Friday, December 9, 2022


Finnegan and Riordin Together
Tequesta, FL
December 6, 2022


I love the line from Ghostbusters where the end of time is being described and the character played by Bill Murray says: "Dogs and cats living together."

Actually, dogs and cats can live together and even thrive and like each other. 

Case in point, shortly after our new sofa arrived Finnegan and Riordin napped together. They were trying out the new sofa for sleep-ability. It passed the test. 

Finnegan has been growing into his new role as the primary dog in the house. With Makayla's passing he went from auxiliary dog to primary dog and I have noticed that is behavior has changed. He is more affectionate towards me. 

I can't believe that it is Friday again already. Christmas is creeping up on us.

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

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