My one-month old, in two days, iPhone 14 proMax, died overnight.
I was in shock since it is new. It was dead. Very very dead. I could not start it in the usual manner and it was not taking a charge. I had what some refer to as the Black Screen of Death.
As most of you are aware, I use my phone a lot. It has and does everything for me.
I tried placing the phone in different chargers to ensure it was getting juice, to no avail. I tried to reboot it, to no avail.
I was planning to get an appointment at the Apple Store to save the phone when I wondered if this problem had occurred to other users who may have documented a solution on the internet. I found a couple videos on YouTube which provided some clues and a solution that worked.
The video that saved my day is below.
I was ecstatic when the solution worked. It was a unique key combination, that I wasn't aware of, to force a reboot. Even though the video was for an iPhone 14 pro, it worked for my iPhone 14 proMax.
My day was recovered.
As was my phone.
-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL
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