Thursday, September 7, 2023

A sad Good-bye to Riordin

Elkridge, MD
May 12, 2014

 Riordin, my roughly 16-year old cat, crossed the rainbow bridge this morning. He was at peace and free of the debilitating asthma which had destroyed his body and quality of life by making each breath a struggle.  

We knew he was not well when we departed on our cruise vacation, but we had worked with the vet to try one last treatment which showed some promise. However, he quit eating shortly after we left and was waiting for time to run out. 

Tequesta, FL
March 9, 2023
Riordin was the most unique cat I have ever had the pleasure of being associated with. He was loving and liked to crawl into bed at night and curl up with me and just purr until we both went to sleep. 

He was a man's cat. He loved men. We were told this when we adopted him at the age of about 2 years old. He was not a cat that shied away from people, but he instead he loved to interact with our guests--sometimes a bit too much and we had to lock him in a bedroom. 

People sometimes ask me about his unusual name, but that was the name he had when we adopted him and I did not want to turn his world upside down any more than losing his first home by changing his name. In reality, in addition to Riordin, he also answered to Puss--it was my special name for him.

Me with Makayla and Riordin
Elkridge, MD
August 12, 2013

Upon arriving home from our cruise Tuesday evening, we could see that he was not doing well with the new treatment regime. He had lost a lot of weight and it was clear that he was near the end and struggling for each breath. As much as it was so very hard, we gave him the honor of a dignified departure from this world instead of gasping for his final breath. He was at peace and loved as both Chris and I were stroking him as he passed. 

I will miss him very much. He is not the kind of four-footed friend that can be replaced. 

I note since moving full-time to Florida just a year ago, our pack of two dogs and one cat have been reduced to one dog. It has been a tough year with the loss of Makayla, during October, and Riordin, today. 

It is just hard. 

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

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