Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Lights Around the Pool

Well it is crunch time at the house.

Why, you ask?

We are in party mode!

Wedding in about 37 days--not actually at the house, but festivities and guests will be at the hacienda, as I sometimes refer to it, and so actions must be taken to be taken to spruce it up.

Call it more than Spring cleaning and routine maintenance--I have those actions too--like fixing the Winter damage to the pool and changing filters in the heating/cooling system (which I did last night, BTW).

No--now we have the upgrades--the little projects that make and transform the house form a home into a B&B.

Hosting events always gets those little upgrades done--and it really makes the house look better at the same time.

So the little upgrades include adding a fountain to the pool--all of the materials to complete this task are in hand; and adding lights around the fence line of the pool to make it nicer at night. Forget that we will be hosting the events during the Summer solstice period when the daylight is the longest and it doesn't get dark until after 9:30 pm (at which time I usually turn into a pumpkin anyway).

I actually got half of the new lighting installed last evening and I must say--it creates an interesting ambiance.

If only there were a way to get rid of the mosquitoes!

We have some bats--maybe we can import bigger bats from South America! No, some of the guests might get "creeped" out when they start dive bombing the pool for water--which is really cool to watch in the evening light.

I guess I will destroy the ecosystem and start spraying toxins into the environment to control those little blood-suckers during the festivities.

Bring it on though! Although it is work--the house really looks good after we get these little upgrades done.

Project one is 50 percent complete--lights around the pool. Next up--the fountain, which has been on my list for about five years (see my blog about lists). After that--it is anybody's guess (but Chris's decision)

Oh yeah, did I tell you, that as the time draws closer the list will grow exponentially?

Well, let me get the first one done and then I'll tackle the next one up until I get as many accomplished as I can.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday Musings - May 10, 2010

1. In life, it is important to take time out to remember special people and events. This weekend we did both--remembered Mothers and also celebrated the 65th Anniversary of winning the World War II in Europe during 1945--also known as V-E Day.

2. Someone always has more toys than you do. Be happy where you are and don't throw sand in the sandbox because friends are more important than things.

3. Someone is always worse off than you are--help them!

4. Be in the moment--or you will miss life's small enjoyments.

5. Celebrate the small victories and then, when larger victories occur they will be more appreciated.

6. Quote of the week, from Ethan while examining the pool on Sunday: "It's not too cold for me, Poppop!"

7. And the first swimmer of the nascent pool season was Florence--Nicole's Italian greyhound. Apparently, although no one actually saw it happen but we surmise from where she was in the pool when we heard the splash, she jumped/fell off the diving board. She was quickly rescued and no harm done.

8. It was very cold this weekend--amazingly cold for this time of year. The cold made me really appreciate the week I spent in Tampa.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

What a great idea--a day to honor Mothers.

I wonder if the people who came up with the concept had any idea what it would grow into in terms of economic impact and stress on the communications companies.

Or on husbands who strive to make their wives (and the Mother of their children) feel special and honored.

It's more than a card and a quick gift. And it is more than breakfast in bed.

It is something that should carry on beyond the day and into the weeks ahead as we remember all of the things that our wives do to make our lives easier and continue to care for our children even into their (the children's) adult years.

And so we gathered around the table today--with three mothers present and celebrated that special bond between Mom and kid.

We are all somebody's children--and call someone Mom.

What a great day to take time to thank them for all of the sacrifice and tears and support and sitting up through the sickness-filled nights making us feel better. I remember when I was a child, I would get terrible ear aches. And Mom would be there to warm my ear--I won't say how because I'm sure some agency would get their nose out of joint, but she held me and made me feel better through the pain.

Thanks Mom--

I love you and wouldn't be who I am today without your love and support.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Hidden in Plain Sight

As I was walking around Fort Desoto Beach Park on Monday, I spied this
big egret standing behind a palm tree. Mow I thought that as I got
closer, he would fly away. But no. It just stood there not moving.

I got pretty close and took a couple of pictures. The bird was so
white against the green backdrop.

But it never moved. I almost thought that it was trying to be an

I saw the bird on my way to the beach. It was still there when I left
about an hour later.

Stamina. That's what it was.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Sunrise Over Tampa

Out my hotel window this morning o was greeted by my old friend intent
on waking me.

Have I said how much I love my iPhone and it's camera? I do!

And so now I'm waiting for my flight home wishing I never had to leave
because I hear the weather this weekend in Baltimore is going to be
less than ideal.

Surprisingly, the airport is dead. I cannot believe how quiet it is at
noon on a Friday.

But, that is the way it is sometimes. I can relax and enjoy the

Pool Opening

Last Saturday we opened the pool. It is not swim-ready--but we are getting it stabilized and ready for the swimming and party season ahead.

It is always such a job to get the pool up and running--and Chris and I have gotten it down pretty well. I had the pump already running before we even thought about opening the pool--and that made the process so much easier.

So the cover is put away and the chairs are around the pool deck waiting for all of the sun worshipers in our family to come and enjoy the warm rays.

The place just cries out for heat, summer, beer, tunes on the stereo and sleeping on a floatie in the pool.

Yet the water is a shocking 5o-something degrees as it waits for the sun to add its warmth to the party in waiting.

Memorial Day is on the way and then the pool season will be in full swing--we can barely wait.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Perspective on the Oil Disaster--A Rant!

I like my cars.

I like cheap (less than $3.00 per gallon) gas prices.

My lifestyle will have to radically be altered if either of those go away.

Hello. I cannot believe the naivety of some public and private officials that an accident like the one in the Gulf would never happen. Everyone is screaming for heads on a platter--but it really is their own heads they are trying to save.

In every endeavor there is risk.

