Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Inner Keeshond Appears

Makayla after Spa Day
Spa day was a success. The inner Keeshond has returned and Makayla is ready for Thanksgiving.

She smells better and is walking better on the wood floors. The groomer cuts her nails shooter than I am willing to risk. 

She is not much worse for the wear, I know she does suffer a bit of separation anxiety when she is spending the day at the spa, but they keep her busy.
Keeshond or Norwegian Elkhound?

She is a lot of work! 

My only complaint is that I think they trim her a bit too much and make her look more like a Norwegian Elkhound than the Keeshond that she is. 

But, she looks better and smells better than just a few hours earlier. And the inner Keeshond has returned.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

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