Saturday, October 3, 2015

Seasonal Dysfunction

Despite the rains yesterday, we had a coffee crisis that had to be alleviated before this morning and that meant heading out to Costco for supplies.

The trip was wet, but uneventful. As an aside, I am continually amazed by the ignorance of some drivers who do not understand how to efficiently traverse a "Four Way Stop" and who also cannot park their cars. We waited in the row at Costco for a few minutes while four drivers attempted their rendition of a water ballet with vehicles while trying to exit and then drive into parking spaces. Ugh! Chris and I just parked and walked in the rain.

Christmas at Costco
in October
Costco is a warehouse store and what greeted me as I cleared the check-in line was truly a sight that I had not expected during early-October. Christmas!

Yup, Christmas is alive and well at Costco. I did not hear any Christmas music. I had expected Halloween decorations, but found Christmas--already and completely deployed! Interestingly, I did not find any Halloween decorations or costumes in the store, although they may have been strategically displayed somewhere.

I was truly amazed, and saddened. The commercialism and the loss of the Christmas's identity is complete and the season has been reduced to a retailing frenzy. 

I must confess that we even purchased two Christmas gifts because of the "if you don't get them now, they won't be there later" mentality. I'm sure that they will be lost and forgotten before the season finally arrives.

Here we are, still at the doorstep of Autumn and the leaves have not even fallen from the trees and Christmas is already displayed in the stores. What is wrong with this picture? Even worse? I have added to the problem by purchasing gifts!

I am so conflicted!

I have entered the seasonal dysfunction zone where I no longer look to the weather or the calendar to tell me what season it is, but rather to the retailers who are working to separate me from my earnings.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

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