Monday, December 28, 2009

Monday Musings - December 28, 2009

1. The last Monday of the year is a good time to reflect on the other 51 Mondays and decide if waking up early is really enjoyable or not.

2. It is amazing how quickly four days off passes when I am busy and it seems as if I really didn't get to enjoy them at all.

3. Whomever said that Christmas is for children knew what they were talking about--kids definitely put the pizazz into the holiday.

4. It is crazy--here it is three days past Christmas and I still have not had time to play with all of my gifts!

5. New Year's is coming--wow, already? Who knew it was so close to Christmas? (think about it!)

6. I read that the airlines want people to show up four hours before their flights, if going overseas. And then they have to sit in their seats for the last hour of the flight and cannot even read. Flying is so much fun.

7. Following on the airline theme--the government needs to step in and make the airlines drop their checked baggage fees to help people get through security and reduce the amount of stuff in the cabins. Think about it--the fees may be creating a larger security problem and also slowing the processing of people through the security lines.

8. As it is time for the end of the year lists--I will be making my lists as well and sharing some of them--it is a good way to reflect on what has happened this past year.

9. Professional sports are tough to follow as a fan when your team (the Ravens) play like an undisciplined college team. Baseball is less than two months away and with every Springtime--hope springs eternal! Go O's.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Portrait!

Every year we take a few pictures in front of the Christmas Tree to document our family and its growth.

It helps us all remember the year and where we are in our lives as a family.

And at least one of the shots is the goofy image--this year here it is--complete with the dogs and the kids.

We are getting so big that we are beginning to block the tree in the pictures.

This year's picture was taken in the down stairs theater room where the tree was placed.

And so--the 2009 edition of the Family, is herewith presented for your viewing enjoyment.

Dog Tired

Well--there was one picture that, at the end of Christmas Day epitomized the entire two days of events--and that was of Makayla.

Over the week leading up to Christmas, she had been reacquainted with snow form the 22 inch snow storm, she had played at Nicole's house with Jeff and Gibbs (the beagles) and on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day she had played hard with the boys and Ben (Jeremy's Kees).

By the end of the day--it was catching up with her and she sacked out on the middle of the family room.

One tired puppy--for real.

Just too much of a good thing.

I have to admit--by about 11 PM on Christmas Day--when this image was taken--I felt the same way!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Twas the Day After Christmas--A time to Remember

Well Christmas Day dawned bright and early--with breakfast at Nicole and Mike's and us arriving there before the boys woke up--if you can believe that.
Presents were opened. And fun was had as we got the holiday celebration off to an early start.

Then--not too soon, it was back to the house for Christmas--the Story Continues as we enlarged the celebration. There is nothing like watching two small children listening to a song from the Polar Express at top volume and dancing to really drive home the point of Christmas.

And as the remainder of the family gathered --there was a spectacular piece of beef, prepared by Michael which was to become the centerpiece of an afternoon feast.

But first--presents.

And it was a great day!  Notice the dogs--they are all really part of our families and participate fully in family celebrations.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas 2009 Greeting

Merry Christmas! And no matter where you are today, nor who you are with; take a moment to be where you are instead of longing to be where you aren't and give thanks to God for the gift of His Son.

It is in the spirit of that first and most precious gift of Christmas that we give and receive gifts to and from our family, friends, loved ones, and even the strangers on the street that we do not know.

So keep the home fires warm and welcome in all who pass your door. Share with them the joy, the pain, the love, and the hurt that is in your soul this day. And by doing so, you will reflect that Christmas spirit to them, now and for the year ahead. For sharing yourself with another and allowing them to share of themselves with you--is truly the greatest gift of Christmas.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve 2009

Christmas songs play in the background soothing the harried shoppers
Sounds of the season, so they say, to make them feel more giving
Those who know the season, know it means much more
Than tired songs rising above clinging cash register drawers

A baby crying in a barn--surrounded by the dirt and mud of the world
A world and people that he loved so much that he came to visit
He did not arrive like the kings of earth--puffed up, proud upon their thrones
But the King of the Universe came to earth in a straw filled, back lot, dirty barn

Because of love and for only love--he came to give his life
Because of love, he left his throne and shed his royal robes
Because of me, and you, and everyone else
He became like us and accepted a mission that would end in painful death

The cars in the parking lot trapped in a horrible, not-going-anywhere gridlock
No one can go in or drive out of the mall to reach the stores to buy their wares
The shoppers are trying to rush home with their gifts ready for giving
Yet don't know the first gift of Christmas, was given to them

