Wednesday, May 4, 2022

May the 4th Be With You


Happy Star Wars Day.

May the 4th be with you!

Today reminds me of the ultimate fantasy and how I felt after seeing the original movie, now the 4th in the services, waaaay back in 1977. 

It really was that long ago! 45 years.

The movie was not originally expected to do well in the box office, but it spawned an entire series of movies, television shows, and books with which a generation has grown-up. 

The movies and stories have become the ultimate escapism into a universe where it always seems that evil is about to extinguish the light of good--but then at the last moment the Force flexes to subdue the forces of darkness--the Dark Side. 

If only it were more true. Sadly, the forces of evil and anarchy seem to in control in the world these days. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

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