Showing posts with label Activities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Activities. Show all posts

Friday, February 17, 2023

Trying New Places - Dive Bar Restaurant

Dive Bar Restaurant
Jupiter, FL
February 16, 2023

 We did not make it to the beach yesterday, even though it was a beautiful day, but we did enjoy Happy Hour at a new location, the Dive Bar Restaurant,  along the Intracoastal Waterway.

In an effort to widen our knowledge of local watering holes, Chris and I are trying some new places for Happy Hour and possibly dinner. Happy Hour is a creative way for restaurants to bring people in and have them stay to enjoy dinner. Although we did not order dinner last evening, the apps that we enjoyed became our last meal of the day. 

Being on the waterway, the bar was very enjoyable. There was a lot of activity and both the apps and service was great. This place is definitely a keeper and that explains why it was so busy. The Happy Hour prices are fantastic. 

The restaurant also boasts very nicely presented salt water aquariums. 

For a great Happy Hour to head off into the evening, I recommend this place.

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Chris Gets a New Ride


Chris with her new Bike
Tequesta, FL
October 25, 2022

I finally followed through on a promise that I had made since before we returned to Florida. Chris has a new bicycle!

She had been riding an old hand-me-down which was not nearly large enough for her. She has long, and I might add beautiful, legs. She needed a larger framed bike. Her old bike also did not coast as well as a new bicycle which forced her to work harder.

For those who are interested, it is a Giant Vida in Charcoal. 

Chris Riding
Tequesta, FL
October 25, 2022

As we have been increasing ride mileage, she has begun to experience some back and shoulder pain which is a sure sign that the bike is not properly adjusted for her. In this case, the bike frame was too small to properly adjust. I had made as many adjustments as the bike could make. 

Chris is routinely now knocking out 14-15 mile rides with ease. We are touring many areas around Tequesta and Jupiter. In the planning are some new places such as the local Jonathan Dickinson State Park and River Bend Park which both have trails and paths to explore. 

I am looking forward many miles of biking with her. 

BTW, yes, her bike is bigger than mine--but you know, size doesn't matter. Actually in terms of bikes, it does matter. It is critical to have the right sized equipment for both enjoyment and safety. 

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Saturday Activity

 It was an interesting Saturday with lots of activity to keep me busy while Chris remains in Maryland. 

I reviewed my cycling activity for September and was happy to have ridden 154.35 miles without really trying. It was good to be back on my bike for the month and able to ride most days. My total was a bit lower because of the hurricane--I didn't ride Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday last week. I didn't ride Friday because I hoped that most of the debris would be removed, and it was. There were a few places where I rode yesterday, my first ride of October, where I had to navigate downed palm fonds. I managed an 11 mile ride yesterday and it took 5 miles for my legs to warm-up and get back into biking after being off most of the week.
Sign Down Along US 1
Tequesta, FL
September 29, 2022

In reviewing the damage to the area I determined that we fared very well during the storms. There were only a few obvious problems including a downed sign advertising Divorce Mediation. I guess their business just fell off. 

In other business, the Orioles are officially out of the playoff race with the loss yesterday. There are only four games remaining in the season and they at least made it exciting. They can finish no worse than .500 ads they already have 81 wins, but a win in one of the next four games would give them their first winning season since 2016. Regardless, they are assured of their first non-losing season since 2016.

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Prepping and Downsizing

Freshly Stained Porch
Elkridge, MD
Jume 1, 2022

 The seemingly headlong rush towards getting the house on the market, sold, and returning to Florida continues with daily activities, both indoors and out. I enjoyed yesterday's 90 degree temperatures, but was a sweaty mess when I came inside about 1 PM after working outside for the morning. 

The projects we are doing are really just routine maintenance that needs to be accomplished every few years. I have gained the side porch--I replaced a board last year but never got around to properly staining the new wood and then I noticed the entire porch really could use a new coat of stain. I also painted a window frame that needed a touch up. The north side of the house does not get a lot of sun and we get a bit of green algae growth on the siding which I power washed a couple days ago. The paint was the final bit on that project. 

