Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Monday Musings - On Tuesday December 30, 2014

1. I've been having so much fun being off from work that I forgot yesterday was Monday!

2. 360 shopping days until Christmas!

3. 2014 is winding down rapidly. I have to admit, I will be happy to see this year end, there have been some great times, but some really down times, too.

4. Got health care? 2015 is the year we need to declare or pay penalties.

5. Winter has returned after a great respite. 

6. Pitchers and catchers report in about 52 days signaling the end of winter--at least in my mind.

7. NFL playoffs are in swing and the Ravens miraculously made the cut. For at least a week anyway, I'm afraid they are headed into a steel curtain ambush.

8. New Year's is upon us. Drive safe, be smart, and party responsively.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

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