Showing posts with label Musings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Musings. Show all posts

Friday, October 27, 2023

Sundown on the ICW

Jupiter Island, FL
October 26, 2023

It was a windy, but warm day.

I managed a short, 12 mile, ride in the wind and a bit of rain. Although I shortened the ride due to the elements, it pushed me over the 150 mile mark for the month. And I don't really feel as if I have been riding all that much.

The best part of the day was yet to come. We met friends along the ICW to enjoy Happy Hour and watch as the sun moved low in the sky. We were protected from the wind by the mangroves and as the tide gradually rose, we were able to move higher on the small sandy beach. 

We watched the boats pass in the ICW and even drew some perverse pleasure from seeing a jet skier stopped by the Sheriff just outside the channel, likely for exceeding the speed limit both in and outside of the channel. The jet skier was operating his vessel in an unsafe manner. 

I love getting to a beach for Happy Hour with friends. It is one of the best ways to put an exclamation point on a day.

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Sunday, October 8, 2023

We Need a Rainbow

Rainbow over the Atlantic
Carlin Park, Jupiter, FL
October 5, 2023

 The rhetoric spewing from a subset of Republicans is scary. 

Some of the ideas they profess can be found in the history of despotic authoritarian leaders.

The disinformation is deafening being generated is attempting to drown out fact.

The fate of our Republic hangs in the balance.

I have to begin starting with the leading candidate for the Republican nomination who paraphrased Hitler when he suggested that immigrants are "poisoning the blood of our country." As if that is not a frightening statement on its own, that it echos one of the most cruel and evil leaders in the history of the world is even more appalling. 

But the other disinformation continues without consideration for fact, for instance:

We are suffering runaway inflation. Nope, inflation is under control. The annual inflation rate has been below 4 percent and headed for below 3 percent for the past four months. (Inflation Rate Calculator)

Democrats are responsible for runaway government spending. Not true! But a major culprit for the US’s soaring debt is George W Bush’s and Donald Trump’s huge tax cuts that mostly benefited the wealthy and big corporations – and that will have added $8tn and $1.7tn, respectively, to the debt by the end of the 2023 fiscal year.

House Republicans are even proposing to cut funding for the IRS, which would make it harder for the tax agency to go after rich tax cheats and thereby reduce the debt. (The Guardian)

We need a rainbow. Rainbows call us to pause, for a moment, and consider something other than ourselves. Something larger than the mess we've made in our lives. Rainbows are a symbol of hope and a promise. 

The other day, I saw many rainbows. They were beautiful and at the same time mesmerizing. Maybe if we took a timeout to consider a rainbow we might figure out a way to stop seeing those with opposing views as enemies or adversaries and realize that we are all stuck together in this place and that competing opinions are the substance of a strong and healthy society.

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Tuesday, September 26, 2023


 I guess I am going go introspective today--it being my birthday and all. 

What a very unexpected year it has been since my last birthday. 

Chris and I completed our first full year living in Florida full-time at the beginning of September. What a year it has been punctuated with joy and sadness! The separation from family has been challenging. But living in Florida has been everything that I had hoped it would be--and that includes going to the beach almost whenever I want to go.

Horseback Riding
Saint Anne, Jamaica
November 9, 2022

 - Travel: 

  -- Caribbean cruise on Holland America in November

  -- Caribbean cruise on Royal Caribbean in January

  -- Alaska cruise on Royal Caribbean in August-September

  -- Weekend in Key West during October

  -- Spring Training Trip

  -- Visiting Charlottesville, VA

Graduation Day
Odenton, MD
June 6, 2023
 - Family:
  -- Ethan, graduated High School and is off to college.

  -- Jax made the JV baseball team

  -- Lucas became a smart 8th grader!

  -- Patrick got married to Jen, a wonderful woman and companion, that was during the January cruise

  -- We visited Dad in Houston

  --  We enjoyed the holidays in Maryland with our family and friends

 - Recreation:

  -- We joined a boat club

  -- We went to a few concerts

  -- I biked over 2,000 miles

  -- Chris got a bike and we bike a lot together

  -- We bought new furniture for the living room

  -- We played golf a lot

  -- We saw fireworks on the 4th of July

  -- We survived multiple hurricanes

Alaskan Cruise
Juneau, Alaska
September 1, 2023

Difficult things:

  -- Jodie passed during July

  -- Makayla, my dog of 14 years, passed during October

  -- Riordin, my cat of 14 years, passed earlier this month

  -- Dad was hospitalized twice--but is doing great


I am not sure what the next year will bring, but I am thankful for family, friends, and the health to enjoy being retired. I hope we can all continue the ride.