There was a scheduled baseball game last evening and so Chris and I. have devised a plan where we enjoy the big meal of the day for a late lunch. It is really working fairly well because it is much better than trying to eat a meal when I get home from baseball at 8 or 9 PM. Today is more of the same--another game and likely another mid-day main meal. 

Another day in an unnumbered series of days.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Friday, May 6, 2022

We Did What?


Cinco de Mayo Lunch
May 5, 2022
ELkridge, MD
Chris and I have been in packing mode for much of the past two weeks. We are aggressively downsizing and determining which possessions will move to Florida and which will be disposed through sale or donation. I have to admit--the sale is not going well. I have only actually sold a few items--but there is time. Of the items planned for Florida, we are packing those which we can live without between now and arrival in Florida. That includes three sets of dishes!

Yesterday afternoon, however, it happened. We ran out of packing material. That really put a damper on the process. More will be arriving today when the Amazon truck shows up in front of the house, but we will have to focus on aspects of downsizing which do not require packing--like reducing my closet. I am still carrying my full wardrobe from when I was having to go to work everyday. I am hoping that I can significantly reduce my holdings to something more manageable. Goodwill will definitely be receiving sport coats and dress shirts and pants this afternoon!

Despite the downsizing effort, there was time to celebrate Cinco de Mayo. As I expected to be playing a baseball game during the evening meal time, we celebrated at lunchtime with some margaritas and chips! I make a great margarita!

After all of that, the baseball game turned into practice on the outfield grass because the infield was mud!

What a day! Did I mention I was able to mow the lawn?

We did what yesterday? I wonder what today will bring?

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Trucks 'N Tunes - March


Trucks 'N Tunes
Tequesta, FL
March 4, 2022

It was the first Friday of the month which means Trucks 'N Tunes in Tequesta. 

Imagine this--an outdoors activity scheduled for March. Of course I first wrote of it during February. 

It was a delightful fun evening of listening to live music and enjoying some of the local food truck cuisine. I went with friends and we sat at the same table from where first enjoyed this activity last month.

The weather was awesome. Beginning in the high 70s as the event began at sunset the temperatures dropped enough that I was happy to have brought my hoodie along for added warmth. Did I mention, no rain and nearly clear skies?

The music was especially good last evening and I enjoyed watching the children using the basketball courts and play areas. It was good to get out and enjoy a fun evening doing something different.

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Saturday, January 29, 2022

A Top 10 Happy Hour

Carlin Park Beach
Jupiter, FL
January 28, 2022
Happy Hour at the beach last night was one of the most unique adventures that I have lately enjoyed.

The evening almost did not happen because the temperature was cool and the winds were blowing. Both Chris and I believed that it would be too windy and cold to enjoy time on the beach watching the waves.

We were wrong. 

At almost the last minute we decided to meet friends at the beach for Happy Hour--an early one about 3:30 PM. Why early? Because I'm retired and I can!

It turned into an incredibly enjoyable event. 

The weather was milder on the beach than anticipated because the bright sun kept us warm despite the constant breeze. But that was not the best part. First off, the waves were magnificent. They were curling and breaking just offshore like waves we have seen in California and Hawaii. And there were surfers enjoying the rough seas despite the red flag warnings posted on the lifeguard stands. 

As a reminder of how rough the water was, one of the surfers was smashed onto the shore by a wave. He shook the collision with the beach off, but his surfboard was not so lucky as it was broken in half.

Friday Evening Beach Wedding
Carlin Park Beach
Jupiter, FL
January 28, 2022
But wait, there's more!

As if the activity of the waves and surfers were not enough, a wedding occurred behind us complete with music, vows, attendants, and witnesses. It was an intimate affair and we were fortunate to be able to enjoy the activity. 

