Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday Musings - July 8, 2013

1. Time passes differently while on vacation. My day is measured in terms of before the beach (BB), on the beach (OB) and after the beach (AB). I am currently BB.

2. The Boeing 777 crash in San Francisco reminded me that flying is serious business and that every passenger is responsible for knowing the emergency procedures when they fly. One other thought about the crash--God smiled on them!

3. Standing on the beach watching the waves crash on the shore I imagined that I could be standing, as I have, on many other beaches around the world.

4. I closed my eyes on the beach yesterday and heard the sound of the waves running along the beach as they came ashore.

5. Why did mortgage interest rates jump on Friday? Perhaps bankers and investors are not committed to preserving the economic recovery.

6. I am sitting watching the Today Show wondering why the exploits of the Kardashian family are getting more air time that the news of the day. Are daytime television viewers that shallow and in need of escapism?

7. I love the weather report--for the next few days, highs in the 90's, sun in the morning, passing showers or thunderstorms in the afternoon followed by more sun! OK--so there is a tropical storm in view for Thursday or Friday, that too will pass!

8. My internet connection here is frustratingly slow! Xfinity! Not so fast.

9. I like taking pictures of birds on the beach.

10. Well, it is time to head out and walk almost three miles--I want to return home after vacation still in pretty good shape and the surf has been too rough to snorkel.

-- Bob Doan, writing from Jupiter, FL

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