Tuesday, March 14, 2023

The Watcher

Riordin On Guard
Tequesta, FL
March 10, 2023

 Riordin, our cat, loves spending time in the garage. He goes there alone and in the dark. He watches for unsuspecting small lizards to run under a crack in the garage door seal. 

I believe, totally anthropomorphism, that he believes he is protecting the homestead from invaders. I am amazed at the amount of time he spends in the garage. To date, I can only confirm one kill--but since I hate cleaning them up, I am happy that there are not more. 

I will soon replace the garage door seal, but I am sure Riordin will continue to stand watch protecting the homestead from the lizard hordes. 

BTW, I really like the low light feature on my iPhone!

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

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