Be well!

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Saturday, September 16, 2023

When the Big Waves Arrive

Surfers at the Park
Carlin Park Beach, Jupiter, FL
September 15, 2023

 Celebrating Friday and the start of the weekend has been something that I love to do. Usually I do it with a Happy Hour. Since retiring, I have lost that overpowering need to be somewhere at the end of the workweek with friends celebrating the beginning of the weekend. I guess because everyday is a weekend now. 

Surfer at the End of the Rainbow
Carlin Park Beach, Jupiter, FL
September 15, 2023
Last evening Chris and I went to Carlin Park Beach to celebrate happy hour. It was a great choice because the passing hurricane in the Atlantic had kicked up some big waves, in excess of 6 feet. And that means surfers!

There were so many surfers that they almost looked like the fish I took pictures of in the waves a few days ago. And they were fin to watch. We arrived on the beach about 4:30 PM, but stayed until almost 7 PM and we had non-stop entertainment. At one point there were in excess of 26 surfers ranging in age from and estimated 12 yo to 58 yo. I know the oldest was 58 because we chatted with him. And as for the youngest, I was talking to his Dad. 

The afternoon Florida storms kicked up, but remained south of us. That meant the sky to the south was very dark, but to the east and north, the skies were of broken clouds. The rain to the south caused a rainbow, actually there was a double rainbow, but the second one was very weak. As the sun sank lower in the sky, it illuminated the front of the waves and created a very beautiful scene of which I was able to capture one decent image. 

It was a fantastic Happy Hour!

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Water and Sun

Jupiter Island Beach
Tequesta, FL
September 11, 2023

 The stars aligned yesterday afternoon and Chris and I headed off to the beach. 

I realized that it had been over a month since the last time that I was on a warm, ocean beach. The Alaskan adventure surely did not provide the opportunity to enjoy beach time and the only view I had of the Pacific Ocean was cold, gray, and angry.  

With the humidity moderating and the temperatures remaining in the high 80s, it was a perfect beach afternoon. The water was warm--it must have been at least 86 degrees. 

The beach break provided a much needed respite from all that we have been facing the past two months.

We are heading out on another adventure next week--to Houston, and so yesterday was just a "melt all the troubles away" sojourn to the beach. 

I definitely needed the time in the sand of the warm Atlantic. 

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Thursday, September 7, 2023

The River

The White River
Mount Rainier National Park
August 25, 2023

 Garth Brooks, one of my favorite musicians, sings a song titled, The River. 

The chorus goes:

And I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry
Like a bird upon the wind
These waters are my sky

I'll never reach my destination
If I never try
So, I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry

I am not sure of my destination, but I know that I am still sailing the waters of the river. 

Sometimes the things we have to do are hard, but they are right. There really is a right and a wrong even though sometimes cloaked in shades of gray. 

Occasionally, we lose friends as the river changes course and they run aground or their time on this planet is done. The water can be rough and we can get wet. Sometimes the dunking is from our own mistakes but lately, all too often the dousing is with tears. 

But--we sail on down the river of life. The final verse of the song cautions us about resigning and giving up:

So don't you sit upon the shoreline
And say you're satisfied
Choose to chance the rapids
And dare to dance the tide

I'm sailing rough waters today and my tears because I believe that today I will be saying a final goodbye to a faithful, furry, four-footed companion. 

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Bright Skies

Bright Sky
Indian River Lagoon, FL
August 2, 2023

 I have become to appreciate days with bright skies. 

This summer has been the summer of haze and smoke. When we have been in Maryland the skies are dulled by the smoke from the Canadian wildfires. The some has been at times so bad that the smell of burning wood lingers in the air. And here in South Florida, we have had days when the skies are muted with Saharan dust. 

The world is suffering and we see the evidence in the skies. 

