Tuesday, June 2, 2020

The Night the Lights Went Off

The foundations of the Republic have been shaken during the past few days. 

The lights went off at The White House during the height of the protests. 

There are conflicting reports as to whether the lights go off almost every night or not, some report that historically the lights only go off when a President dies. 

The optic, however, is bad. At the height of the protests outside The White House when leadership was needed most, the single most identifiable seat for democracy in the entire world went dark. "The People's House" went dark! Our country is often referred to as the shining beacon of democracy for the world, yet, when leadership was needed most the lights went off.

The leadership void continued throughout yesterday as governors were berated, peaceful protesters forcibly moved for an ill-advised and unwanted photo op in front of a burned church building, and the use of U.S. military force against Americans was threatened using a act passed in 1807. 

There is no vision at the top! Our leaders are reacting, not leading but only threatening military action against protestors.

This has become a worldwide protest and yet the issue at the root of the protests is not being addressed.  

It grieves me. 

This is not my vision for America. This is not the leadership I expect from our elected officials. 

If they really want to "make America great again," our leaders need to stop destroying the foundation.

And keep the lights on!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

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