Showing posts with label Makayla. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Makayla. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Another Weather Event

Image from the Previous Weather Event
Another winter weather event is crawling into the region to make me colder and to remind me that the calendar is still dominated by the dark days. 

I am remain amazed that the weather forecasters cannot seem to be accurate. Last evening the storm was either going to happen overnight, in the morning or during the evening rush. And the answer is? Evening rush hour! Ding, ding, ding! One to three inches of snow is expected do fall and cause incredible traffic problems.

Really? Can't they do better. This is not an afternoon thunderstorm that just pops up, it is a storm that has been building for over a week.
Makayla Loves the Snow

In the Baltimore area we call them weather events. In our family the only one who truly loves weather events is Makayla. She loves playing in the snow--for a few minutes until she gets cold.

I just need to be somewhere warm. Like Miami!  Or Key West. Somewhere the forecast is always for rain or sun--no snow or cold an d the temperature is 80 degrees on a cold day and 85 degrees on a hot day.

Out in my yard, even the squirrel was preparing for the weather event by crawling into the window box to gather the sunflower seeds that Chris placed there for the cardinals and other assorted birds that visit the feeders. 

What is it with squirrels? They seem to show up everywhere. I am not sure if they really appreciate weather events. 

I certainly do not appreciate the snow.

Perhaps I need a change of wintery scenery.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, December 21, 2014

And the Evening was Quiet

A funny thing happened yesterday evening--Chris and I were at home. . . 

And that was the funny thing! For better than the past two weeks we have been on a constant tear with somewhere to go and something to see or buy. 

Not so last night. A quiet, sappy movie, The Holiday, was on the Blu-ray player (betcha haven't thought about Blu-ray in a while). The house was quiet. Just the cats and dog for a nice evening. It was really different. We relaxed and let the Christmas spirit seep into our souls. Well, and a bottle of wine, too!
Louis in the Nativity

The fire in the hearth was a fascinating attraction for Riordin--he loves the heat from the fire. Louis, on the other hand, picked a quiet spot in the Nativity for a nap. One swipe of his tail and the whole nativity could be lost! Fortunately, he is pretty careful.
Riordin by the Fire

And Makayla? She was sprawled out on the floor--not really picture worthy. 

And that was how the first quiet evening of Christmas played out. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Posing in the Flowers

Makayla in the Garden
There she was yesterday morning, patiently waiting for me to finish emptying a yard of mulch from my truck. 

It was stunning.

She was laying there among the flowers trying to be the prettiest object in the garden  And she was!

The garden was in the shade and I was working a few feet away in the hot, or at least warm, sunshine of a beautiful Saturday. There is something nice about having my dog near me when I am working outside. Usually, she is trying my patience by heading off into the wooded area or scoping out the neighbor's garbage cans. She does like to wander a bit--but yesterday she was the faithful dog that is depicted in so many movies.

A boy (or man) and his dog on a sunny afternoon in the yard. What could be better?

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Makayla's Rough Day

Makayla Relaxing after the Vet Day
If dogs had support groups to discuss the things in their lives that cause them problems, then Makayla would definitely need to discuss her day yesterday.

She did not have a spa day, but rather a vet day. She knew something was up when she didn't get a cookie after our short morning walk to allow her to take care of her personal business. And then, there wash no food or water. Both were a sure sign that something was up, and it definitely was.

It was dental care day at Banfield. Had that been the only thing she had going it probably would not have been too bad--but there were shots to be had, nails to be clipped, and anal glands to be expressed. She knew something was up when I dropped her off at 7AM. Her separation anxiety almost got the better of her as she refused to go with the vet tech, but her resistance was futile. When I picked her up at about 4PM she was still a bit groggy from the anesthesia. But she was happy to see me. I was happy to see her too. There is something great when your dog is excited to see you.

She has to take some antibiotics for a few days, and she hates pills, but she came through the ordeal very well and her breath smells good, too.

She certainly would have a lot of issues to discuss at her doggie support group.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Monday, March 10, 2014

Monday Musings - March 10, 2014

1. March has arrived and now in its second week, maybe some signs of Spring will be found, soon.

2. During a birthday celebration last week, I overheard a my daughter tell Jackson, as he was leaning in close to blow out the candles on the birthday cake, not to kiss the candle because the relationship would never work out.

3. It is amazing was a few hours at the groomers will do for Makayla--she looks like a completely different dog. Actually, she looks more like a Norwegian Elkhound than a Keeshond.

4. Why does it seem that although I have access to more TV channels, I am finding less to watch? I am beginning to watch baseball games and hockey matches between teams I don't care about just to find something to watch. 

