How did this all get started? I never really thought about it, but this year the answer became clear while reading an article in a Federal Employees publication.
Compiled by Jack Moore
The North American Aerospace Defense Command — or NORAD — first began tracking Santa's sleigh on Christmas Eve by mistake. In 1955, Sears placed a newspaper ad that encouraged children to Santa's private phone line to chat with the jolly old elf. The only problem? The ad contained a typo that instead led to the private for NORAD's predecessor, the Continental Air Defense Command (CONAD). When Col. Harry Shoup, the officer on duty began receiving calls from curious kiddies, he decided to play along.
(Source: The Atlantic)
And so, it appears, a DoD agency began tracking Santa because of a mistake.
Sometimes it is better to be lucky than good.
-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD
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