Sunday, April 3, 2022

Turtle Fest 2022

Turtle Fest 2022
Juno Beach, FL
April 2, 2022
The opportunities to get out and enjoy some sun and good weather as well as fun activities abound during this time in South Florida. 

Yesterday it was Turtle Fest! A great way to begin the month and stay in tune with nature. One of fun facts that I came away with is that there have already been 52 loggerhead turtle nests identified along the local coastline. Leatherbacks lead in nesting as neither the loggerheads or green turtles have nested yet--but they are coming during the next weeks. 

Florida works to provide a good environment for sea turtles to nest. There are announcements about sea turtle nesting season and Florida State Parks provide additional information. In the past, I have been fortunate to watch sea turtles laying eggs and also witnessed nests erupting with small sea turtles racing for the sea. It is truly magnificent to watch, but not interfere with these events.

We need to think about the consequences of the products we use and there impact they may have on marine life. The use of plastic bags and plastic straws must be minimized and replaced with products made out of materials that decompose--such as paper and bamboo.

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

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