The other day the skies cleared and I was able to, once again, enjoy the sapphire blue sky over the water. It was a sight made more awe inspiring by the weeks of muted and hazy skies. 

A programming note--condolences to the US Women's National Soccer Team which just lost in a shoot-out to Sweden (4-5) and are out of the World Cup. Hopes were so very high for the team entering the competition.

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, MD

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Saturday Shorts


Well, Saturday has arrived and along with it the end of the week (would that be weekend?). 


In response to my blog yesterday about jellyfish, among other things, my friend and former racquetballer, Jason, sent the image to the right. 

It made me laugh. Thanks, Jason.


In other activities, Chris and I went to see the movie Oppenheimer yesterday. I highly recommend the movie! It is solid history and a compelling story. I found some similarities to the movie The Imitation Game. It is sad how we use brilliant people and then discard them when we cannot reconcile their beliefs or lifestyle with ours.


Army Chief of Staff General James McConville, the 40th person to hold that position, retired today [yesterday]. Because Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) has put a hold on military promotions for the past 8 months, there is no Senate-confirmed leader to take McConville’s place. There are eight seats on the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the group of the most senior military officers who advise the president, homeland security officials, the secretary of defense, and the National Security Council. Currently, two of those seats are filled by acting officials who have not been confirmed by the Senate.

Politico’s defense reporter Paul McLeary wrote that as of today, there are 301 senior military positions filled by temporary replacements as Tuberville refuses to permit nominations to go through the Senate by the usual process. Two more members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff will retire before the end of September. (Letters to an American)

Does anyone else see this as a potentially crippling our military? I thought Republicans were strong on defense? 

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Walking in a Quiet Place

Old Strawberry Lake Way
Odenton, MD
July 20, 2023

 Yesterday was a travel day. Chris and I returned home, ending another adventure. It really was not a vacation, as we both had multiple doctor's appointments, but we enjoyed valuable time with the family.

One of the things that Chris and I manage to do while we are there is to walk the dogs. Not only Finnegan, but Lily and Arthur as well. There is a great section of abandoned road which is covered with a canopy of trees that I especially enjoy walking. I love the way the sunlight comes through the green branches. 

The other thing that I enjoy about walking in Odenton is the quiet. Traffic is relatively light on the road next to the forested area and so we can hear the birds sing and the squirrels scurry. We can think and also talk in low tones trying not to disturb the quiet of the moment. 

It is a walking environment that we do not experience here in Florida. I love the palms, but it is hard to have a palm tree canopy. There are hardwood stands around, but not near where we walk Finnegan. The other problem is the traffic. We live between two major roadways and so there is always traffic, both vehicular and train, noise to content with. 

I was reminded of a Robert Frost poem, The Road Not Taken.

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Embracing Midweek Serenity: Finding Balance in the Bustle

Welcome to Wednesday. Today let's explore ways to navigate the middle of the week and find moments of serenity amidst the daily hustle. Let's embrace the midweek blues and transform them into a positive, balanced experience. So, let's dive in!

  1. Start Your Day Mindfully: Wednesday mornings can often feel like a blur as we rush to tackle our to-do lists. Instead, prioritize starting the day with mindfulness. Dedicate a few minutes to meditate, journal, or simply sit in silence and set positive intentions for the day ahead. By cultivating a calm mindset, we can approach the challenges of the week with greater clarity and peace.

  2. Find Your Midweek Motivation: Midweek slumps can sometimes zap our motivation, making it harder to stay focused and productive. Combat this by identifying your sources of inspiration. Whether it's listening to uplifting podcasts, reading motivational quotes, or connecting with like-minded individuals, seek out the fuel that ignites your passion and reminds you why you started this journey in the first place.

  3. Take Active Breaks: We all know the feeling of hitting a productivity wall in the middle of the day. Instead of pushing through without a break, give yourself permission to pause and recharge. Step away from your desk and engage in a physical activity that rejuvenates you, such as taking a walk, practicing yoga, or enjoying a quick workout. These moments of movement will boost your energy levels and provide a fresh perspective when you return to your tasks.

  4. Express Gratitude: Amidst the busyness, it's essential to pause and acknowledge the things we are grateful for. Use Wednesdays as an opportunity to reflect on the blessings in your life. Consider starting a gratitude journal, where you can jot down three things you're grateful for each Wednesday. This practice will shift your mindset towards appreciation and positivity, helping you maintain a balanced outlook.