I thought the wedding set-up was well done and thought out. We had met the three-year old ring-bearer in the parking lot as he was throwing a fit because he had to wear a bowtie. He later departed, mid-ceremony, to chase a seagull and had to be shepherded back by his mother.

We enjoyed watching the activity and celebrated with the invited guests when the couple was pronounced married. 

This Happy Hour was high up there on the list of top 10 Happy Hours!

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Two Weeks in a Row


Chris on the 1st Tee
Clifton Park, Baltimore, MD
August 7, 2021

An amazing thing happened this morning--I played golf!!

It was truly amazing considering that before last week my previous outing was June 5th, but now I have managed to risk life and limb on a course two weeks in a row!

And as an added benefit, Chris joined Jeremy and me for the outing. We had the second tee time of the day at  6:10 am and finished 18 holes in 3 hours 12 minutes! We would have been faster but the group in front of us kept us from making it a sub 3-hour round.

Although I did not log the improvement that I expected, I was two strokes overall better this morning than last week. 

It was great to be on the course before the sun crawled up into the sky and we were headed home about 9:30 with the rest of the day in front of us. 

A bad day on the golf course is better than a good day in the office!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Summertime Fun

Diving In
Elkridge, MD
July 4, 2021

 I just had to do it. Chris even asked me why?

Because, I responded, it is the 4th of July and I have to be in the pool because it is the real summer holiday. 

But the day was cool--upper 70's and the pool had lost some heat due to the overnight loss in the 50s--yes, 58 degrees. It really takes a few degrees out of the pool.

And so, I stood on the diving board and prepared myself for a frigid experience and dove in. All-in-all it was not so bad. It was refreshing, but not cold and I actually stayed in the pool for a while. The air was cool and I felt the evaporation when I finally got out, but I felt better for being in the pool on a great Independence Day. 

Sometimes you just gotta do what you just need to do! And do it head first.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Tuesday Again

 It has been a very busy couple of days. 

Jax at the Plate
Severn, MD
April 18, 2021
Of course, with Chris enjoying beach time in Florida there is more to accomplish around the house--but I seem to have something scheduled for every day and evening.

Last evening, for instance, I enjoyed a great massage to soothe the muscles I abused on Saturday. 

During the afternoon after work, I rode my studio cycle through Switzerland on a 44 minute, 10 mile, uphill ride. Ugh! And this was after working full day. 

Sunday's game with the Severn Seminoles was exciting. Jax had a productive day and it was nice to sit in the warm sun and to enjoy some baseball. 

Important note: Chris is not just enjoying beach time, she has been working hard at planned projects and repairs in our Florida condo. 

Tonight looks to be busy again! At least the time passes quickly.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Friday, May 22, 2020

Daily Status Message

Here is the daily status message--it is raining again. The temperature is 58 chilly degrees and the day's high is expected to be 70 degrees. Every morning when I awaken, I look out the window to see the weather. I am more interested in the weather than enjoying my first cup of coffee. The weather sets the tone for my day. 

The Neighbor's Red Knock-out Roses
Elkridge, MD
May 20, 2020
If it is raining, as it is this morning, I expect slow traffic clogging the roads I travel on my way to work. 

Hopefully the image of my neighbor's roses will brighten the rainy, somewhat gloomy day. Rain and gray skies just make the day feel dreary.

When it is raining, I know that outdoors activities, like this evening's planned Happy Hour with friends, are likely to be curtailed. According to Weather Underground, the rain is supposed to stop about 3 PM--maybe Happy Hour can yet be salvaged.

The Maryland coronavirus Safer at Home Advisory has increased the importance of outdoors activities. Many activities we used to conduct in the house have become outdoors activities, like Happy Hour and this weekend's Memorial Day activities. Before coronavirus we would not think twice about re-hosting these activities into the house. But, while the virus is still raging, people and even family are not comfortable being inside where proper physical distancing cannot be assured. 

We each need to find our coronavirus comfort zone and respect the zones of our friends and family. 