5. I'm looking forward to getting to Sarasota in a few weeks for Spring Training--at least it will be warm there.

6. In an effort to accelerate the arrival of Springtime, we went to the Maryland Home and Garden Show yesterday. It was great to walk among the flowers and displays imagining things that we cannot afford. But, we also found some perfect furnishings as we continue our home makeover.

7. It was really hard to get out of bed on this first Monday after Daylight Savings Time stole and hour from me.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Who Loves the Snow?

Makayla in the Snow
One of my readers has accused me of writing too much about the snow. I stand convicted! I would prefer to write about warm sandy beaches--but there aren't any near me. The snow is ubiquitous and unending, it seems. Untile the snow had finally and completely departed there can be ". . . no joy in Mudville."

Yesterday I determined that one member of my family actually loves the snow. Makayla!

Although not technically a snow dog, like a huskie, she does have a double coat and she seems to love being out in the snow. The only time she asked to go out and just play and not perform some bodily function is during snow events. 
As the Storm Begins

Fortunately, the storm under performed yesterday. We were expecting up to 9 inches of fresh, while snow and received only about 5.

Yay. Less to shovel.

The bigger problem this morning are the record setting frigid temperatures. The record for the area is 5 degrees and at my house this morning the thermometer reads 5.4 degrees with still an hour to go before dawn.

That is too cold for Makayla. Too cold for me. Although, I am headed out in a few minutes to risk life and limb on the racquetball court. 

Hopefully, this will be my last blog about snow for the season, except to write that it has finally and completely departed and been replaced by green grass and flowers.  Time will tell.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Home is Where my Dog Is

I know the old saying is that home is where your heart is, but in my case my heart is where my dog is and so in my case my heart and my dog are one.

That sounds so zen. 

Or even weird. But I love traveling with my dog. The past week we have been living at my daughter's house while they explore Spain and having my dog around has kept me sane.

It is not that she does all that much, but her comings and goings and need to head outside every couple of hours adds a sense of normalcy to a life in upheaval. And I really like having her park herself next to me to be scratched behind her ears and I also enjoy having her lay at my feet.

Today, the expectation is that I will return home to my more normal life and I know that Makayla will appreciate the transition home as well. She is not a huge fan of vacations--I think she has a problem with change, but of course the good news is that she just accepts where we are at and enjoys the fact that she was not left behind.

Home is where my dog is--what could be better?

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Inner Keeshond Appears

Makayla after Spa Day
Spa day was a success. The inner Keeshond has returned and Makayla is ready for Thanksgiving.

She smells better and is walking better on the wood floors. The groomer cuts her nails shooter than I am willing to risk. 

She is not much worse for the wear, I know she does suffer a bit of separation anxiety when she is spending the day at the spa, but they keep her busy.
Keeshond or Norwegian Elkhound?

She is a lot of work! 

My only complaint is that I think they trim her a bit too much and make her look more like a Norwegian Elkhound than the Keeshond that she is. 

But, she looks better and smells better than just a few hours earlier. And the inner Keeshond has returned.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Makayla's Spa Day

Makayla Before her Spa Day
Every few months, Makayla gets a spa day. I'm not sure she appreciates it the same way that many people do, but she gets to spend the entire day getting a make-over. 

Today is the day.

I just returned from dropping her off--she makes it so difficult. She looks at me with her big brown eyes and whines as if to say, "Don't leave me."
Makayla Waiting for Spa Day

Well, as you can see, she really needs a spa day. I've been brushing her, but sometimes I just need professional help with her coat. 

Today is that day.

I expect her to come back home looking awesome. I always love the way her fur bounces as she walks after a spa day. I want to believe she likes the way she looks, too. Almost as if she is saying, "Look at me, I'm beautiful." No anthropomorphism here! (When was the last time you saw that word used?)

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, October 26, 2013

No Pets makes No Sense

I stopped and looked at the sign posted prominently on the entrance to the rest stop building. Why must my beloved dog remain outside complicating my life when she is traveling with me? It makes no sense--none at all. After all, they let children into the building and we all know that they are far dirtier and more destructive than pets.

On my most recent sojourn, I discovered that most of the wineries in the Seneca Lake region of New York allow dogs to accompany their owners into the tasting rooms while sampling the fruit of the vine. Why must my dog remain outside at a rest stop where food is not being served? Or for that matter, why discriminate against pets anywhere--food or not? 

Pets are companions. I am sure that soon there will be a movement to ensure that dogs and cats are seat belted when traveling in a car--not only for their own protection but the protection of the driver and other occupants. I mean, who needs the family pet flying around the interior of the vehicle during an accident?

For now, I am contemplating some radical action to try to get these ridiculous laws and rules reversed. What would be the harm in allowing my dog into an establishment especially on an extremely hot or cold day?