  5. Connect and Collaborate: Wednesday is the perfect day to reach out and connect with others. Initiate conversations with colleagues, friends, or even strangers who share similar interests or aspirations. Engaging in meaningful conversations and collaboration not only provides fresh perspectives but also fosters a sense of camaraderie and support. Remember, we're all in this journey together!

  6. Embrace Mini Self-Care Rituals: A midweek self-care routine can work wonders in maintaining equilibrium. Incorporate small self-care rituals into your Wednesday schedule, such as enjoying a bubble bath, indulging in a favorite treat, reading a book, or engaging in a creative hobby. These moments of self-nurturing will help recharge your spirit and infuse your day with a sense of tranquility.

Wednesdays are not just about getting through the week; they're about finding joy and balance along the way. By implementing these practices, we can transform midweek blues into opportunities for growth, connection, and self-care.

Wishing you all a fulfilling Wednesday! Stay balanced embrace the journey.

Oh yeah, Happy Hump Day!

-- Bob Doan, Odenton, MD

Note: written with the help of ChatGPT, an AI language model trained by OpenAI

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Angry Ocean


Arriving at the beach near low tide
Jupiter Island, FL
May 6, 2023
In the aftermath of Cinco de Mayo and the coronation, I managed an 18.2 mile bike ride which ended in a driving rainstorm. It was not my first time getting soaked while riding, but I find that I enjoy the experience less and less. It is awful to arrive home with water dripping off. And the breeze makes it feel cold! Yes, even at 82 degrees the movement of the bike with the wind made me cold! Ugh!

Later on the Beach
Jupiter Island, FL
May 6, 2023
As the very localized storms passed through, Chris and I noticed a break and took a walk on the beach. As we arrived, the day was pleasant, but the ocean was rough from all of the passing storms. There was a goodly amount of sargassum on the beach, but still not the mountains of sea grass that had been predicted, although a lot more could be seen heading for the beach in the waves.

We were not on the beach very long before we noticed that the white broken clouds had given way to dark and foreboding ones. The clouds at this time were not just over the ocean, but they were behind us over the land. We were surrounded and some of the clouds seriously looked like rain clouds. In the image to the left, the clouds behind the one at the center top appear to be raining. Fortunately, we did not see lightening or hear thunder. 

Out of an "abundance" of caution, we departed the beach and returned home. We had only been walking on the beach for about 30 minutes, but it was clearly time to leave. 

We headed home and arrived without incident.

All-in-all, another great South Florida day. 

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

What About Bob? Or Robert?


A friend sent me the image of the Bob hat. It made me smile because it seems that I am always doing "Bob" things. 

The hat got me thinking and I did a bit of research about the name Robert and the nickname Bob. 

The name Robert is of Germanic origin and means "bright fame". It was introduced to England by the Normans in the 11th century, and it quickly became a popular name. Many notable people throughout history have been named Robert, including Robert the Bruce, the king of Scotland who lived in the 14th century, and Robert Burns, the Scottish poet who lived in the 18th century.

The nickname Bob is a diminutive form of the name Robert. It is thought to have originated in the Middle Ages as a shortened form of the name Rob or Hob, which were common nicknames for Robert at the time. By the 17th century, the nickname Bob had become more common and was used as a standalone name in some cases.

I go by Bob because I always felt Robert was too formal. 

Interestingly, both names have separate histories in popularity since 1900. By decade, for the 1910s, 1920s, 1930s, 1940, and 1950s Robert was the most popular name for boys. I guess that is why there are so many of us. Robert has since declined to bar the 65th most popular name fir boys during the 2010s.

Bob was not in the top 100 during the 1910s but rose to become the 2nd most popular name during the 1950s. It dropped out of the top 100 names for boys after the 1960s. 

What I found very enlightening was that Robert was the most popular name for boys during the 1950s and Bob was the 2nd most popular name during the same decade.

So, when Bob's do Bob things, that means there are a lot of us who are getting things done.

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL


The information on the history and name popularity was derived from ChatGPT, an AI language model trained by OpenAI. The two queries were:

What is the history of the name Robert and the nickname Bob?