While I cannot stop the rain, I can keep my spirits high and find a way to enjoy the day. It is Friday and a holiday three-day weekend is ahead!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Crashing through the Weekend

Me with Jeremy, Nicole and Patrick
Elkridge, MD
September 26, 2019
We have so much stuff planned this weekend that two days were not enough in which to complete everything and so I stole a day from the workweek and added Monday to make this a three-day weekend!

We are going to be "crazy" busy. 

We have already been busy starting with my birthday on Thursday, followed by Happy Hour with friends last evening. 

Today the GORC Cooperstown Wildcats play a double header in La Plata! At least we get two games because it is over an hour drive with no traffic. That will eat up most of Saturday. But it will be a baseball Saturday--what could be bad about that?

Tomorrow, bright and early probably before dawn, Chris and I head out for NYC with Jax for an overnight. I am taking a day off on Monday so that we can explore NYC and then return at our leisure. 

By the time the weekend is complete, I may be looking forward to getting back to work to get some rest. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, September 8, 2019

It Is Closed

The Water Being Lowered in Advance of Winter
Elkridge, MD
September 7, 2019
Despite the incredibly busy day devoted to the wedding and  a baseball practice, Chris and I managed to get the pool mostly closed. I say mostly because there are a few small items remaining, like talking to motor off the pump and storing it for the winter and getting antifreeze into some of the lines. 
The Pool is Closed and Covered!
Elkridge, MD
September 7, 2019

The pool, which was adorned for a rehearsal night dinner just two nights ago is now covered and ready for a long winter slumber.  The water was crystal clear, the sanitizer balance was perfect--it was sad to close the pool yesterday, but given the upcoming plans we needed to get it done. 

Reflecting on the now ended 2019 pool season, it was one of the best seasons I can remember. I felt as if the weather was perfect for enjoying pool activities and we enjoyed a lot of time in the pool. There is something very special about napping on a floatie in the pool enjoying the gentle seating and drifting. But that is now just another great memory. 

And now onto another busy day in a series of busy days. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Ringing the Year out in Style

With the arrival of great weather yesterday, we took the opportunity to make one last trip out to visit some wineries.

The View from Big Cork Winery
December 29, 2018
It turned out to be a great way to spend the better part of the day and we also discovered another very enjoyable winery in the area. 

Chris and I took decided to drive about an hour away to visit some wineries. We love wine and enjoy going the wineries to taste the wines and talk to the wine makers about their work. Creating good wine is almost like an art form. Yesterday, we started by going to Big Cork Vineyard in Rohrersville, Maryland, to pick up the wines that had waiting there. The winery is is a beautiful part of Maryland. It is very rural, similar to where we grew up in Upstate New York. After retrieving the wine and sampling the current offerings we set off for a winery in the area that we had not yet visited. 

Hiddencroft Vineyard Smoke House
December 29, 2018
The second winery we visited was Hiddencroft Vineyards in Lovettsville, Virginia.  The winery was housed in a late-1700's dairy farm which obviously had been updated. Many of the barns and buildings were original and very interesting. The wines were very nice as well. After sampling the wines, we bought a bottle and sat outside around the fire pit to enjoy some munchies and the wine. The day was surprisingly warm, still cold but warm enough to be comfortable near the raging fire. We met some other people and enjoyed the wine for about 45 minutes before deciding head back home.

The beautiful day turned into a spectacular day of wine and friends and discovery. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

What did you do on Columbus Day?

I had a holiday and a day off from work. It was the completion of my seven-day weekend!

Columbus Day is a Federal holiday and I was able to enjoy a day with reasonably good weather.

Well mostly enjoy. I did waste most of the morning at a doctor's office. I'm shopping for a new doctor! I think I may have found one. Unfortunately I didn't get to see him until 40 minutes after my scheduled 10:20 appointment. As the appointment was in Baltimore, it ate up most of the morning.

