Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Colors of Autumn

I was struck by this scene yesterday morning as I walked across the hotel parking lot to my car. Autumn had arrived and with it the green colors of summertime have already begun to change to gold. 

I had seen this field of sunflowers on previous trips and I was struck by the green foliage and the large flower heads of gold chasing the sun as it traversed the sky. 

Now, however, the greens were already fading into brown and the scene was becoming monochromatic. The mountains provided a stunning backdrop set against the blue sky--but the scene was still mostly yellow and gold.

Perhaps the colors were accentuated just a bit by the golden hues of the rising sun, but I think that it only served to highlight the scene.

On previous trips, I have had this view out my hotel window and been able to enjoy the openness, but on this trip my window faced a different direction with a different view of the just as stunning sunrise.

-- Bob Doan, writing from Denver, Co

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