We seem to spend a lot of time writing laws and making rules that have precious little hope of being enforced, why don't we begin to take some rules and laws off the books thereby restoring freedom of choice and begin enforcing personal responsibility?

Makayla rules!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Chillin' at the End of the Day

Me, Makayla, Riordin
The chaos in the room was everywhere as children played and adults interacted. After a long day, I needed a break and in the middle of it all I took a time out. It seems as though Makayla and Riordin also needed a time out and found it in my lap or sitting very near to me. 

It is not often that Makayla actually sits with me and then to have Riordin crawl up next to us was an added benefit. 

Funny, I didn't even have a glass of wine in my possession at this point in the afternoon, but with three grandsons were playing loudly not six feet away from the apparent serenity of this scene is deceiving.

I guess that amid the noise and chaos I had carved out a small island of tranquility. Anyway, Nicole thought it worthy of an image and so here it is. 

Me and my best buds. Funny, there wasn't even a baseball game on TV yet.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Friday, February 1, 2013

The Corner of my Toast

I was sitting here, reading the morning news coming across the computer screen and mindlessly eating when I realized that two very deep, brown eyes were watching my moves closely as I came to the last corner of my breakfast toast.
Makayla at Breakfast

The last corner--of course, I do not own the last corner of my toast. No, it is Makayla's, and she knows it.

It has become a morning ritual that I rarely notice, except when I am traveling or she is having an overnight in preparation for a trip upon which I have an early departure.

She is patient. She sits there until the last corner is clearly available. And then, she inches closer. Sometimes she puts her nose on my leg to remind me that her piece of toast is nearly ready.

I have to be careful with the jam though--too much and she gets is in her fur--and that causes other issues.

When I am ready to share, she is so gentle about taking the corner of the toast from my hand. I have had other dogs who gulp the piece down without even really enjoying it, but Makayla seems to know that this special shared breakfast is a morsel to be savored and enjoyed.

I think I enjoy giving it to her more than she enjoys eating it, but it does cement that special bond between us.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge. MD

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Cold Saturday Morning

Where would you rather be on a 45 degree morning with a stiff wind making it seem more like 35 degrees.

Jax's Last Soccer Game of 2012 

1. At home, wrapped in a blanket drinking a hot cup of coffee while watching a good movie, or

Ethan and Makayla
2. On a soccer field watching Jax's final game of the season.

I chose correctly--on the soccer field.

It was a cold morning--and I was cold even with a coat, sweatshirt and shirt working together to maintain my body temperature. Makayla, however, enjoyed the morning on the soccer field with Ethan. She seemed especially renewed by the cooler temperatures. Or maybe she was cold and trying to keep warm herself?

The soccer game was exciting and Jax worked hard--but was not able to score a goal. He made some stunning saving kicks however.

Over all, the game was just--COLD!

It was so cold--how cold was it? It was so cold that the clock froze and the game lasted (it seemed) forever.

Not really, it just seemed that way.

I did get some nice pictures of Jax working the game to his advantage.

A fun way to spend part of Saturday.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Franken-storm Cometh

The east coast is abuzz with talk of and preparations for Hurricane/Tropical Storm Sandy. It has become all consuming--even here at home where took a few hours of leave yesterday to begin storm preparations.
Storm Proofed Back Deck Area

We have many plants and chairs and cushions along with assorted patio related items that needed to be secured. The task was to get everything out of the open areas and secured. Including off the porch.

The pool house has become a temporary greenhouse (although dark) to hide the plants that normally adorn the exterior of the house.

I enjoyed all of the leaves that had fallen and I hope that having the leaves mostly off the trees will reduce the numbers of fallen trees and branches which create havoc when they crash through power lines, roads, and houses.
The Pool House Becomes a Green House

The news media is everywhere ensuring that people are aware of the impending storm. That is a good thing.

Schools are preparing for contingencies.

People are panicking. Others are making preparations for the impending mayhem.
Makayla Keeping a Watchful Eye on Storm Preparations

Makayla, however, is just taking it all in. She parked herself on the pool cover and just kept a watchful eye on my comings and goings as I worked to move stuff around.

Sometimes, I wish I were a dog.

Then I could lay on the pool cover among the leaves and just relax while the world around me is working feverishly to prepare for a huge storm.

Well--although the storm is named Sandy--it is really a Franken-storm because is stands to destroy Halloween.

But, more on that another day.

I think I'm going to join Makayla on the pool cover.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Freaked Out Dog

Bring in the Dog Whisperer. Makayla has gone off the deep end and is displaying a deep seated phobia about walking on the hardwood floors.

