Wednesday, April 20, 2022


Image from Somewhere too Far North

 It is Springtime, according to the calendar and not the weather, and there is something exciting about yellow flowers. 

Even in my own house I have yellow tulips and yellow mums, roses, and lilies to brighten the mood and stave off the cold. There is something inherently bright and warm about yellow. Perhaps because it is the color of the sun and the thought of yellow brings imagined warmth.

My Yellow Tulips
Elkridge, MD
April 20, 2022
Yesterday on the news, I saw tulips covered in snow. The Nor'easter left snow across the northern part of the country, temporarily stopping Springtime in its tracks. Fortunately early Spring flowers are resilient and do not wilt or die because of freezing temperatures and snow. The tulips stood strong in the face of Winter's dying gasp.

Fortunately, all I experienced was the cold. And wind. 

I am preparing to travel to the frozen north. I believe the temperatures will moderate before I arrive and that the snow will melt. But, I am looking forward to seeing multitudes of yellow daffodils, tulips, and other Springtime flowers.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

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