From walking across a street, to flying the space shuttle, to drilling for oil in the Gulf of Mexico, there is risk. We can seek to minimize the risk--and in the case of oil drilling it has been pretty safe for a very long time, but the risk is still there and sometime the risk will become reality. As has happened now.

And so many officials are trying to plead ignorance and "close the proverbial barn door after the horses have escaped."


"Buck up" dudes. Say it like it is--Americans like cheap oil and our economy depends upon cheap oil and therefore we will be undertaking riskier operations to obtain the oil that all of us as Americans want.

It is that simple. We want to be green someday--but we are not there yet. Until then we have to recognize that oil drilling operations have a level of risk. Suck it up. Wringing our hands about it after the fact is disingenuous.

Oil spills happen and they are a disaster. Tornadoes happen and they are a disaster. Hurricanes happen and they are a disaster. The snowpocalypse happened--and we cleaned it up and lived.

Disasters are not pretty. Look at the Chinese ship that recently ran aground on the Great Barrier Reef--it too was a disaster.

But this is the bottom line. Until the US Government subsidizes significant research into alternate, sustainable fuels we are going to be oil junkies. This should not be a shock to anyone. It is a fact of life. I want my house cool in the summer, warm in the winter, and when I turn the key in the ignition switch of my car, I expect it to start. I do not have a hydrogen fuel cell--although I would like one. We are not using deuterium for fuel yet. Some day.

Right now--we are dependent upon the dinosaurs and the forests of millions of years ago to fuel our economy. Get over it. All of the easy oil (like what used to be in Pennsylvania) is gone. The US used to be the largest producer of oil in the world and a net exporter. That too, is gone.

We need oil. We need to be realistic about the risk and accept that, too. So when the leaders of the companies and the Congress try to deflect the blame--look them straight in the eye and ask them--why do you have to lie. You knew there was risk, you were just betting the odds that you wouldn't have to be the one to deal with the consequences. Now go face the problem and deal with it.

And then vote them out of office for being disingenuous.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Immigration and Citizenship

OK--I'm going to tackle the Arizona Immigration Law and probably in my usual way get half of my friends afraid to talk to me and the other half agreeing with me but wondering why?

It is clear to me that this law indicates we've lost it.

Yup--totally lost any concept of personal freedom and the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution which protects us from unreasonable search and seizure.

Let me remind you of those simple and direct words of the Fourth Amendment:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

While I believe the Arizona law will ultimately be found to be unconstitutional, I am very concerned about the mood in the country which so quickly gives away our basic rights as Americans believing that it is OK--in this case to do so. It moves the line ever so much closer to a totalitarian state.

I read what I believe is the law as it was adopter. Read it here Arizona Senate Bill 1070. There is a lot that is good and right with the law--it enforces federal code and law. But, here is the rub with the Fourth Amendment:

Article 8 Section E:


This allows the officer to without warrant ask people (whom do you suspect they will be asking) to prove they are lawfully in the U.S.

I remember when I was growing up--driver's licenses in the State of NY did not even have pictures on them. Theoretically, the only way to prove you were an American was by not having any papers to prove you were.

What about the jogger? Do they now need to have proof on them at all times else risk being arrested? Sure, they should be able to prove they are legal, but that, friends, is unreasonable search and seizure.

The Arizona law goes on--and here is another huge error--


The Constitution of the United States applies to everyone who is in the United States. It does not matter whether or how they or we are in the Country--there are protections.

Why do I care?

Simply, I have spent my whole adult life working, serving, and protecting this country and those who reside here.

The oath I took when I was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the Air Force goes like this:

I, (state your name), having been appointed a (rank) in the United States (branch of service), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the office upon which I am about to enter. So help me God.

When I became a federal employee, now 12 years ago, I took another oath, very similar which is as follows:

" I, (state name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.''

And so--now you know--I am a defender of the Constitution of the United States. Perhaps the greatest document ever created by man to govern men.

I have sworn to protect our basic freedoms, and yes, I am a renegade civil libertarian. When I see that we are rationalizing the loss of basic freedoms--I become concerned.

Is there a problem. You bet there is. Freedoms lost can never be regained.

Let's work to enforce the laws while protecting the freedoms that our forefathers, and fathers, and brothers and sisters have shed blood and died to give to us. It is the legacy which is the United States of America!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Florida, Tampa and the Beach

Well--you knew I would. I had been in town less than 12 hours and I already made my way to the Number 1 ranked beach in North America for 2005.

Fort Desoto beach in St Petersburg.

It was a longish drive in the afternoon--but I went looking for sea shells for Chris and all I found were pieces of sand dollars.

The beach area is very large and it is so pretty--especially mostly deserted on a Monday afternoon.

The drive is long from where I am staying--so I know I won't be going back--but it surely was worth the effort to get my beach fix for the week and to dip my toes into the Gulf.

The sun was still hot--even at almost 5PM.

Wow--but it was beautiful and so was the drive to get here over the bay.


I can't wait until July to get back to the beach on a daily basis.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday Musings - May 3, 2010

1. Summer tugged at my heart this weekend with temperatures near 90 and
bright sun on Saturday.

2. The pool is open. It's green, but open. Not swimable just yet though.

3. I just want to make a note that the Orioles swept the Red Sox this
weekend and that with the four wins against the Sox already this
season they have doubled their win total against them from all of last

4. Today has dawned rainy and warm. We need the rain to continue the
strong start of the season and keep the green coming.

5. I'm off to Tampa for the week. I've never been to Tampa before.
Hopefully I will ejnoy the place and the conference will not be too

6. Makayla had a overnight with Ben the other night. That is pretty
funny if you think about it. Dogs having overnights.

7. I realized that one of my favorite country song titles is "Tequila
makes her clothes fall off" although I have never seen it happen.

8. Why do they still explain how to use seat belt on airplanes?

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