It is not so much walking, but rather starting from a standing. She looks like Fred Flintstone trying to get his car going as she flails against the floors to get moving.
Makayla Fighting Against the Wood Floor

Yet, she does not need to aggravate herself so.

She walks perfectly fine once she is going forward.

It is just the spinning her wheels (or rather paws) which freaks her out as she tries to gain some forward momentum.

I feel bad for her, but I do not want to contribute to the delinquency of a canine by coddling her. But the whining is terrible.

But, I cannot give in to her fears or they will not get better. And when she accidentally jumps on the couch--she cannot get off. Or rather she will not get off until she finally determines that no one is going to rescue her.

Where is the Dog Whispered when I need him.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Weather Change

I am sitting this morning on the screened porch enjoying the 63 degree temperature with rain falling to begin the gray cloud overcast day.

OK--I am not really enjoying it. I am a bit chilled after the 100 degree plus days of the recent weeks. We went to a local restaurant last evening for happy hour and dinner, choosing to sit outside, and by the time we left--it was down right chilly. I went into the air conditioned restaurant to warm up.

The rain is frustrating.

The motor on my pool pump burned out during the heat wave--a new one will not be here until Monday. That means I can't even lower the rising water level in my pool--which I suppose I should consider a blessing.

But we need the rain--I haven't mowed in three weeks and the lawn still looks good--except for the leaves which have fallen from the heat stressed sycamore and tulip poplar trees that surround my yard.

The birds are awake. I hear them in the trees, along with the sound of the rain falling on the leaves and the babbling of the over-filled stream that runs behind the house.

If this were September, I'd be ecstatic. But, alas, it is July--and worse, it is the dog days when the weather is supposed to be extra hot and sultry.

Makayla just began barking at a deer who happened to decide to cross the lawn. They are so quiet. And graceful. I am happy that we are within a fence so that Makayla can't chase after the deer. I do not enjoy cleaning her coat after she romps through the wooded area next to the house and crashes through the stream in a futile effort to run with so fleet a creature as a deer. Robert Frost wrote about good fences making good neighbors in Mending Wall. They are also good for keeping dogs within their boundaries.

I suppose that I will not be working on the still unfinished stairs to my deck today. They are so close to completion--too close it seems. Just a few hours more and a few more boards and balusters.

The rain is still falling--one of those light, soaking rains which should restore the trees to the browned trees and lawns. That will be a nice way to slide into August--with renewed, springtime-like greens.

I just looked at all of the vegetation around me and realized that I am happy to live in so green a place.

It is going to be a great day. I am sure of it.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Snow and Dogs

Makayla during Snowpocalypse 2010
Yesterday, as I was wrestling with the just over two inches of snow in the driveway before going to work, I discovered an amusing thing: Makayla loves snow.

She runs around in the snow like a pup just enjoying the clean--probably scent free, whiteness.

I really think she enjoys the feel of the snow between her toes and the way is collects on her coat.

I remember that during the snowpocalypse of last February that she likes the snow--but it was so deep she really couldn't run around it in. This is one of my favorite picture of her in the snow last year. I use it as a wall paper on my computer and iPhone.

Makayla in the Snow
It made me smile to see her bounding through the snow just enjoying herself.

I wish I could enjoy the snow the same way.

But--shoveling it, driving in it, and watching it fall wishing I was already in St Lucia on vacation (scheduled for July) certainly does not help me to appreciate the wet white stuff the way she does.

But--then again, her enthusiasm did help me to appreciate it--just a bit. Shhhh--don't tell Chris.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Pair of Kees

Makayla and Ben Napping with a Wary Eye
Makayla and Ben resting after a morning of playing and activity. They have grown to be best buds.

Having two dogs is a bit of work. But they have a lot of fun together and keep each other company. And they get along really well.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween dog

Makayla is being a good sport about Halloween. She is dressed and ready for some serious trick or treating.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Early Morning - Makayla Wakes us up Sick

I heard the whine--and then I smelled it, the sure signs of a sick dog in the bedroom.

Never a pleasant way to start the day--especially when it is 4am and the mess is substantial--and not just confined to the bedroom but as we soon discover, is also in other locations around the house.

And the clean up is not easy--the washer will be busy all day cleaning rugs, towels and even bedding as the mess increased in size.

Makayla is being put on a strict water diet and confined to her cage until her gastrointestinal system settles a bit.

She hates the cage--but is taking it like a trooper. For our point--we are trying to contain the mess because it is really awful.

So we are up early watching TV and we are listening to a unhappy dog squeaking from her cage. Trying to settle her stomach and keeping her quiet.

A long day starting early. A sick dog and a huge mess still processing through the washer and dryer.

Vacation is only days away.
My Zimbio
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