Monday, May 13, 2013

Monday Musings - May 13, 2013

1. I cannot believe how cold it is this morning in the middle of May. We are dancing with freeze warnings and had to bring in all of the sensitive flowers last evening.

2. Mother's Day was a success--all of appropriate contacts were meds.

3. Funniest thing I read on Mother's Day:
       Don't forget to pick up a bottle of wine for your Mom on  Mother's Day. After all, you are one of the reasons she drinks.

4. Computers never seem to work when we need them most.

5. Do you know how to tell when a politician is lying? Their lips are moving.

6. The U.S. has the highest population of dogs of any country in the world. France is second. I wonder what this means?

7. As the weekend ends, I am sad at its parting--but I know that if everyday were a weekend then I never would appreciate it as much as I do now.

8. A wise retired man who came back to work once told me that he was busier after he retired than he ever was as a working man.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

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