Friday, May 16, 2014

Jonathan Livingston Sea Bat?

Sitting on the deck last evening watching the approaching severe storms, I noticed a couple of bats flying high above us enjoying the stiff breeze.

They were dancing on the breeze and reminded me of the sappy 1970's Neil Diamond composed score for the movie Jonathan Livingston Seagull based upon a book by Richard Bach about a renegade seagull who flies for enjoyment and strives to push the boundaries of flight while finding perfection. 

Why do I remember all of this?

The song that reminded be of the bats last evening was Be

The lyrics go as follows:


On a painted sky
Where the clouds are hung
For the poet's eye
You may find him
If you may find him
On a distant shore
By the wings of dreams
Through an open door
You may know him
If you may

As a page that aches for a word
Which speaks on a theme that is timeless
While the Sun God will make for your day
As a song in search of a voice that is silent
And the one God will make for your way

And we dance
To a whispered voice
Overheard by the soul
Undertook by the heart
And you may know it
If you may know it

While the sand
Would become the stone
Which begat the spark
Turned to living bone
Holy, holy
Sanctus, sanctus

As a page that aches for a word
Which speaks on a theme that is timeless
While the Sun God will make for your day
As a song in search of a voice that is silent
And the one God will make for your way

I don't know why three bats dancing on the winds in the sky reminded me of a sappy seagull and some questionable 70's music, but they did.

I could imagine the seagull dancing on the wind.

Along a warm and sunny beach somewhere, above where I am sitting with a cold drink in my hand.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

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