Saturday, September 2, 2023

Juneau in the Rain and Cold

Mendenhall Glacier
Juneau, AK
September 1, 2023

 Yesterday, Chris and I walked in a driving rainstorm to look at . . . 

(Wait for it)

Water and Ice.

The big event of the day was visiting the Mendenhall Glacier. Wee had an afternoon tour and that was a bit of a mistake as the rains began in earnest during the afternoon. With the temperature approaching 56 degrees (the high), it was a cold hike to see the glacier. 

Looking across the Morning
Entrance to Endicott Arm
September 1, 2023
Fortunately, I took this image of the glacier before the hard rains began. By the time we got closer and were at the base of the waterfall, the rain made the images very gray--like both the day and my mood!

Upon arriving, we hiked about a mile into this portion of the Tongass National Forest to bat at the base of Nugget Falls, the waterfall near the glacier and which feeds Mendenhall Glacier Lake. The cold, raw, wet day really sapped our enthusiasm for the adventure. The day actually began with disappointment as the ship was unable to enter Endicott Arm (a fjord) for a view of the Dawes Glacier. The fog made navigating the area too dangerous given the multitude of ice flows. We got up early to view the glacier, but that just meant we had more time to enjoy the day. 

Departing Juneau
Juneau, AK
September 1, 2023
The cancellation allowed us to arrive about two hours early into Juneau. We enjoyed walking around the capital city of Alaska. 

The interesting part, however, was that as the ship pulled away from the pier last evening, I was able to get a good-bye image of Juneau and Alaska. 

And we are on a sea day today with arrival in Victoria, BC, Canada, tomorrow evening. 

Sadly, our cruise is coming to an end. Here's hoping for fair winds and following seas. 

-- Bob Doan, Quantum of the Seas, somewhere off Alaska (5536N 13425W)

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