By decade, since 1900, how has the popularity of the name Bob or Robert changed?

Thursday, April 20, 2023

A Road Less Traveled

A Less Traveled Road with Finnegan
Odenton, MD
April 18, 2023

 Walking the dogs, Finnegan and Lily, became a daily affair while Chris and I were visiting in Maryland. It worked out great because there is the perfect walking path, an old unused road. I have walked this road for many years, but it was only until this visit to Maryland that I noticed that the lane markings and the road edge markings were still visible in places. The road runs parallel to Strawberry Lake Way off Waugh Chapel Road. I am not sure of the name for the original roadway, but I'm guessing it was not Strawberry Lake Way, that seems to coincide with the construction of the multiple communities in the area.

As Chris and I walked yesterday along US-1 in Tequesta, were very aware of the quiet and beautiful setting for the road in Odenton. The noise of the US-1 morning traffic was deafening and we both noted that walking in Odenton was much more enjoyable than Tequesta.  But, then, we were not at the beach which does beat Odenton for peace and beauty. 

I guess we need to head to the beach more often!.

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Following Along with Spring

Dogwood Bloom
Odenton, MD
April 17, 2023

 Although yesterday was much cooler than the previous days, it remained a spectacular Spring day. 

There were two dog walking events, one which was 2 miles in length, to enjoy the day. Along the way I noticed the dogwoods were in full bloom in the Maryland forest. I managed an image of one of the blooms hanging onto a low branch of one of the trees. 

Chris and I took the dogs along part of the Baltimore & Annapolis Trail. I love walking off the streets and more into the foliage. Activity was everywhere especially squirrels. We saw one busy chipmunk along the walk. I had forgotten how well their coloring blends into the dry leaves. 

Today is a travel day. We return to Tequesta and say good-bye to Spring. It will be good to be home for a few weeks before we return.

-- Bob Doan, Odenton, MD

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Sleepy Saturday

Looking West Across the Loxahatchee River
Tequesta, FL
March 25, 2023

 Saturday was a relaxing day. 

There was the obligatory 15.6 mile ride to get the blood moving after a 1.5 mile dog walk, but the rest of the day was devoted to relaxation, followed by a dinner with friends to cap off the evening. 

Turning to sports, I am excited that FAU arrived into the Final Four of the Men's NCAA Basketball Tournament. I am hoping that Miami makes it through tonight. 

Sadly, we did not make it to the ocean yesterday to fully enjoy the 85 degree temperatures we experienced. I am not entirely sure why.

I noted, with some concern, that a particular presidential candidate chose Waco, Texas, for a rally on the 30th anniversary of the Branch Davidian compound fire which ended a 51-day siege. I read somewhere that this particular candidate is adept at using "dog whistles" to energize his base. 

And so it was Saturday.

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Memories and Images and US-1

Patrick Early in the Morning
Marathon, Florida


In retrospect I was smart, a few years ago, when I started saving all of the images from my various cameras onto CDs. I still actually possess an external CD/DVD reader that is compatible with my new Mac. I used it yesterday to begin to cull through the thousands of images that I have stored on CDs. I also have many more stored on a backup drive. 

Some of the images are just funny--like this one which was taken early in the morning when I think Patrick and I were in Marathon, FL, and heading out on one of our first dives after being certified. 

Patrick and Chris US-1 Beginning
Key West, FL
Patrick was always funny with cameras and video equipment. Chris and I were reviewing some of our old videos and found his commentary priceless; making boring subjects like Roman ruins seem exciting.

One thing I discovered, however, is that the date of the images from the older cameras  changes each time I move it across media. Very frustrating. I am glad that I included the year on most of the folders in which I stored the images.

I don't know if it is a good thing or not, but I have been on both ends of US-1. I much prefer the Florida terminus to that in Maine. This image documents one instance of being at the beginning of US-1. I think it humorous that both Key West, FL, and Fort Kent, ME, call themselves the beginning of US-1. I guess US-1 South begins in Fort Kent while US-1 North begins in Key West. I drive on some part of US-1 nearly every day. And I also drove on US-1 nearly every day when I lived in Maryland. It is a highway that connects us.