After lunch, however, Chris and I hit the links for a quick 9 holes of golf. It was good to get out again and swing the sticks and smack around the little white ball. The course was very wet--the area still has not dried out from the soaking rains. But, we walked and enjoyed playing the course.

Work still needed to be done around the house. So when we got home about 4 PM, I mowed the lawn and put down the winter fertilizer. By 6 PM, it was time for a shower, Happy Hour, and a stunningly good turkey dinner!

It was a day of different activities. 

Great activities to end the holiday weekend.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Watching the Sunrise

Chris and I are on a early-October, last fling of the summer, get-away.

Sunrise over the Lake
October 4, 2018
I did something this morning that I have not been able to do in a long time. I was able to sit on the end of a dock and watch the sunrise over the lake.

It was a bit chilly, but watching the world transition from dark to light is one of the things that I enjoy the most. And sitting in the very edge of a dock over the water with a 180degree view of the sky, and the clouds as the sun begins to light the sky from below the horizon is stunning, especially when there are some clouds to reflect the first rays downward.

The Sun Rises for Another Day
October 4, 2018
The deepest colors are earlier in the dawn, but as time progresses, the sky becomes alive as more of the clouds begin to reflect the light onto the still dark surface.

I love the way that the colors reflect on the waves sending the light directly to my eyes.

It is amazing how quickly the sun pops up over the horizon once it begins, but the anticipation of waiting almost an hour for it to rise is well worth the effort.

I got a bit chilly. I saw the birds wake and begin flying over the lake and squawking at each other to find the perfect place to land.

Another day is at hand.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Sitting by the Pool

The YMCA of Pasadena
September 25, 2018
Sometimes it does not have to be my own pool. Sitting by a pool brings back the feeling of summer, especially on a humid evening after the storms have cleared a bit.

The evening ended in beautiful fashion. The skies cleared a bit and sitting  by the pool at the Y watching Lucas practice was not so bad.  It was an hour away from the noise that complicates life, like traffic. 

Chris and I retrieved Lucas about 4:45 PM for a 5:30 PM practice and made it through traffic, with the help of Waze. During the hour that we were waiting, the skies began to clear a bit and the Sun even made an appearance. 

Today is, however, the cross-over day as the Sun rises at 6:59 AM and sets at 6:59 PM. After today, it is all downhill into the dark season.

Hopefully, the rain for clear soon and we can begin to enjoy outdoors activities again. The almost 80 degree temperatures of yesterday reminded me of a nice summer afternoon. 

And I was sitting by a pool. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Another Perfect Pool Day

Lucas Backstroke
July 14, 2018
The weather continues to be unbelievably awesome and each new day brings another pool opportunity. 

Yesterday revolved around pool time.

Lucas Freestyle
July 14, 2018
In the morning it was off to another swim meet with Lucas swimming. It was fun to watch his competitive spirit in the pool. He swims freestyle and backstroke. He also swam as the anchor for the relay team.

It was an early and fun morning.

The afternoon revolved around lounging on a floatie in the pool enjoying the relatively low humidity and the sunshine.

It was a perfect July Saturday. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Enjoying the Season

And so it is December. 

Lakefront Columbia, MD
December 1, 2017
That, of course, means events and activities. Last evening we were part of two events. We attended a Craft Cocktail Crawl on the waterfront in Columbia and then went into Ellicott City for Midnight Madness.

On the Street Corner - Midnight Madness
Ellicott City, MD
December 1, 2017
It was a beautiful and unseasonably warm evening on the lake. We enjoyed some revelry with our friends and started the weekend off with some unique and creative cocktails. 

Following the enjoyment on the waterfront, it was off to Ellicott City for the Midnight Madness shopping experience. I personally love Midnight Madness because it reminds me of life before shopping malls when people went out into the town to shop. 

The added benefit for Midnight Madness is that many of the stores offer light munchies and beverages. It helps to "make the season bright!"

The shopping can also be fun. I always find interesting things. For instance, the coaster above carrying the witty, and true, statement.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

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