Friday, July 7, 2023

Watching the Neighbor's Cat

Tigger and Chris
Tequesta, FL
July 4, 2023

 It is more than fair. 

We need people to watch Riordin when we travel and we can help our neighbors by watching their cat when they travel!

The cat, Tigger! He is a beautiful animal and I enjoy going over to feed and play with him twice per day. I am not as enthused about changing his litter box, but that is a necessity. 

Tigger loves to play. He also has a great purr motor and turns it on when he is held. I know that as the time goes on he is going to become more lonely and we will need to spend additional time with him. Fortunately, he is a short walk away. 

More fun to come, I am sure.

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

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