Thursday, June 4, 2015

A Cool June Evening

Warming up the Fire Table
The promise of a warm June is waning as the temperatures have been significantly below normal for the pas couple of days, with the expectation of remaining cool for the immediate future.

Continuing the trend of running 15-18 degrees below the normal highs, today's expected high temperature of 65 degrees will be 15 degrees below normal.

In english that means, it's gonna be too cold!

I have made up my mind, I am not going back to long pants and have remained true to the promise of June by wearing shorts in the evening when I get home! 
Chris Around the Fire Table

What is there to do on a cool, wet June evening? Fortunately, nothing except slow down (which is something that I have needed to do for a while) and reconnect.

I did get the pool cleaned up and ready for the weekend, however, the cool temperatures are gradually lowering its temperature back into the "kids only" zone.

A nice bottle of wine, some time together around the fire table and watching a movie for the evening. Last evening represented a huge change from the recent activity pattern and a calm prelude to what promises to be a high energy and activity weekend.

Looking to the future, the temperatures begin a rebound during the weekend!

Bring on the sun and heat.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

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