Showing posts with label Lucas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lucas. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

From the Beach--A Reflection of Clouds

I saw an image of Lucas riding in the surf Myrtle Beach surf the other morning. It made me laugh.

Lucas at Myrtle Beach

I remembered my own visit to the ocean during July and the fun and frolic that being on the beach provides me to escape the realities of work and life.

The clouds in the skies over the ocean often create characters that stimulate my imagination--there is a duck, or a dragon, or Texas,

How strange that I feel the need to create order from the chaos of the wind whipped vapors that are the clouds.

Clouds off Jupiter Island Beach
The color of the water changes as the clouds pass overhead make the ocean either inviting or foreboding. I think this cloud looks like a dog--a pointer focused on its target with its tail straight out.

To imagine. To lay on the beach and enjoy the lapping of the waves, the warm breeze, and the bright sun.

And the clouds to stimulate my imagination.

Beach days!

They are the best times!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, June 23, 2012

On the Swing

Why is it that kids love to be pushed on a swing?

I stood behind the swing this morning pushing Lucas, and he really enjoyed the relaxed pendulum motion that it made.

I remember, I think, when I was small and I used to love being pushed on a swing.

And see-saws.

I was the biggest so I usually had to have two other smaller kids off set my weight--but I remember the up and down motion as being tranquilizing.

I could swing or play on the see-saw for hours it seems--although I know that it was only minutes.

Although little is said--there is interaction. People working together for enjoyment and relaxation.

Not like today when we play games in solitary life on computers never seeing, or possibly even knowing our opponent.

The swing--I'm too big now to enjoy them like I did when I was small. But I now know that all of life's problems melt away on the swing or see-saw.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Overnight

Three grandsons and an overnight. From 5:30 pm we were the effective parents of three boys under age 8.

It brings back fond memories of times gone by watching three excitable boys.

Really? No.

Thank goodness for a pool to keep them amused and to tire them out. Followed by pizza and a movie--then thankfully, bed! I did get to reprise my role as surfboard pop-pop while we were in the pool.

I should have known that morning would come early though. I think it was before 6 am when the first one rose with the brightening rays of the sun. By 7 am--they were all up and getting back to the business of the day--eating, watching movies, and playing.

Such a great life. Donuts, movies, and doting grandparents.

How do I sign up for that?

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Boys at Play

Saturday is a day for sports it seems. Soccer and lacrosse and baseball are the big sports in our area right now.

Yesterday morning, Jax had a soccer game and during the game Ethan and Lucas found entertainment on the local play ground. I did miss most of the game watching the boys play--but the day was warm and the sun bright so it wasn't all bad.

I am a bit sad that somehow we missed going to E's lacrosse game during the afternoon where he tallied two goals.

But we did get to spend the morning together and enjoy a nice lunch.

Then it was off t the house to work in the yards and around the pool. Why is it thought that there is always more work to do around the house on a nice day than there is time and energy to get it all done?

At least the morning was enjoyable.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sitting by the Fire

Last evening as things began to wind own from the activity of the day, I was sitting by the fireplace watching the first of the NFL contests of the day thinking about the varied activities I had participated in through the course of the morning and into the early evening.

Lucas's birthday was a definite highlight of the afternoon. Ethan's late morning basketball event was another highlight. In between somehow there was a trip to Lowe's, Costgo, And a wine store. Towel racks were fixed in one bathroom and a new shelf unit was installed. It was a busy, but enjoyable mid-winter day.

Although a lot of time was spent on the road and in the car, a lot of time was spent with family.

And that is what it is all about.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Lucas Turns One

What a year it has been for Lucas and all of us.

We had a fabulous party for him last weekend here in our area, and he is off to more parties in the Pittsburgh area this weekend.

More importantly--he is one happy, loved kid.

Chris and I were reflecting on last year as he was being born and the family was assembled at the hospital where we were all waiting in anticipation.

The first pictures that Jeremy sent to us from the delivery room cheered us all as did our first eyes-on visit to greet the newest member of the family.

I cannot believe how fast the time has gone and how quickly Lucas has developed from the new baby lump, into a real boy.

Jeremy and Nicole--you are doing a great job.

Although yesterday was his "real" birthday--take a moment to wish Luke a very Happy First Birthday.
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Sunday, April 4, 2010

After church in the parking lot

There we were. Lucas with his shades to protect his eyes from the sun.
And grandma carrying him across the lot.

I couldn't resist.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Grandfather - Other Duties as Assigned

I took yesterday off from work to spend the day with Lucas. Yes, I was the babysitter.

It was a very different day from most that I enjoy. It started off as a normal Thursday on the racquetball court at 0530 playing three very uninspiring games and being totally dominated by the guy I was playing.