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL 

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Ides Arrives

 The Ides of March have arrived. But in the good news department, there is less than a week until Spring begins (Monday, March 20th) and I am sure that those experiencing the Nor'easter are thrilled about the prospect of Spring arriving. 

Apparently Punxsutawney Phil had the forecast for six more weeks of Winter correct, sadly. I have been enjoying endless summer here in Florida where we set a record the Monday at 94 degrees, although yesterday the temperatures failed to get out of the mid-70s. 

I would like to say that I have been outside enjoying the great weather, and during the morning hours I have been. I managed a 21.5 mile bike ride yesterday, but during the afternoons I have been mired in tax preparation--the annual "render unto Caesar" exercise which is eminently appropriate on this day of infamy.  

In other news, Happy 203rd birthday to the State of Maine! I read a very interesting article this morning on the struggle for Maine's statehood and the Missouri Compromise. And we thought times were tough now.

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Calm Ending to the Day

Walking to Dinner
Stuart, FL
March 3, 2023

 Some evenings remain in my mind long after the day has ended and the calendar rolled over to another and then another day. 

Friday evening was one of those special evenings. Chris and I were walking the streets of Stuart, Florida, headed to dinner and a concert with our friends. We were a bit later than I like to be for a dinner reservation, although we still arrived before our reservation time and had to wait for our table. 

Moon Through Palm
Stuart, FL
March 3, 2023
Taken by Fran
Even though we were hurrying from the parking spot to the restaurant, I still managed a quick image of the stunning sunset behind a lone palm tree. The sky was beautiful and the palm was majestic along the street. Following the shot I had to hurry to catch up with my friends and Chris who were intent on making it to the restaurant. We had only parked about six blocks from the restaurant, but it had taken a bit of time to secure spot along the street.

Later during dinner, which was outside to enjoy the warm evening air, we all marveled at how the Moon was peaking through the palm fonds. Fran took this image and the lighted palm with the Moon and a few clouds helps keep the memory of the evening alive.

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Good-bye February

Celebrating the Final Day of February
Carlin Park Beach, Jupiter, FL
February 28, 2023

 With 80's, crystal blue skies, and some great beach time we said good-bye to February and overnight ushered in March 2023.

Wow. The year truly is careening along. 

What do we have to look forward to in March?

Well, we go back onto Daylight Saving Time on March 12th. This was supposed to be the last clock adjustment for the United States, but the House could not get this simple bill passed which had been approved by the Senate before the term ended in December and so on the first Sunday in November we will again adjust our clocks by falling backwards.

Beautiful Atlantic Ocean Waves
Carlin Park, Jupiter, FL
February 28, 2023
Of course five days later comes St Patrick's Day which is always a good excuse for a celebration.

And then there is the first day of Spring, on March 20th.

We must not forget that today is National Peanut Butter Lover's Day. I know what I'm having for lunch! 

There is so much to do and it seems so little time to get everything done. But, taking it one day at a time is the best approach. 

Welcome to the new month.

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Hump Day and the Beach

Morning Pelican Fly-over
Carlin Park Beach, Jupiter, FL
February 15, 2023

 Yesterday was a more normal South Florida day. The weather moderated a bit, the temperatures were warmer and the winds were calmer. The better weather meant that there were two visits to the beach and a shortened bike ride, 12 vs 15 miles.

Sanderling Gathering
Jupiter Island Beach, FL
February 15, 2023
At the beach, both in the morning and at Happy Hour, we were greeted by birds. The morning fly over of pelicans was very enjoyable while in the afternoon the sanderlings gathered at our feet. As we went to a less visited beach in the afternoon the sanderlings seemed to be less wary and more aggressive. Chris of course baited them with some crackers, bet even before that they came within two feet of us to see if there were and morsels of food being shared.  

At one point yesterday afternoon on Jupiter Island Beach, Chris and I were the only people on the over one-mile long expanse of beach. It is always enjoyable to have the entire beach to ourselves.

Although the winds were calmer and Chris and I decided to head out for a bike ride, the wind was still strong and we cut out one 3 mile loop. We still managed over 12 miles and enjoyed the beauty of the day. This morning the winds seem to have returned and the sky has a rainy gray appearance and so we will have to see what develops as the day progresses. 

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

My Zimbio
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