Thursday, July 28, 2022

Downsizing - Dog Days

 Aside from being in the middle of the dog days, today is a dog day.

Makayla in Front of the Door
Elkridge, MD
July 28, 2022

Makayla is going to the groomer. We are getting her shaved. I actually do not like to get her shaved, but hew skin has become so sensitive that it is hard to keep her brushed. She looks more like a mop right now than a Keeshond. She is also serving as our dog welcome mat. That is she lies in front of the door most of the day and doesn't even move when we pass by her.

As the downsizing continues, we realized yesterday that we have completed most of the packing prep and and are down to mostly things that we need to keep out until we depart. The Pod arrives in two weeks and that is when everything, including the items already boxed, will get loaded and ready for transfer to Florida. 

Florida seems like a dream now. I have been away so long. It has been cooler there than here. And I miss sitting on the beach for Happy Hour.

This weekend will be different. We are heading to New York for Annual Troy Whittemore Memorial Golf Tournament! At least there will be a change of scenery and I will get to play some golf, or rather the course will get to frustrate me.

And the Dog Days of Summer continue.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

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