Friday, April 15, 2022

Springtime and Memories

Redbud Tree in Bloom
Elkridge, MD
April 13, 2022

 The redbud tree in our yard is blooming. I know redbud trees across Maryland are in bloom right now, but this one is special. Mom, who passed during December, bought it for Chris and it has been growing larger and more beautiful each year.

And also our gardens host a large plot of Lily of the Valley. We brought these to Maryland years ago from Mom's garden to have something from home with us.

I guess with the celebration of life service for Mom coming next week, I have been thinking more about her and the flowers and trees cause me to remember. As we prepare to sell the house later this year, I know that these memories will remain and that those who move in will not understand their significance. They will become just another redbud tree and a patch of Lily of the Valley. But, Mom's hand will always be there.

We may have to smuggle some Lily of the Valley to Florida--I'm sure the agricultural inspectors will love hearing the explanation for that. 

Oh yea--Happy Easter, today is Good Friday.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

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