Saturday, July 29, 2023

Torture Chamber Arrived

Oxygen/Atomization Enclosure

 OK, so it really isn't a torture chamber, it is an oxygen/atomization enclosure. It is supposed to allow me to deliver asthma medicine to Riordin.

He thinks it is a torture chamber.

The problem is that it arrived without instructions. After a lot of trial and error and with the help of an image that Chris found on-line, I was able to get everything functioning and Riordin received his first treatment. I'm not sure it did anything other that antagonize him. Being in the box for 20 minutes was a bit more than he could tolerate.

I will give him a second albuterol treatment today and I hope it will go a bit better. The enclosure is large enough for him to be comfortable and move around. 

Cat asthma is tough. 

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

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