Friday, April 10, 2020

Threshold of Easter Weekend

Tree in Bloom on our Walk
Elkridge, MD
April 9, 2020
Each day provides new opportunities. Given the current state of the Stay at Home order in Maryland, Chris and I are working finding opportunities to appreciate each day, even as I consider the impact on our traditional Easter remembrances and celebrations.

Yesterday, a tree that we have been admiring as it prepares to bloom exploded in blossom. I was unable to join Chris on the walk, but she took this great image of the tree, which sits on a street corner, against the crystal blue sky. It is that splash of color that we need to bring into our lives during this coronavirus time.

Pool after the Storm
Elkridge, MD
April 9, 2020
On the other side, there is the I can't believe it happened aspect of life. Yesterday also provided high winds and a little rain. That means that the pool, the newly plastered pool, needed additional maintenance--we had to skim the debris from the surface and run the dolphin to clean up the debris from the bottom. Actually the storm was not so bad--since the leaves are not fully out on the trees, there was a lot less trash in the pool than had the storm occurred during the height of the summer. So, all-in-all it was not too bad. 

Successfully getting through staying at home, especially on this Easter and Passover weekend, means finding things to enjoy and notice that normally would not break the stream of consciousness. 

It is Good Friday and standing at the threshold of the most important celebration in Christianity, I urge you not to allow emptiness and fear to cancel your celebration. Despite the loss of the annual family Easter Egg Hunt, which provided smiles and humor we gathered together, I am planning on spending time on Zoom with family and grabbing an old hymnal and singing some resurrection hymns outside on Easter morning. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

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