Then a quick stop at home for breakfast and off to spend the day with the youngest grandson.

I have to admit--I have not spent much alone time with Lucas as he is usually surrounded by a myriad of doting people. I had held him a couple of times--but surrendered him up when others around me had that "I need to hold the baby" look in their eyes. So I was looking forward to some one-on-one time with Lucas.

He did not disappoint. He is a real snuggle down and sleep kind of guy--which I like. The day revolved around a cycle consisting of diaper change, feed, burp, check out the world for a bit and then sleep; which we repeated three times.

I admit, I do enjoy napping with a baby cradled in my arm or on my chest on the sofa. I think that's why as we get older we like lap dogs--to try to recreate the warmth and memory of holding a peacefully sleeping child. So for me it was a pretty quiet restful day.

I did discover something important though--there is nothing of value on daytime TV. I would up watching old news on the NHL channel and ESPN Sportscenter most of the day until the baseball Spring training games began at 1PM. But the only game on was the Mets and Cardinals. But--it was baseball and the game ended with a football score of 17-11 Mets. I did get to see some plays happen that I remember coaching my Little League teams how to avoid many years ago. I especialyl liked the two-out pop-up that fell between the first baseman and catcher that wound up as a two-run single instead of an inning ending out.

I'm going back later today for day two on the Lucas front and I have to say I'm looking forward to it. Especially since I know more about what I'm going to be facing. And of course--the afternoon nap with Lucas will be the highlight!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snowpocalypse 2010 Round 2 - It Begins

Snow is falling--we got about 4 inches overnight with about 10 inches more expected during the day in what is being called Blizzard conditions.

We did get out to visit with the family yesterday. We did some sledding down a hill with Ethan and Jax and then looked at a house that Nicole and Jeremy are considering buying and subsequently went to dinner with them and of course the newest grandson--Lucas.

So as I looked off the porch this morning as Round 2 begins, I was confronted by more of the same: snow falling from the sky. Although I do like the reflection of the flash off the falling snow flakes. It is important to note that the truck was free of snow yesterday--and so it provides a record of the snow which has fallen overnight.

Oh--that blob behind the truck is my Jaguar. And the one behind that is Patrick's disabled Honda waiting for better weather for us to get it ready to sell.

I'm not sure we'll see either of them again until May--at the rate snow is falling. At least Kitty, the Jaguar, has a car cover over top of her.

As we drove around yesterday we were shocked by the number of trees which the round 1 of the storm brought down.

On the other hand--we have been really pleased to see our whole community pull together to help each other dig out.

Everyone knows--this is the fault of that woodlands weather forecaster--right? We need to put a contract out on Punxsutawney Phil.

Now here is the serious part:
- Gas stations are running out of gas (we had to go to two stations last night to fill the car)
- Grocery store shelves are beginning to get bare (Safeway was out of eggs and orange juice and was nearly out of milk yesterday.
- The isn't a snow shovel to be had in the region (both of mine need to be replaced--but I've repaired them for the next round)
- The roads in some places are a mess--even the main roads change from two to one open lane without warning and many secondary roads are snow packed and barely wide enough for two vehicles to pass.
- Many cars and streets still waiting to be freed from the previous snowfall
- Snow removal equipment trying to find creative places to put the snow
- Drivers who have not changed their technique to accommodate the reduced visibility at corners and lack of on ramps on the highways.

But we are OK and expect to persevere.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Fire in de hole!

Sunday was grandson day at Hacienda Doan.

All three (Ethan, Jax, and Lucas) were present at the house for the weekly football and food orgy. (well, orgy may be a bit strong)

An interesting dynamic developed in the basement with the two oldest grandsons becoming involved in a major disposable drinking cup war! Yes--disposable drinking cups. The paper kind used for summer picnic activities and the red cups traditionally used for beer. They make great projectiles--similar to the "nerf" objects but far less expensive and far more numerous.

They throw pretty good, too. Especially sideways. And a four-year old can hold four cups in each hand and send them on their way towards the intended target with peals of laughter.
Even the 2-year old could play--although we did have to implement a "no head shot" rule for Ethan because he kept hitting Jax in the head and it began to hurt. Although, then there was the excuse: "Well I don't really aim very well" when a couple cups continued to hit Jax in the head.

And Lucas? Well, he was oblivious to the war going on in the basement as he slept peacefully in the arms of numerous family members.
Ah--the joys of children being creative with the most common items on a rainy, cold day.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Three Grandsons: A Recipe for Excitement

A long, long time ago there used to be a show on TV called "My Three Sons." It was a comedy and followed the growth of a widower and his three sons in many different situations.

