Thursday, December 17, 2015

A Long Time Ago . . .

. . . in a galaxy far, far away--it began.

Well, maybe it was only 38 years ago on a few movie screens across America. It only seemed to be far, far away and that, of course, was the magic of the movie Star Wars

Tonight, the saga continues as the early opening-night showings begin and billions of dollars are spent by movie goers to finally answer the question that was left hanging in 1983 at the end of Return of the Jedi--"so what happened next?"

The epic battle between good and evil continues, finally. The detour through the prequels has been completed and the main story continues.

I have tickets for an evening showing and it will be an incredibly long day as I wait to stand in line to see the movie. 

The hype and the anticipation have given way into reality and I am looking forward to being transported into another place and time. At least for a few hours.

May the Force be with you!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

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