From the barn out in back of a motel off the beaten path, lost in the suburbia of its day
A garage full of leftovers where, had it been today a lawn mower would be waiting for springtime
The King of the Universe, the long awaited one, the Messiah invaded our world
Not to conquer with his sword, but to save us with his blood, and his gift to us is life

It is Christmas, the songs are softly playing on the radio in my truck
Does anyone still listen to the words and connect them with that gift?
The gift that was given to us, and confirmed by travelers not even from that place
The gift of life, of family, of love; given to us on Christmas and remembered to this day

and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. -- NET Bible Eph 5:2

Merry Christmas
and may God send His blessings upon you now
and in the year ahead.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Snow Days Result in Christmas Frenzy

The Baltimore Sun reported it widely--The malls are staying open late this week to accommodate shoppers who couldn't get out because of the snow this weekend! The malls are open until midnight!


So who is going to shop that late?

Oh yeah, I would have, had I not completed my Christmas shopping yesterday.

Chris reported that on Monday night the entire city of Odenton was crammed into Toys R Us. And she told me she was done, too! I guess there is always one more gift to buy.

I really don't know why it is I wait until that very last moment to get my shopping done. I do have most of it done--but I guess I like the ambiance of the last minute rush of the holiday season. No--it is probably more that I am a procrastinator of epic proportions!

I was in the parking lot of the local mall yesterday--crawling slower than a snail looking for a parking spot. It was absolutely unbelievable the amount of traffic--cars everywhere all going no where.

Once I found a spot--then I had to face the living humanity of the crowds--which were crushing. And people wonder why I don't get excited about shopping? Especially, Christmas shopping. But happlily I can report that I am done. I bought the last gift of Christmas. Yay.

Well--except for the inevitable returns, it will all be over in a couple of days anyway. And then we can begin the process of doing it all over again!

After a nice long break for summer, of course! Beach, diving, travel--warm/hot summer sun! Bring it on!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I bet you're wondering what is the significance of the title.

I heard this abbreviation the other day and was fascinated by it.

It is: Just Happy To Be Here

And I am, too.

Every day.

Especially after the weekend. I was amazed how all of our neighbors pulled together to get everyone cleared of snow. And even though my street was not plowed until about 2:30pm on Sunday--where really did I need to go?

So, when I'm getting all hot an bothered about not being where I think I want to be, I need to remind myself about JHTBH! Because, think of the alternatives!

I got in my car yesterday--turned the key, it started and I was free to conquer the world. Where else should I have been?

I know--diving off the Florida Keys--but that is a dream, my happy place and not reality. Somewhere I can go to in my mind.

Aside from that--JHTBH and don't forget it!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Monday Musings - December 21, 2009

I'm going to do something different this week. I am going to use only photos for the Monday musings. These are all pictures from 2009--various places and events.
The above is wine on the vine at Keswick Vineyards, VA in October 2009

A March wedding in Texas. Where is Cinderella?

A U.S. flag on the USNS Hoyt S. Vandenberg, 80 feet deep off Key West, FL taken in July

Footprints in the sand, Cocoa Beach, FL in July

The indiginity of it all, Islamorada, FL in July

Tarpon on patrol or I'm having fish for dinner! Dry Tortugas, FL in July

A shuttle has been by. Cocoa Beach, July

I love snow. February in Maryland.

Lounging at the Hemmingway House in July.

Gramma, who are we cooking for dinner? March in Maryland.

Dude--where did the year go? Maybe it is down there? July in Cocoa Beach.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Pictures from the Storm of December 2009--This Just In

OK--I was so busy yesterday that I didn't get the pictures from the storm together--but we have a few Since church was canceled this morning, I have a few minutes to get the storm pictures together for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy them. Today dawns, by the way, bright and sunny!

First--a couple words--the Great Blizzard of 2009 ranks only as the 5th all time single day storm in terms of snowfall in Maryland history. But--December 2009 is officially the snowiest December on record with the storm from earlier in the month and this one.

Snow--while some find it beautiful, I find it cold although it does make for some nice pictures and it makes the world seem white and clean. It washes away the sins and stains of the world I guess.

Our neighbors are awesome. We received about 22 inches of snow here. I love their snow blower. We wound up clearing the driveway twice AND are heading out in a few minutes today. This was taken at dusk--about 5PM and the reflection of the flash off the falling snowflakes is kinda neat.

Makayla loves the snow and she is a great snow dog.

So last night, we had to take a picture of the Christmas lights on the house in the snow. You can see we didn't try to go anywhere yesterday. The cars are still marshmallows.

My Zimbio
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