Well--here you have-- My Three Grandsons: Ethan, Jax and Lucas.

Two has been fun--and I know that three will be four times the fun!
Lucas will learn very quickly how to keep up with the other two--just like Jax (at only 22 months) has figured out how to keep up with his almost five-year old brother!

I have to tell you--it makes me smile just to think about it now. And even more--I'm the grandfather. When I get tired--place a call to 1-800-hey-parents!

Lucas' birth has drawn the family closer-- and the pictures (thousands of them) are documenting every adventure in his new life and interactions with his family!

Bring it on. In an interesting side note--it is apparent that there is a hole in the birthday months that needs to be filled. That would be February! Lucas was born in January, Jax in March, and Ethan in April. I think the next grandchild (maybe a granddaughter??) needs a February birthdate. There's still time for next year!! LOL!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mother and Child

There is nothing more touching, I think, in all of the world than the image of a mother and her newborn infant.

The images are touching because of the hope and promise that are present at the same time in the image.

The hope--that the child grows up strong and healthy and achieves his or her dreams. The hope that the child is happy. Hope that the bond between the family remains strong and provides a solid foundation for this new life to build upon.

The promise--is love. Unconditional, eternal, unsurpassing love. A no "matter what" love that will work to ensure that despite every hurt, every tear, and every cut finger that there is growth and acceptance. This is a love that provides boundaries and discipline to facilitate growth. It is a love that recognizes there will be times when there will be shortcomings and consequences--but through love and understanding, they will get through them all.

So this is Nicole and Lucas--together. At the beginning of a new life--full of hope and promise.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Baby? He's around here somewhere

Sometimes pictures just need a caption.

The look on Jeremy's face just begged for a caption.

And this one came to mind.

Lot's of crazy things happen in the hospital just before the birth of a child--things can get pretty crazy!
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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Riding the Bull

Sometimes life can be like bull riding.

Ever think of it that way?

A bull rider only needs to stay on a bull for 8 seconds to win. That seems like a relatively short time. Most of the things we do--the activities of life, are of relatively short duration. Longer than 8 seconds--but still short in comparison to a lifetime of activity.

In the bull riding competition, the bull is trying to get the rider off him as soon as he can using every trick in the book to dismount the rider. The rider is hanging on just trying to stay on the bull.

In terms of relative size--the bull is many times greater than the rider--yet a good rider can actually ride the bull.

I noticed something interesting about bull riding while I attended the Professional Bull Riders Association meet in Baltimore a few weeks ago. Riders are not alone. It takes a team. There is a team of people who assist in getting the rider onto the bull before the ride and then there are some very specialized people who help the rider get out of the ring after he either successfully rides the bull or is dismounted.

Life is like that.

We are the riders hoping to hang on for 8 short (lifetime seemingly long) seconds. Life (the bull) is doing everything in its power to unseat us.

But we hang on. For dear life, we hang on. Better than to be trampled under the feet of the raging bull.

Successful "hangers-on" in life know they are not doing it on their own. They have help--family, neighbors, friends staying on top of the bull of life. Our team helps us prepare for the ride and then either picks us up after we are thrown or celebrates with us if we successfully ride the bull.

To take a snap shot from something that happened recently--Lucas' birth. Although it really was Nicole doing the work, she was supported by her husband and a larger family, and medical staff throughout the pregnancy and birth of Lucas. And from Lucas' perspective--he went from being uniquely bonded with his mother, to being part of a much larger family and it is a family that he will continue to be part of for his whole life.

Wow--I'm riding the bull!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Lucas arrives

Well--here are some of the first pictures of Lucas. Above is of course the happy Dad and grandparents.
What more needs to be said.

We call this one--Baby burrito because he looks so happy all wrapped up

Nicole commented as she took the picture--this was a three generational picture.
Wow--who's the old guy?

Ok--here is the shot you've all been waiting for--Lucas Robert, after bath and just about 4 hours old.

They are from Nicole's blog since we didn't really use our camera.
There are a bunch more pictures out there.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Luke, I am your father!

These were the first words that Lucas Robert Doan heard from his father (my son, Jeremy).

Born at about 1228pm today, January 14, 2010; Lucas weighed in at 8lbs 13oz and 20 inches long.

We still have not seen him as of 254pm since the birth was cesarean. We have seen pictures, but are still waiting for him to be allowed visitors.

Mom and son and dad are all doing fine. Reportedly.

Grandma, on the other hand, is a wreck. Of course she has been at the hospital since 1130pm last night.

More to follow as pictures are available--although some are already out on Facebook.

Bob Doan
Elkridge, MD
Sent from My Blackberry

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