone, mostly and that is a start.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Sunlight in my Eyes

I had to put my sun glasses on for the ride into work yesterday.

It was awesome. Forty-some degrees, clear blue sky and sun! Yeah. It is rare when I get to drive to work in daylight and enjoy seeing the world as it comes to life.

I have always enjoyed the dawn--and watching the world shake off the slumber from the night and come to life in the light of the sun.

We have had a lot of dark and rainy/snowy days lately and according to the weather forecasters there are more on the way. So I really appreciate the opportunity to drive to work with the sun in my eyes and a blue sky above me.

It is too bad that it all goes away next week as we shift into daylight savings time. I will return to driving to work in the dark. I'm not sure having more daylight in the evening is a good trade off. I can enjoy the added sunlight in the morning just as much as in the evening.

Perhaps we should encourage people to get up earlier rather than to stay up later! The amount of usable sunlight will be the same per day regardless of DST--of course the actual amount of sunlight varies from day-to-day anyway and actually peaks in late June at the summer solstice.

Oh well--the government knows best, right?

Walk outside and turn your face to the sun and feel the warm rays on your face. It will make you feel better all over.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

As the Weeks Roll By

The pace of life seemingly has quickened. Both at work and at home. It seems that the days already are growing too short to accommodate all of the actions and tasks that need to be done. And summer isn't even here yet.


When last we left the bright sunny day--the grasses had been cut in anticipation of the new growth of springtime and the yard was not yet green to its full up color after having been in slumber under the snow for the past two months.

But it is there--I am sure of it. And when it comes along--we will be ready. I usually do my first lawn mowing during March and I am sure that this month will be no different from those past--just the cutting may be a bit delayed.

I smile a bit when I look at the outdoor propane heater (in the picture). Its top is tilted as a result of the weight of the snow. More repair work.

But yesterday, I almost put to top down on Cat for the drive home from work. The temperature was showing 61 degrees on the thermometer, what was I waiting for? 70?

Springtime is a celebration--of life and of rebirth. It is also the time we clean up the mess left behind by the winter and correspondingly the messes in our lives that we made during the dark season. We can be reborn with the new season and revitalize our activity. I'm all for that.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday Musings - March 8, 2010

1. Springtime was in the air this weekend and we began the long process of recovering the yards and gardens from the storms--it was very satisfying.

2. Jax the miracle baby turned 2 this weekend! And a huge party yesterday was thrown in his honor. I guess we have all become advocates for testing for TAPVR in the hospitals.

3. On the way to the party yesterday, we stopped at the local pet store to buy a party dress for Nicole's now dog, Florence. How funny was that. Sopping wet she may weigh three pounds. But, she is cute.

4. Makayla got her first ride in the new Cat. She did pretty good in the back seat. Makayla likes to ride in front on top of the driver--so that was a bit if an adjustment for her.

5. It really amazes me how the weather can go from really cold to nice in a short time.

6. There is still snow on the ground--but the size of the piles is decreasing with increasing rapidity.

7. I am still amazed that the tulips and daffodils are pushing up under the snow. I wonder how they know spring is coming?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

First Signs of Spring

Well--Saturday was one of those days we wait all winter for--we saw that Springtime is coming. We saw the first signs of Springtime flowers in the yard right next to the piles of snow.

We made three trips to the dump to get rid of trees that were damaged by the storms. Then we got the grasses around the pool cut back for springtime as well.

Actual yard work--even though there is still snow on the ground.

It was awesome even though a bit cold.

We lost three trees as a result of the heavy snow and high winds--so starting up the chain saw was exciting. It worked--but I had a real problem getting the chain tension right probably because of the cold. The saw made quick work of the trees and it took three trips to take them to the dump--actually the recycling part of the dump to rid ourselves of them.

But the highlight of the day was finding that underneath the mounds of snow--Springtime was alive and well.

We did spread some of the snow around to help it melt faster--but there is still a six foot high pile near the middle of the driveway.

All in all--we'll call this the first day of Spring! Just because we can.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Spring, Baseball, and Warmer Temperatures

I have already watched two Spring Training baseball games and listened to a third on the radio. Hard to believe--and only one of them was an Orioles game. I'm hopeless. I'm just happy that baseball is back.

