Saturday, October 26, 2013

No Pets makes No Sense

I stopped and looked at the sign posted prominently on the entrance to the rest stop building. Why must my beloved dog remain outside complicating my life when she is traveling with me? It makes no sense--none at all. After all, they let children into the building and we all know that they are far dirtier and more destructive than pets.

On my most recent sojourn, I discovered that most of the wineries in the Seneca Lake region of New York allow dogs to accompany their owners into the tasting rooms while sampling the fruit of the vine. Why must my dog remain outside at a rest stop where food is not being served? Or for that matter, why discriminate against pets anywhere--food or not? 

Pets are companions. I am sure that soon there will be a movement to ensure that dogs and cats are seat belted when traveling in a car--not only for their own protection but the protection of the driver and other occupants. I mean, who needs the family pet flying around the interior of the vehicle during an accident?

For now, I am contemplating some radical action to try to get these ridiculous laws and rules reversed. What would be the harm in allowing my dog into an establishment especially on an extremely hot or cold day?

We seem to spend a lot of time writing laws and making rules that have precious little hope of being enforced, why don't we begin to take some rules and laws off the books thereby restoring freedom of choice and begin enforcing personal responsibility?

Makayla rules!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

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