Monday, September 19, 2022

Monday Musings - September 19, 2022


1. The third Monday of September has arrived! There are only 14 Mondays remaining in 2022.

2. I got up early this morning to watch Queen Elizabeth II's funeral. 

3. Family Football Results. It was not a good week for most of the family's teams. Interestingly, they all are now 1-1.

   Ravens (1-1) lost to Dolphins (2-0), 38-42

   Commanders (1-1) lost to Lions (1-1), 26-37

   Steelers (1-1) lost to Patriots (1-1), 14-17

. . . and the bright spot of the week with a stunning last minute field goal

   Cowboys (1-1) defeat Bengals (0-2), 20-17

Rail to Nowhere
Tequesta, FL
September 18, 2022
4. Tracks to nowhere. Building an additional rail line at an intersection near my house seems to have run amok. The tracks crossing the road connect to nowhere. They are supposed to be in support of a new passenger rail service between Miami and Orlando. A lot of track has been laid, but there seems to be something missing at this intersection.

5. Lazy weekends are the best. I was able to watch two complete football games yesterday and enjoy some relaxing time. I did get some work done in the garage. I found a way to mount the bikes to the wall, which clears some floor space for other uses. It was tough tripping over the bikes all of the time. I still feel as if we are getting 15 pounds of potatoes into a 10 pound bag. There remain more containers to relocate to storage. \

6. Today in History. On September 19, 1957, the United States detonates a 1.7-kiloton nuclear weapon in an underground tunnel at the Nevada Test Site (NTS), a 1,375-square-mile research center located 65 miles north of Las Vegas. The test, known as Rainier, was the first fully contained underground detonation and produced no radioactive fallout. A modified W-25 warhead weighing 218 pounds and measuring 25.7 inches in diameter and 17.4 inches in length was used for the test. Rainier was part of a series of 29 nuclear weapons and nuclear weapons safety tests known as Operation Plumbbob that were conducted at the NTS between May 28, 1957, and October 7, 1957.

live updates The Queen's state funeral is underway in the majestic surroundings of Westminster Abbey - CNN

Analysis: Winter is fast approaching in Ukraine. Here's what comes next for the conflict - CNN

Hurricane Fiona hits Dominican Republic, leaves heavy rain, flooding and power outages behind in Puerto Rico - CNN

Biden says U.S. forces would defend Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion - Reuters

Russia says ready for U.S. prisoner swap talks but scolds embassy - Reuters

Shelling of Donetsk city kills 13 - Russian-backed separatist mayor - Reuters

Stock Futures Fall as Investors Eye Federal Reserve - The Wall Street Journal

U.S. Return-to-Office Rates Hit a Pandemic High - The Wall Street Journal

Putin’s Energy War With Europe Seems to Falter - The Wall Street Journal

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

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