And this weekend--we are going to see some actual Spring-like temperatures. It is so hard to believe but we are rapidly leaving winter behind.

Daylight Savings Time even begins in a week--can you believe it? Yes at 2AM on March 14th! Bet it's creeping up on you and you didn't even realize it.

There is still snow in my yard.

But I did get my new hedge trimmer? So I'm ready for Spring yard work!

And day 2 with Lucas went fine--he is the cutest kid out there.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Grandfather - Other Duties as Assigned

I took yesterday off from work to spend the day with Lucas. Yes, I was the babysitter.

It was a very different day from most that I enjoy. It started off as a normal Thursday on the racquetball court at 0530 playing three very uninspiring games and being totally dominated by the guy I was playing.

Then a quick stop at home for breakfast and off to spend the day with the youngest grandson.

I have to admit--I have not spent much alone time with Lucas as he is usually surrounded by a myriad of doting people. I had held him a couple of times--but surrendered him up when others around me had that "I need to hold the baby" look in their eyes. So I was looking forward to some one-on-one time with Lucas.

He did not disappoint. He is a real snuggle down and sleep kind of guy--which I like. The day revolved around a cycle consisting of diaper change, feed, burp, check out the world for a bit and then sleep; which we repeated three times.

I admit, I do enjoy napping with a baby cradled in my arm or on my chest on the sofa. I think that's why as we get older we like lap dogs--to try to recreate the warmth and memory of holding a peacefully sleeping child. So for me it was a pretty quiet restful day.

I did discover something important though--there is nothing of value on daytime TV. I would up watching old news on the NHL channel and ESPN Sportscenter most of the day until the baseball Spring training games began at 1PM. But the only game on was the Mets and Cardinals. But--it was baseball and the game ended with a football score of 17-11 Mets. I did get to see some plays happen that I remember coaching my Little League teams how to avoid many years ago. I especialyl liked the two-out pop-up that fell between the first baseman and catcher that wound up as a two-run single instead of an inning ending out.

I'm going back later today for day two on the Lucas front and I have to say I'm looking forward to it. Especially since I know more about what I'm going to be facing. And of course--the afternoon nap with Lucas will be the highlight!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Change of Pace--Think SPRING!

So I've been so totally preoccupied with the incredibly long and severe winter we have been having this year, that I have been forgetting to project forward to happier and sunnier times.

Like this weekend.

Amazingly, the weather for Saturday is projected to be in the 50's and sunny and clear! I may even take 'Cat" out for a spin. I think I've decided to name the new car, "Cat" and that way I have a Kitty and a Cat.

But as for the weekend--and the present. We are not far away from actually beginning the Springtime chores. I think this weekend we are going to try to clean up some of the winter storm debris--including downed trees and branches. I mean, 50 degrees is a veritable heat wave considering where we've been hovering in terms of temperatures.

I can almost smell the flowers blooming in my mind. And then it's back onto the antihistamines to keep breathing!

But the promise of a nice weekend is just so encouraging. I am actually looking forward to, rather than resigning myself to, the weekend. It is too bad the yard will still be so wet from the snow melt. But--we'll make a little mud and still get stuff done. I think I need a new tool--like a cordless hedge trimmer! And I need cordless because last year Chris tried to electrocute me as she tried to cut the electric cord with the trimmer and I was holding the electric cord--it was pretty scary!

Yeah--I'll buy a new tool--that always makes me happy! And an outdoor tool at that!

By the way--Spring Training games began yesterday for the O's.

AND--51 days from today is the tentatively scheduled annual pool opening weekend event!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My Dog is an Awesome Dog

What a greeting.

As Chris and I stumbled through the door about 1AM Monday morning after being gone all weekend, our dog, Makayla, provided us with a greeting that was as enthusiastic as any I have ever had.

It was clear that she was happy that we had returned. And it warmed my heart that she was so expressive.

I always feel bad when we are away for an extended time and cannot take her with us. She likes to be with us and to travel with us. As I put my coat on to go out the door on any given day, she is there waiting for me to say the magical word: "roadtrip" which she knows means she is going with us.

I would love to take her with us everywhere--but that is not practical, unfortunately.

She is definitely my best buddy--especially when Chris is out and I am alone at home.
And her greeting reinforced to me that she sees me as her best buddy, too.
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